Msg from Tracey - all read please! *UPDATE PAGE 2 *

Have you got his mates mobile number? You should text him about how he says you deserve it and hope he replies about it... they you have definitley got him too!
tracey 2 said:
thank you all guys

Yvonne- i know exactly what you mean thank you

Anyway had a call from the police today, he denied it all and got his mate to be a witness that he was with him which has really made me angry now :x

There isnt much else the police can do they are going to check cctv tapes and try and ask around for witnesses but you know what im not going to stress myself out anymore with this i have got this baby inside to think of not him :|

Hopefully he has got the message i dont want him around anymore as iv not heard anything from him which is good, you know what at some point i really loved him and know look what he has turned out like :o

Sorry guys rant over now, but thank you for all your support :hug: :hug:

thats what damien did wen i called police
his mate denied it all and sed i was hitting himLOL LOL LOL

the police gave him a caution anyway
Good luck with the police today! I really hope they accept the mobile as evidence (I'm sure they will). And then they can tell him off for lying to the police, too.
omg Tracey, im so sorry uv been put thru that crap by him!!!
what kinda bloke hits a pregnant woman!!!!!!! :x

i hope he gets charged, terrible thing to happen to u :hug: :hug: :hug:
hi all

just thought id better update on here, well took my phone to police this morning and was down there for a while they called him back in and have charged him im not sure what his responce was or whether he admited it but he has been charged il find all out in the morning :cheer:

Im quite happy now, i can start to put this behind me now hopefully :hug:
Brilliant news!! Do everything you can to make sure he gets the book thrown at him!

Go on Tracey!
Well done hun :hug: They will have to throw the book at him now (if not I will gladly do it!)
oh i will do guys and thank you so so much for all your support i really do appreciate it guys.

so glad hun its brill news, any more contact and just go straight to the police dont evan entertain a conversation with him :hug: :hug:
Just checking in to see how it went today, I am so pleased they have charged him, well done you :cheer: :cheer:

Keep strong, and dont let him EVER get to you again. The loser xxxx
Yay!!!!!! You know nowadays they often don't charge people unless they're certain a prosecution will succeed- it's a moneysaving thing for the CPS. So I think they are pretty sure of a conviction :)

Although as others say he probably won't have a prison sentence if it's a first offence. But it will be on his record etc and he will be punished :)
tracey 2 said:
hi all

just thought id better update on here, well took my phone to police this morning and was down there for a while they called him back in and have charged him im not sure what his responce was or whether he admited it but he has been charged il find all out in the morning :cheer:

Im quite happy now, i can start to put this behind me now hopefully :hug:

Excellent news. The police do take domestic violence seriously.
Thats fantastic news :cheer: .

I'm so glad they charged him, like already said they don't do that unless they have think they have enough to get a prosecution.

Chances are he proberly admitted it once the police asked him about the text messages, what else could he really say about them.

The arse deserves it, have they spoke to his mate again do you know?

thanks guys

suz- iv been speaking to the police today, and they have taken his mate in and charged him with wasting police time and lying etc.

My ex has confessed it all now its going to court they said it will proberly be community service or something but i dont really care i have a retraining order against him so if he comes near they will take him back in yay :cheer:

he deserves it :hug:
thats great news Tracey, take care of yourself and bubba xxxxxx
glad you got justice!! xxxxxxx
tracey 2 said:
thanks guys

suz- iv been speaking to the police today, and they have taken his mate in and charged him with wasting police time and lying etc.

My ex has confessed it all now its going to court they said it will proberly be community service or something but i dont really care i have a retraining order against him so if he comes near they will take him back in yay :cheer:

he deserves it :hug:

So glad to hear it!

Good for you hun, well done.

Well done Tracey...glad him and his mate are been charged

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