Mums to be in Havant?

Oh thanx hun, will call them first thing on Monday, I'll book in if they have the space, and if baby decides to turn up early, then I can cancel...
I had a pool birth with my first but had to get just at the end as their hot water stopped working, and the water got too cold.... Was so gutted, as I really enjoyed my time in it lol
Fingers crossed it doesn't happen this time so you can use it again! I'm not sure i want to give birth in the water but i'm certain i want to be in there for pain relief up until that point
I loved it in there, dont think I could have got through it all without going in there, it was like a ton weight was lifted from me as soon as I stepped in there... I was gutted when I had to get out, but I dont want to stay in for the placenta bit, Want to be out at that point...
I don't blame you, i've seen what colour the water goes on programmes like One Born Every Minute, plus a poo strainer was mentioned in Cherry has a Baby, totally put me off
Thats the main reason I dont wanna stay in for that bit, dont wanna be sat in that, ewww lol
Im not too bothered about the pooh part, they experience it all of the time so if it happens it happens... nothing much we can do about that lol
I just don't want it floating around me, and i'm mortally embarrassed at the idea that someone will have to fish it out
If it was a floater, I wont mind, but if it was runny, oh my word, that would be embarrassing and gross... lol
My friend said she drank castor oil (is that the right name?) and pure orange juice to help bring on her labours and apparently it gave her the runs, sod that lol But apparently if u have a bad tummy it can help bring on labour cause of the muscle spasms can cause contractions, something like that anyway... lol Ive just started drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea, supposed to help, from 32 weeks onwards.....
I was looking for a friend of mine a few weeks ago, and i read that castor oil is supposedly effective but isn't recommended because of the runny poo, especially as it can cause the baby to get it too. Don't know how accurate it is though. What does raspberry tea taste like?

Whilst reading, i discovered that nipple stimulation can help bring it on, so i've been using my electric breast pump to give it a go, thought it might mean i get used to it cos it feels abit weird at first (plus, i will admit to wanting to try it out on the OH as punishment for yet again falling asleep on the sofa/me and being grumpy when i woke him to move him)

Also, was reading the Daily Mail the other day and they recon that some research suggests that your body releases oxytocin, that lovely hormone involved in labour, when you cuddle/touch your loved ones as well as sex and stoke beloved pets. So for the next few weeks, i'm going to spend my days paying lots of attention, or as much as she'll let me, on my bunny and my evenings snuggled up to my OH
I wouldnt want to do the castor oil one for the runs side of it and like u say, effecting baby....

As for the nipple thing, I cant stand my nipples being touched, well not sexually... lol But may have to try it for bringing on baby... lol

Using the pump, does that not cause some milk to come out, or is it just because I have breast fed before, only, I only have to squeeze my nipples and stuff comes out lol

I also will be giving my cat, little girl and fiance lots of cuddles/attention if its gonna help.... lol

I actually dont want to make it happen early as such, its just this torn muscle, its so so painful, not sure I can put with it til B'day...

Oh and as for the Raspberry Leaf Tea, its not the fruit flavoured teas but actual Raspberry LEAF Tea, some shops wont sell it to u if ur pregnant, cause if ur in early stages, its dangerous... but its tasteless, so u need to add honey or sugar (I add 1.5 teaspoons of honey). Anyway, have a read up on it, its about getting ur cervix ready etc, but not much research has been done...
Siany1982 (Essay over lol)
Might give the tea a try. Not a fan of fruit teas but if its just the leaves and tasteless, maybe i could add some squash or something. I have a little bit of milk leakage from doing it, but it seems to be quite normal to leak fluid. Its one of those things some women do and some don't. I was quite disappointed that all i've had in 36 weeks is a couple of little drops Thursday night :lol:
How is the muscle doing btw? When i stand up, especially when its warm, my blood pressure drops fairly low and i get really dizzy, so i know what you mean about wanting it over, i'd happily have her tomorrow if it meant that stopped! Although really, i'd like her to arrive 1 day late as i have Lee Evans tickets for her due date
Well my opinion and thats all it is, is to stop pumping, cause u want baby to get those few first drops as they are the best bit, they have all the antibodies in that baby needs, its the off colour bit called Colostrum (u probably already know this but thought Id say just in case)... Also Ive found the people (including myself) that use pumps end up producing too much milk. Basically, ur boobs/body will produce the exact amount that ur baby needs, when baby feeds, boobs/body produce the amount needed, the more u pump the more u'll produce, and if ur not needing that amount, and, or using that amount, it can get very uncomfy, and can lead to mastitus as I found out last time..... (sorry if that didnt make much sense, it was hard to explain)
How is the muscle doing btw? When i stand up, especially when its warm, my blood pressure drops fairly low and i get really dizzy, so i know what you mean about wanting it over, i'd happily have her tomorrow if it meant that stopped! Although really, i'd like her to arrive 1 day late as i have Lee Evans tickets for her due date

