Msg from Tracey - all read please! *UPDATE PAGE 2 *

That's absolutely appalling! His apologies come from his fear that you're going to report him - take absolutely no notice of them. They are not genuine, I'm sure of that. (I know whereof I speak, we had to take my Dad to court over a similar issue). Really hope you've got loving folk around you to support you through this.
The police will do something - budge I think it was wrong to say that and make tracey feel like there is no support there - they take all violence issues seriously. You're doing the right thing reporting it. Apologies and him feeling guilty are all well and good but at the end of the day he has to learn never to react in that way no matter how angry or upset he is over something. :hug:
Good luck with the police tracy, He deserves everything he gets. Hope you areok?


Tracey just txt me, shes back from the police station, they took a statment and some photos, shes going to press charges so they are going to go pick him up, they did say if he denied it then its his word aginst hers, but she has injuries and shse going to see if ne1 saw it.

Good luck trace x x x x
im so sorry u have had to go through this tracey. you r right going to the police. in my experience for a first offence he will get a caution, however it will stay on file incase he does it to anyone else again. if he denies it he will get more than a caution. you have done the right thing. take it easy for a few days hun and i hope you feel ok.

Just read this Tracey- hope the police get something sorted :hug:
I can't believe poor Tracey has had to go through have had such a tough year, you deserve bucket fulls of happiness!!! I am glad you reported him, that was a really smart move, it was completely unacceptable. I hope you're ok honey!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
good luck Tracy hunny hope they lock him up and throw away the key :hug:
That is so out of order. Just because you are having another baby it doesn't mean you are trying to replace the babies that you sadly lost. At the end of the day you are entitled to happiness and if having a baby is going to make you happy then who the hell is he to try and stop you. I would report him straight away as no man should hit a woman especially a pregnant one.
I hopr you're okay. You're doing the right thing, good luck with everything. :hug:
Trac Iv just read this babes i hope your ok hun, im glad youve gone to the police though and pressing charges. Im on msn if you can ever get on and need a chat :hug:
You deserve buckets of respect for going to the police and actually telling people about this so quickly, nipping it in the bud now and letting him know you will NOT tolerate that is absolutely the right thing to do, but a lot of other people (myself included in the past) would just hope it was a one off and do nothing until it escalates out of control.

How any man could hit a pregnant woman, has always been beyond my understanding, what a complete and utter coward of a silly little man he is!

Take care of your self babes and dont let it stress you out too much :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Well done for going to the deserve so much more
Tracey, i have texted you, but i'm so f**kin shocked, good on you for reporting the scumbag, dont let the ******* get away with it. I so hope you are ok xx
Hope your okay hun. Well done for reporting him hope he gets what he deserves :hug: :hug:
is he the father of this little bean? I just think he needs locked up I can't believe he would do that, baby or no baby :twisted:
missac- no its not this babies father im with someone new it was carries father who hit me.

Thanks everyone have managed to get on here for a few mins, im stil in a lot of pain my face looks worse now but its all bruising thats coming out.

The police took him in earlier for questionning and will contact me when they know what will be happening, i just cant let him get away with this, as much as he is hurting of carrie, i am too but im not going around hitting him

Just really wanna cry but need to be strong :hug:
You stay strong Tracey, he is an absolute arsehole, you are right he may be grieveing but that doesn't give him a liscense to hit anyone especially not you!

Lots of Love :hug: :hug:

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