Mums to be in Havant?

Ive heard of it before but thought it was something our mums and nans did, didnt realise they still did it... If I can, I will, I think its great think to do... And as for the OH, I hate my boobs being touched anyway, so it wouldnt be a problem for us lol
My OH has had 30 weeks so far to adjust to my boobs being extra sensitive and not liking them being touched, but yet somehow he's missed it! The same as he's not quite sussed that he can't keep lying on me cos its really uncomfortable and hurts :lol:
Yeah it definitely is time for being experimental in the bedroom now lol I actually dont feel like it at all really, baby is too active, if I could just for once get into bed and have a non active baby, I may just follow it through and have a bit of fun with the fiance, but the thought of having sex whilst baby is moving all over the show, just doesnt seem right... Then when babies born, it will be just as weird cause baby will be in our room lol Sex is a long gone memory for now lol
Yeah, my other half isn't getting it, the last two times we've had to stop cos my pelvis is way too painful and the day he asked me to help him out, i got so squeamish i threw up after :lol: He just in general lies or leans on me. I've lost count how many times he's fallen asleep on my lap or stood behind me and rested his arms on my shoulders!
Cheeky sod, I wouldnt put up with that, lol
I actually cant remember the last time we had sex, or even had a bit of a fumble, sad or what... lol
I do remember, but only because i was desperate and woke him up, only for him to realise halfway through that i was in so much pain with everything that he might as well not bother :lol: so, i sent him to the car for my handbag instead, at 3am.

I wish i could get him to stop sleeping on me, we argue practically every single night about it. I do understand that he has a physical job that starts early and works him hard, but why is it that every night he sits down and starts to nod off so i tell him to go upto bed and he says "but i want to be with you" before landing on me and actually falling asleep? I have to continually prod, poke, yell etc to get him to go to bed to be usually grumpily told "2 seconds" or "theres no need to be like that with me" he rarely moves. The worst thing is, he talks in his sleep so sometimes his replies don't make sense (nor does he remember them) The other week, he was pushing on my hips which really hurt plus i was desperate for the loo, after ages of kicking him (only part of me that could move and reach him) he went "stop kicking me" so i replied that he was hurting me and he needed to move. His response was "i'm up a tree"
Oh my word, do we have the same partner lol Mine is exactly the same, they are so bloody irritating...
"Go to bed"
"But i want to be with u"
"Why bother ur asleep most of the time so whats the point"
"No Im not, Im awake"
"No ur not, ur asleep"
But they just wont admit it...
Surely it should be u laying on him, not the other way around....
I knew that's why he's always late home! :lol: They are hopeless! The other week he was really off with some of his guys and told them its because i'd have a rough night and had kept him awake! One of them snitched on him and told me, so i explained to him why i had a really rough night - because he kept rolling on me!! I've had is so that he's woken up complaining that he's too hot, to which i've just laughed and said "stop rolling yourself up in the duvet like a sausage roll, and maybe you won't be so hot"
Would love to see them cope with being heavily pregnant and trying to sleep, and thats without all of the niggles and pain we go through in the day time... If my OH is keeping me up he's pretty good at sleeping on the sofa or my daughters bed if shes not here, to let me get some sleep...
Mine is awful! I actually managed to convince him to go to bed instead of sleeping on me the other day, so when i went up, he'd passed out diagonally across the bed! His brother tells me that when he went up, he was starfished across the bed. I ended up on the sofa for a few hours! If he starts off on the sofa, then he comes to join me in the early hours of the morning, usually waking me up to talk to me!

I've told him that if he doesn't start being nicer, then i'm going to hit him in the crotch with a baseball bat and make him wear a backpack with a stones worth of stuff in across his front so he can see how he likes it. He normally tells me theres a can of man-up in the fridge.
What a shit bag, Id kick out of the bedroom, I love my sleep far too much and getting far too less of it to have my OH keeping me up even more... lol
He does sound a little selfish tho hun, think u may need to have a little chat with him...
The problem was, he was drunk! He was having a last blow out before the baby arrives, as he's decided he's not drinking anymore now until after she's here. I was a bit upset but i'm not too bothered, i spent the whole of the following day in tears over various stupid things, so i think some of my hormones were on the rampage. I do understand why he falls asleep in the evening, he usually works from either 5 or 6am right up until often 7/8pm, sometimes even later. He also quite often doesn't get time off, so he is exhausted, its just annoying for me.

I also need a lot less sleep than him, even though i'm pregnant! He will have nodded off by 10 tonight, having been up since 5.30. I've been up since 6, and it'll be around 12 to 1am before i need to sleep. Even the rolling on me thing in the night isn't like him. He never did it, although the talking in his sleep isn't new, but ever since we found out i'm pregnant, he's been extra cuddly and close at night, without even realising he is. I think i get woken up when he comes up because i'm a lighter sleeper, i wake so many times in the night to roll over that the slightest thing wakes me, once he sees i'm awake, he has to say something. I haven't had a full nights sleep in the last 28 weeks
I really feel for u hun, Id end up losing it with my OH, in fact I have and do most days... lol
My OH doesnt drink now, hes been sober with me throught out my pregnancy, which has been really helpful, as I loved a drink before being pregnant, hence my major weight loss lol Still 2 lbs lighter now then I was when I fell pregnant...
My OH did actually go out and get drunk this Saturday, 1st time since me falling pregnant, cause my brother was out wetting his babies head and invited him along, he was home by about 11.30, and was pretty hung over yesterday, bless him... lol
I do lose it with him, just generally after he's fallen asleep :lol: Before i met my OH, he was out drinking most nights but he's stopped since we got together. I don't really drink, i'm usually the one driving. It doesn't bother me if he does drink, its his choice to be sober from now on, because he wants to be able to drive me to the hospital himself.

I have gotten back on him when he falls asleep on me, last week i put skittles on his face and let the rabbit climb on him to eat them. She loves skittles and knocked one off, she spent good half an hour clambering on him, sitting on his face (she's moulting, nice) and licking in his ear trying to find the skittle. He was so confused and was getting really frustrated, but it kept me entertained
That sounds hilarious, u should have filmed it and u tube'd it.... Or Facebook'd it or both lol....
Me and my OH Simon, used to drink every weekend, me more so then him, so its been good for us both...
I might have stuck a photo on facebook, which didn't go down well as all the guys at work saw it before he did


He was waking up long enough to put her on the floor, but no sooner had he put his arms down again, she was back. I thought i was going to die laughing!!

Dom, my OH, goes to the pub with his work mates most Fridays for a couple depending on how late they finish, but now he's got his driving licence, he mostly drives himself so he doesn't drink. For the most part he prefers to drive now
Oh thats brilliant, that really made me laugh... I showed Simon and said thats a warning to him... lol We have gerbils imagine where they could end up lol
If ur on Facebook, feel free to add me Sian Marie Edyvane, pretty sure Im the only one on there with that name lol
And according to fb, you aren't there at all! :lol: Have a look for me, i'm Nikki Osgood-Crews, like you, probably the only one there.

Don't mention gerbils! I have a clip on my phone of some guys reading out a news article about gerbils/hamsters and gay men :lol:
Eww gross, I can imagine, :sick:
Why am I not on Facebook, thats odd... Im definitely on there as Sian Marie Edyvane...
I will search u now...
It might be your privacy settings, mine should allow you to find me

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