Im finding things so hard atm. Leahs really ill, has a chest infection, cold n conjunctvitis (sp) took her to docs today n they said that it was quite bad and they gave her antib's and said that if they didnt kick in then come back in 48 hours n they will reassess her, poss take her to hospital n get an xray to make sure its not in the lungs
My poor baby is just so flat, gone off her solids n just not herself but she still manages to smile for me
i feel so bad.
Anyway the doc said that she defo should not go to nursery today and to stay at home - i was argh, as we're short staffed at work, the head nurse doesnt understand that i have a baby n sumtimes i will need to take the day off to look after her, gets arsey with me if i leave on time as i need to pick leah up from nursery n if im late i get charged - which i cant afford
So i rang her up n said that im tryin to find sumone to look after leah but am struggling to find someone. None of robs family can as they all work, rob wont
my family cant help either, agian most of them at work, dads working away. So i said im now ringin my friends to see if they will have her - she really wasnt impressed that i couldnt find ne1 and aske if my brother could have her (my brothers wife just gave birth 9 wks prem) so i said erm no, hes rushin bk n forth to the hospital and he has his other little girl to look after. So i said id ring her bk n let her know.
Iv rung my aunt, my mums friend - whos a child minders (shes fully booked) asked my neighbours and no1 can. I have literally tried EVERYONE. So again i rang work n explained, she made me feel really bad and said that my work had slipped n they wanted to talk to me about it when im next in
Im not being funny but NO im not coping very well n yes my work has slipped but Im heart broken about rob, im a single mum, have harldy any support from rob, am SOOO tired as leah isnt sleeping and i have to be at work for 7am, so am up at 5 getting leahs bag ready for nursery etc. Theres a fecking moody arse vet at work who talks to me like im abit of crap, n pushs me out the way n always corrects me when im not doing sumthing HER way n it really pisses me off.Iv been putting on a brave face for soo long but now im starting to crack, And i think anyone that could cope with all of that must be superwoman!!!
So im sat here in tears cos i cant cope, i feel bad that leahs ill, i cant seem to get her better, I REALLY dont give a stuff bout work atm - i have so many other things to think about.
I just hope that when this 'nurse' have a baby she'l realise how bloody hard it is, to work full time n have a baby!!!
Sorry my rant over, but needed to vent off as am very

Anyway the doc said that she defo should not go to nursery today and to stay at home - i was argh, as we're short staffed at work, the head nurse doesnt understand that i have a baby n sumtimes i will need to take the day off to look after her, gets arsey with me if i leave on time as i need to pick leah up from nursery n if im late i get charged - which i cant afford

So i rang her up n said that im tryin to find sumone to look after leah but am struggling to find someone. None of robs family can as they all work, rob wont

Iv rung my aunt, my mums friend - whos a child minders (shes fully booked) asked my neighbours and no1 can. I have literally tried EVERYONE. So again i rang work n explained, she made me feel really bad and said that my work had slipped n they wanted to talk to me about it when im next in

Im not being funny but NO im not coping very well n yes my work has slipped but Im heart broken about rob, im a single mum, have harldy any support from rob, am SOOO tired as leah isnt sleeping and i have to be at work for 7am, so am up at 5 getting leahs bag ready for nursery etc. Theres a fecking moody arse vet at work who talks to me like im abit of crap, n pushs me out the way n always corrects me when im not doing sumthing HER way n it really pisses me off.Iv been putting on a brave face for soo long but now im starting to crack, And i think anyone that could cope with all of that must be superwoman!!!
So im sat here in tears cos i cant cope, i feel bad that leahs ill, i cant seem to get her better, I REALLY dont give a stuff bout work atm - i have so many other things to think about.
I just hope that when this 'nurse' have a baby she'l realise how bloody hard it is, to work full time n have a baby!!!
Sorry my rant over, but needed to vent off as am very