My babies name


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2011
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Just wanted peoples opinions on the name I have choose for my baby that are outside the family. I personally love it but have to keep reminding myself that baba will have to live with it for the rest of her life

Amira Leigh Boult

Please be honest if you don't like it :p x
Amira was a character on Eastenders??

Sorry hun, I am not a fan! It is unique though!!

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Amira was a character on Eastenders??

Sorry hun, I am not a fan! It is unique though!!


yh she was but that wasnt where i got her name from i got it from googling names that mean princess and that one stuck out at me wasnt till later i realized guess Im going to get that alot suppose will make a change from everyone asking me if i was named charlene after Kylie in neighbors lol x
I'm not a fan tbh sorry :(
It's a very commonly used name in India and it is nice. I don't like Leigh at all sorry. I've never been a fan of that x
I have 3 friends named Amira, all very lovely, so I like the name quite a lot :)
i was gonna say it sounded Indian too. Which might be a bit odd if your arent indian?

lovley name though
I really like both names :) Xx

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I love the name Amira, I think alot of indian names are really pretty
love it, like people have said an indian name, ive come across a few i like too but not sure if i xcan use them x
I actually really like it, although the first thing that came to mind was Amir Khan lol.
But I put that to one side and I think its a very pretty name x

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Thanks ladies

Yeah I dunno why, but I like the fact that its indian when I told one of my MIL work mates (whos indian) she was in total shock I like the fact it's different and that its from a different culture.

As for the leigh part I felt I had to have a middle name as when you say amira boult out loud it just doesn't sound right but cant think of any other names that go x
Amira is lovely, and yes sounds indian , but also sounds a very pretty name

I have a Briony Leigh and have a short surname Jones, so Leigh worked for us too and I'm biased, I love Tommy Lee Jones films tooo!

I think Amira Hannah Boult sounds nice too
Amira Mia Boult
Amira Sofia Boult
I like it!

I think amira rose or something is a little prettier tho :) xx

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