Mums to be in Havant?

lol, Dom's always whinging that his nails got caught at work and ripped, i just want to yell at him to cut them and then it won't happen! Do you get complaints that the ends of his fingers are sore where he's been biting them?
Hes mentioned it once or twice but didnt get the response he wanted so he doesnt bother any more, I hate him chewing all of the time, drives me mad... lol
Dom just drives me mad :lol: Me and his brother couldn't get him to come upto bed again last night, he eventually came up at about 4am. Not even sure how he manages to sleep so long on the sofa, its not like he's curled into it, he normally has his legs hanging over the edge
I could have sworn I replied to this post, odd...
Anyway, what I thought I replied with was, I would have left him there, I love it when Simon falls asleep downstairs and I can sneak up without waking him, cause then I get the bed to myself lol
And he also can fall asleep in the most uncomfiest of places, I think its a man thing lol
I do leave him there, I've given up arguing lol
Oh look, its after 11pm and guess what??? Someone is asleep on the sofa. Looks like i'm catching a stinky bunny by myself (and then fetching the washing he promised to bring in, myself
Men they are useless lol
We went out for dinner and a film, so have chilled out watching rubbish on telly since we got back... Simon also kept drifting off, typical... lol
At the point that i yelled at the rabbit cos the Sky went down (she just happened to be playing behind the tv at the time - although i can't see any significant chews that would have caused it), he woke up and caught her for me. We went up to bed, but my heartburn is seriously bad tonight, despite actually taking some of my meds to clear it. Got up to go to the loo because i feel like i really need a poo but couldn't go (sorry, way tmi there) and as its quite painful to walk tonight, i asked him to get me some water, he then fell asleep again :lol: He doesn't seem to have noticed that i've been downstairs since 2.30
Hi girls, I used to live in Waterlooville and now live in Whiteley so close to both Portsmouth and Havant!

At the point that i yelled at the rabbit cos the Sky went down (she just happened to be playing behind the tv at the time - although i can't see any significant chews that would have caused it), he woke up and caught her for me. We went up to bed, but my heartburn is seriously bad tonight, despite actually taking some of my meds to clear it. Got up to go to the loo because i feel like i really need a poo but couldn't go (sorry, way tmi there) and as its quite painful to walk tonight, i asked him to get me some water, he then fell asleep again :lol: He doesn't seem to have noticed that i've been downstairs since 2.30

Oh bless ya hun, I know how u feel with the discomfort and the needing a pooh, although I actually cant go, I actually just take my book in there now and sit there for about 30 mins rocking forward and back, but normally end up not being able to go, so a waste of time lol
But as for the acid indigestion, try drinking a glass of milk as well, thats what I have to do, cause my tabs (Omeprazole) dont always work, it doesnt completely go, but does help...
U need to kick Dom in to gear hun... He sounds like a right sod at the mo...
Hi Meggy! Nice to meet you, its nice to see someone else who lives close
At the point that i yelled at the rabbit cos the Sky went down (she just happened to be playing behind the tv at the time - although i can't see any significant chews that would have caused it), he woke up and caught her for me. We went up to bed, but my heartburn is seriously bad tonight, despite actually taking some of my meds to clear it. Got up to go to the loo because i feel like i really need a poo but couldn't go (sorry, way tmi there) and as its quite painful to walk tonight, i asked him to get me some water, he then fell asleep again :lol: He doesn't seem to have noticed that i've been downstairs since 2.30

Oh bless ya hun, I know how u feel with the discomfort and the needing a pooh, although I actually cant go, I actually just take my book in there now and sit there for about 30 mins rocking forward and back, but normally end up not being able to go, so a waste of time lol
But as for the acid indigestion, try drinking a glass of milk as well, thats what I have to do, cause my tabs (Omeprazole) dont always work, it doesnt completely go, but does help...
U need to kick Dom in to gear hun... He sounds like a right sod at the mo...
Nah, he's just tired! I'd be exhausted if i was putting up marquees all day too. I had to take another Omeprazole which worked fairly promptly, my dr said 1 or 2 everyday, and i normally take 1 every few days. We didn't actually have any milk either, none of us really drink it a lot. I did have a bottle of gaviscon, but Dom popped it into the fridge to keep it cool, unfortunately the fridge was too cold and it froze.... lets just say attempting to drink it was a bad plan :lol:
Nik, u should be just as tired if not more, seeing as ur growing a little u inside ur tummy, its not an easy job...
Also the Omeprazole, I HAVE to take 1 EVERY day without fail, otherwise Im in agony, and once to twice a week I have to take 2... I need to go see the Dr actually cause Im gonna run out just before baby is due, but the receptionist at my Drs are useless, they say Im not due them so wont do the Prescription for me, like its down to them... lol Also, my prescription says 1 a day so it never works out right with the doubling up, but the Dr keeps forgetting to update my records, arse lol
Meggy, it is good to know there's other people out there going through the same thing isnt it, not many of us would get through certain things without each other. My MW always seems to be on holiday this pregnancy so havent been able to turn to her for much really...
Be good to get to know u...
Siany, make up some excuse about why you need to go. Got a new pack here (well will when i go pick it up, so if you get desperate, give me a shout. I'm actually not that tired, i've never needed masses of sleep, the last few days i've been going to bed, but by half 2 i'm back downstairs cos i can't sleep. This morning i made it back to bed at 5am, usually i end up sleeping in a bit though. He did get up this morning and put all the washing away, tidied the kitchen and then went and got me breakfast in bed (he had to go to Tesco to buy it first), so he's not all bad.

Meggy, how do you find Whitely? I've only ever been over to go shopping but it seems like quite a nice area
Aww thanx hun, I run out all of the time, cause they never get my prescription done in time, last time I put it in over a week (2 weekends and Mon-Fri) before I needed them, and still they didnt get it done til I was out of them.... :wall2:
Im tired constantly, especially today, but I was pre pregnancy too lol. I had really bad head and calf muscle cramps all night, so walking like John Wayne today and shattered... Ive been lucky this pregnancy tho, as suffered constantly with leg cramps with my first, but this one Ive only had them 2 nights so far...
Simon cooked me breakfast this morning too, bless them, they do try... lol
That was nice of him, i'm surprised Dom went, i wanted potato cakes, it took me awhile to convince him they even existed and i wasn't just trying to wind him up :lol: I think he thinks they're a craving, cos he bought 3 packs so he doesn't have to go again for awhile. He's better at weekends, its just when he's been working that he gets over tired.

I've had some awful surgeries before, but i'm really lucky with Southbourne, or at least some of the doctors there. I rang at 27 weeks to say i couldn't breathe properly, was it ok to use my inhaler? The receptionist tried to convince me to go in, but i was happy just for confirmation it was ok. Dr rang, left a message and asked me to go in and see her if the inhalers didn't work. So when i rang, another receptionist refused to allow me to see her, apparently she was on holiday. Got booked in with the nurse, who had to go fetch the same dr who'd rung me and was clearly not on holiday! She asked the nurse to get blood for emergency tests, but she couldn't, they have a nurse who just does blood and even though it was her finish time, she hung around anyway just in case as i'm difficult to get blood from. Usually can't fault the doctors/nurses, just the stupid busy body receptionists
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