Msg from Tracey - all read please! *UPDATE PAGE 2 *

me too hun. The police will get in contact with me hopefully soon and will let you all know what is happening :hug:
You have done the right thing hun going to the police... he sounds like he's nothin but a bully :x :x :x

I hope he gets all he deserves

Stay strong hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well done for reporting him Tracey, what an absolute @rse! :evil:
its ok budge - i laughed when i saw your post earlier, first thing that has made me smile today (hope that didnt come out wrong)

If the police hadnt done anything, then i would have contacted you or someone to give him a taste of his own medicine :rotfl: (only joking wouldnt really)

:x no excuse is good enough for hitting a woman :x Missing Carrie-Ann is not a reason either... Tracey, you know how we spoke about things happen for a reason? and although there is no comfort in what i am about to say here i believe that this guy (not man) is better of out your life, and that your precious little angels are better off not knowing their father is such a beast.

You have a new life now. He is getting a strong message from you that he is out of your life and not part of this family now growing inside you.

You love your babies and NO-ONE can take that from you. Your not Replacing them, your making more, adding to your family. I have children growing in heaven and on earth, they are all mine. Two different dads also but still loved equally by me. I just get to show the one's here how much i love them physically.

You Ex can grieve in his own way for the Family he has lost and doesn't Deserve anyway.

You stay strong, no matter what happens with the police, keep yourself safe.... ok! Get a restraining order at the very least.

And i know i don't need to tell you this, but EVERYONE knows how much you love and miss the girls.. so don't threat doll... be strong, safe and well, Lv Yvonne xx :hug:

aww hun i am so sorry , i hope he does get charged guys like this have no excuse for it. Wish you all the best hun :hug:
aww tracey, I haven't been on all weekend and have only just seen this. Sent you a Pm hun :hug:
thank you all guys

Yvonne- i know exactly what you mean thank you

Anyway had a call from the police today, he denied it all and got his mate to be a witness that he was with him which has really made me angry now :x

There isnt much else the police can do they are going to check cctv tapes and try and ask around for witnesses but you know what im not going to stress myself out anymore with this i have got this baby inside to think of not him :|

Hopefully he has got the message i dont want him around anymore as iv not heard anything from him which is good, you know what at some point i really loved him and know look what he has turned out like :o

Sorry guys rant over now, but thank you for all your support :hug: :hug:
Go and see his mate! show him your face! What kind of bloke would defend a guy who hit a woman? Failing that record a conversation with your ex when he's apologising for what he did then take THAT to the police.


:hug: Hope you're OK though.
oh his mate has seen me when my ex got taken in he said i deserved it (im starting to think i do). :cry:

Im not going anywhere near him but if he does apologise again will make sure its taken down to use, hopefully he is found out he is lying and will get done for assult and attempting to lie to police :x
I was going to say the same as Urchin, have you still got the text messages apoligising?

OMG yes i have hun i really didnt think bout that! The most simplest of things the police would do something wouldnt they?

This is what one of them says

"really sorry for what i done babe, i was upset that you can get over it so quickly, anyway hope your face is ok, ring if you want me and maybe we can talk please"

there are a couple others just saying sorry
That sounds detailed enough. Take your phone to the police ASAP.
Sweetie, please be careful if he tries to talk you round.

I myself stayed with a sh** for ten years who mentally abused me, though to begin with in a very subtle way. The last two years of the marriage things became a lot lot worse. I called the police a number of times and on the 3rd time he was arrested. The 4th time I asked for a police escort, took most of my belongings and left, I have never looked back.

I am thinking of you hun, bruises on the outside heal, but on the inside they can scar for a very long time. You do NOT deserve this treatment!

A huge (((HUG))) to you xxxxx
tracey 2 said:
OMG yes i have hun i really didnt think bout that! The most simplest of things the police would do something wouldnt they?

This is what one of them says

"really sorry for what i done babe, i was upset that you can get over it so quickly, anyway hope your face is ok, ring if you want me and maybe we can talk please"

there are a couple others just saying sorry

Defo. get to the police station asap showing them the messages, don't let your phone out of sight either incase he twigs & trys to steal it to cover up the evidence.

hi all

Just spoken to police and they said to bring phone in first thing and they will look they sounded really positive but didnt say a lot so im going down there first thing and hopefully something can be done :hug:
Sorry I havent been on for a while, and just catching up-I am so shocked and disgusted by this pathetic excuse of a man...your picture text of your damaged face made me dare he do this to you. DONT you ever think you deserve this Trace-you DO NOT!! Be strong for your little baby, and your angels know how much you miss them, they are watching over you and their new brother or sister remember, so they will keep you strong.

Good luck with police tomorrow, will be on for updates xxxxxx
Good luck with the police hun. Let us know how it goes :hug:
Oh BRILLIANT I really hope they can get him with this and is mate too... he sounds like a right bar steward.
Tracey you did NOTHING wrong! Don't EVER think you may have done anything to deserve something like this!

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