Morning sickness remedies


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2016
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Well I'm literally just into my 7th week and from the 6th week I feel nauseous from the moment I open eyes till the time I close them. I also have severe Stimach cramps which have been going on for a week now - th kind you get with a tummy bug .

I could probably cope if I was at home all day however I work 5 days a week.

Any ladies with previous experience and remedies that might work ?

I've gone completely off tea and coffee chiocolate and sweets ( not a bad thing ) which I normally love and have leaned toward meats and proteins such as sausage , burgers , bacon and beef steak and roast chicken .

I feel ill all day but may only vomit on 1-2 occasions - usually before 11 am

I love that I'm pregnant but hate feelin awful :(
I do eat fruits and veg when I can stomach them.
I had awful sickness with my last pregnancy as it was twins. I lived on mash potatoes and rich tea biscuits until I discovered dear bands sickness bracelets at 15 weeks and it stopped almost immediately and I was being sick constantly. It's awful the sickness really dehabilitating xxx
I've read about sea bands and other acupressure bands. The issue is I work in healthcare and we have to be bare below the elbow so I couldn't get away with wearing bands :( . I looked into wearing them on my ankles but it only works on hands as it puts pressure on specific points . I was nowhere near this sick with my boy who's 10 this year. I was hardly sick with him
The only thing that worked when I was pregnant with my daughter was eating constantly. I used to keep crackers or breakfast biscuits on me at all times and just nibble on them through the day. Ginger biscuits are meant to work but I couldn't stomach them when pregnant. I hope the sickness passes soon for you xx

Oh and you're meant to keep something next to your bed (like crackers) and nibble on them if you're up through the night and before you get out of bed xx

Breakfast biscuits is a great idea , they are quite plain. I'll have to pack my pockets with them :) and snack on them . Thanks ladies

Does morning sickness usually ease up by 12 weeks ?
You're welcome :) mine took a little longer about 14 weeks. In tri 2 it just came back every now and then xx

Cheers ladies will take advice on board and try and conquer this sickness or at least make it more bearable
Hi Aries you've just described exactly how I'm feeling. I can't find anything I want to eat or can stomach I've lost 6lbs this week! I'm trying my best to eat the most I've managed are a handful of slimming world home made potato wedges and a bowl of cereal(very small bowl) I've been this way since 5 weeks hit me very very early this time feeling a bit low today with it I'm off work, im a nurse the thought of dressing wounds is turning me so am on sick leave for now
Just reiterating what others said, sickness bands are brill (they were my saviour).

Also eating constantly even though you think you can't stomach it!

My completely stopped the day of my 12 week scan and then it crept back gradually through the beginning of tri 2. Mine prob went properly week 20 but then I got indegestion so bad trying to sleep upright was not fun at all! Lol


Where would you buy the sickness bands Tonks? Still wouldn't get me back to work though as we have to be bare below elbows but I'll give anything a go
Well if you can at least wear them on your days off then that's something isn't it? Boots sell them Hun I'm going to look on Amazon too in a min. I reckon supermarkets must have them in Sainsburys this evening I saw a travel stand with travel plugs etc on. They would be on there. This evening I'm feeling very nauseous and just want crisps! I deffo need to start preparing now.



I'm sick every morning around 7am then again around 4pm then have nausea all day and night in between, I'm really really trying to eat but can't manage much just got on the scales this morning and I've. Now lost 10lbs since last Monday, with my son I was vomiting from 5am until 6 pm then it suddenly stopped and I could eat anything, I think this one is turning me vegetarian can't stand the sight of meat likening apples though lol it's so strange how it works
I'm 10+1 and have had nausea since week 6.
It's worse in the evenings for me and I've not been able to keep down my evening meal. I've just been nibbling on bread and pasta really to manage it.
The past two days I've been able to eat strawberries, which is great as bright coloured foods have made me sick also, so thought I was finally improving. Then went to my patents yesterday, they were cooking chicken and I had to run out of the kitchen....

I'm just worried that I'm not getting enough nutrients. I can't stomach the foods I once did. So now I've ended up with a massive cold sore and daily doses of lactulose! Ha ha.....
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You may be better buying them on eBay ladies. I think I will try one this time xx

Thanks I might try and get some of these :) anything is worth a try
I saw some of those on Amazon but can't wait for them to be delivered so will get some from Boots tomorrow!

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