my poor friend 2


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
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My friend is not due until late February however, the last few weeks she has been suffering from extremely high blood pressure. Unfortuantly her doctor was actually extremely mad with her for getting pregnant in the first place as my friend is quite over weight, I think she must be at least a size 18/20. The doctor advised her that she should of lost a little weight before TTC, as her weight will put major distress on the baby.

To be honest i think my friend just wanted a baby so badly she didnt think of this, and didnt think her weight would be a problem.

Her doctor was not happy at all with her blood pressure and admitted her to hospital 2 days ago, unfortunatly I just got a telephone call an hour ago from her other half telling me the baby was in distress and they have no option but to give her a c section.

So at 1pm today she was away for her c section. Her other half said he would let me know as soon as possible whats happening, but at the moment the hospital are concerned about my friend and her baby.

I honestly never knew your weight is a factor in pregnancy?
im that size and altho ive been told i couldnt have ivf being this big she didnt tell me not to TTC either !
i wouldnt say i look hugley obese either !
i hopethere is good news for your friend
im that size to well i wasnt really when i ttc i was more a size 16 but ive always ended up 18/20 before the pregnancy was over and i never had any complications many women have babies above this size and i dont think her doctors very fair for putting the blame on her as it could happen to anyone and as if she hasnt got enough to worry about.
I was size 16 pre preg and prob an 18 now-I am healthier and fitter than alot of skinny people i know...walk my dog for an hour every day and have done right through my pregnancy!!

I know women who are a lot more overweight than a size 18-20 who have had baby after baby with no problems! The doctors arent fair to put the blame on her :roll:

I hope your friend and her baby are well, keep us posted and best of luck to them all, I am sure they will be fine :hug:
wishing your friend all the best...let us know how she and LO are
I agree with everyones comments, I dont think she looks big to be honest. I know she has put on more weight since becoming pregnant but that is enevitable.

She is also one of those girls that are more bottom heavy than all over (weight residing in her thighs, tums and hips)

I never look at her and think whoooo your massive or that she is overly big - because she isnt!!!!

I know she is bigger than me but I would never have classed her as fat or even obese like what the doctor classed her as.

Like someone already said, my mother is about same size of her and is very fit always out walking but she cant shift the weight.
She had a baby girl Kaitlyn at 2.30pm. Weighing 4lb exactly and she is 9 weeks premature.

Both my friend and baby doing fine, and Kaitlyn will be out of special nursery tomorrow if everything is fine during the night. However hospital said both my friend and ba ba will be in hospital until Wednesday for monitoring and if they are both fine and been no problems they will be allowed home.
Wow, what a good weight for so early, and fantastic news that all is well with them both!!
Bet you cant wait to see them for a cuddle :cheer: :hug:
I know am sooo excited :cheer: , my friend is upset about her weight, but I only weighed 5lb 4oz when i was born and i was 2 weeks late, so i think its actually a really good weight. :D
I know am sooo excited :cheer: , my friend is upset about her weight, but I only weighed 5lb 4oz when i was born and i was 2 weeks late, so i think its actually a really good weight. :D
ahhh congrats to your friend ..hope they both have a good night.
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Sorry your friend had to go throught that how aweful, glad they are both doing fine.

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