The problem was, he was drunk! He was having a last blow out before the baby arrives, as he's decided he's not drinking anymore now until after she's here. I was a bit upset but i'm not too bothered, i spent the whole of the following day in tears over various stupid things, so i think some of my hormones were on the rampage. I do understand why he falls asleep in the evening, he usually works from either 5 or 6am right up until often 7/8pm, sometimes even later. He also quite often doesn't get time off, so he is exhausted, its just annoying for me.
I also need a lot less sleep than him, even though i'm pregnant! He will have nodded off by 10 tonight, having been up since 5.30. I've been up since 6, and it'll be around 12 to 1am before i need to sleep. Even the rolling on me thing in the night isn't like him. He never did it, although the talking in his sleep isn't new, but ever since we found out i'm pregnant, he's been extra cuddly and close at night, without even realising he is. I think i get woken up when he comes up because i'm a lighter sleeper, i wake so many times in the night to roll over that the slightest thing wakes me, once he sees i'm awake, he has to say something. I haven't had a full nights sleep in the last 28 weeks