The muscle is agony, having to take regular paracetamol and some Ibuprofen, with MW said I could take, thank god..... Cant sit up, stand, walk about, laugh, cough or sneeze without it hurting like mad...
I have a low BP too, so I know what u mean about the dizziness, also have a weird heart rhthym so that doesnt help the giddiness lol (god my spelling was terrible there, I think lol)
Lee Evans tickets, ur so so lucky, I wanted to to go see him, but forgot to get tickets, where are u seeing him?
Well my opinion and thats all it is, is to stop pumping, cause u want baby to get those few first drops as they are the best bit, they have all the antibodies in that baby needs, its the off colour bit called Colostrum (u probably already know this but thought Id say just in case)... Also Ive found the people (including myself) that use pumps end up producing too much milk. Basically, ur boobs/body will produce the exact amount that ur baby needs, when baby feeds, boobs/body produce the amount needed, the more u pump the more u'll produce, and if ur not needing that amount, and, or using that amount, it can get very uncomfy, and can lead to mastitus as I found out last time..... (sorry if that didnt make much sense, it was hard to explain)

I was worried about not having enough so i spent hours looking on babycenter and it seems that you can't run out of colostrum. There was a lot about your body continuing to produce it until the hormone levels are right for you start to produce proper milk, afterall some women leak loads from early pregnancy and others none at all. I also don't mind over producing. I plan to donate any excess breast milk, providing i pass the screening and get on with breastfeeding, to babies in intensive care units. Southampton General is our nearest place for doing so and its apparently really expensive for them to buy in. Very prem babies can't tolerate formula and as mum's who've had very early births or traumatic births don't always produce milk, the hospitals often run out.

How is the muscle doing btw? When i stand up, especially when its warm, my blood pressure drops fairly low and i get really dizzy, so i know what you mean about wanting it over, i'd happily have her tomorrow if it meant that stopped! Although really, i'd like her to arrive 1 day late as i have Lee Evans tickets for her due date

The muscle is agony, having to take regular paracetamol and some Ibuprofen, with MW said I could take, thank god..... Cant sit up, stand, walk about, laugh, cough or sneeze without it hurting like mad...
I have a low BP too, so I know what u mean about the dizziness, also have a weird heart rhthym so that doesnt help the giddiness lol (god my spelling was terrible there, I think lol)
Lee Evans tickets, ur so so lucky, I wanted to to go see him, but forgot to get tickets, where are u seeing him?
Poor you, that sounds like no fun at all! I have SPD so i've had trouble walking, standing up from sitting and rolling over in bed, but i've just grinned (moaned) and bared it, whilst trying to avoid painkillers.

We're seeing Lee in Bournemouth, providing i'm not in labour/just had a baby. I had tickets for him at the O2 a few years ago and it was amazing!
Thats good to know about the colostrum thing, I didnt know that...
Id love to donate milk but Im pretty sure I couldnt for 2 reasons, I struggled with breastfeeding Fae, bleeding cracked nipples made my milk dry up, well the stress it caused... And Im not sure on the rules of tattoo's???? I had one just before falling pregnant, I know I cant donate blood for about a year??? Good on u tho if u do it, I think its an amazing thing to do... Just dont put urself under extra stress...
As for Lee Evans, Im green with envy... lol Id love to go see him, never have... How much were ur tickets, if u dont mind me asking?
I think they were £35, i bought them way before i got pregnant! The O2 tour was supposed to be his last ever, but he's done another, so they'll prob be more in the future!

Not sure on the tattoos, i have one done about a year before i got pregnant so i should be in the clear before. When i spoke to the people who deal with it, they said they like you to be established at feeding for at least 6 weeks if not longer before you start donating, to give your supply a chance to stabalise, plus know whether you're getting on ok with it as its not for everyone. If you think about it, if you include those 6 weeks into the 40 you've been pregnant for, you aren't far off a year!
Yeah thats true, and it was a couple of months before I fell pregnant that I had it done, so should be fine... I'll see how the breastfeeding goes and maybe consider it, it sounds like a really great thing to do tho...
I'd heard of it before, but hadn't really thought about it and then i saw a BBC documentary on breast feeding it was mentioned then, and i decided i'd like to investigate. My OH isn't keen, purely because he was hoping that i wouldn't breastfeed forever so he could have my boobies back :lol:

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