

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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sorry i didnt kno where to put this. how do u share ur money with ur boyfs/husbands?

we are wondering about this. my boyf and i put most of our money into a joint account for bills, savings, groceries etc etc etc., and leave a little bit each for ourselves (for him to buy himself ps3 games and go on his mates' stag do's etc, and for me to buy myself shoes, accesories, magazines etc and hav girly nites out after im done BFing)

first we agreed on keeping £100 each per month for ourselves. but as i only earn £600 and he earns £1200 each month should he keep £200 for himself? u kno, as he earns double what i do does he deserve double "me-money"?

*edit* soz i should explain, we hav only just started doing this as we were such a mess before we were so higgledy-piggledy and didnt kno where we were at financially so we tryna be more organised!
I wish we had some money for ourselves. But i think if he earns more then its his money.
I clicked the second one. we both put £500 a month into a joint account (except while Im on maternity leave) and the mortgage, household bills and food money come from this account. Whatever is left in our own accounts is ours to do with as we wish, OH has more left over than me tho
My OH earns the main income in our household, we normally pay the bills then share the money thats left... some months he gets more than me & vice versa but we're both happy with the setup and it works well, as long as we're both happy we dont mind :)

I manage all the money even though sam is the main earner, he's not very good with that side of it and it works out best this way :)
Personally I think it should be equal. I only earn 700 a month cos I now work part time since having Kate. Before that I earned £1,100. My oh comes out with about £1,100 but I dont see why I should have less than him when the reason I earn less is cos of my reduced hours so I can bring up our daughter. If that makes sense.

Saying that though, we have never even discussed money really, we just have a joint account and take what we want. If its something expensive then we ask the other one if its ok. That arrangement works pretty well for us. :)
I would deduct ALL outgoings, from bills and rent to shared stuff such as eat out/take away together. Plus money put away each month for future stuff (holiday, car tax/repairs etc) Then whatever is left is split between you, equally.

Me and OH had seperate money for about 5 years but since we've had Dan I feel we are in it together. Works well for me because I could never earn the kind of money he does! :wink:
We just pay the essentials and whatever is left we spend however. If dh wants something he has it and if I want something I'll have it. We don't really share it out, we just spend what we want within reason but we always say to each other what we plan to spend.
me and my oh live with his mum so she pays the main bills. i dont work so the money that he makes we both share.
We don't have any 'me' money. My OH runs his own company which I am part owner of, and although I don't do any work for the company, we both consider all income to be OURS. We both decided that I would leave work to bring up the kids so there's no 'seperate' money.

We have a joint account & joint credit card accounts. Money comes from the business account into the joint account, the kids accounts etc and after the monthly bills are paid what's left is ours to do with what we want. We never need to consult eachother about the stuff we buy. We generally go shopping together anyway!
I havn't voted as it depends entirely on works best for you :D

My ex earned about 3 times what I could ever hope to earn, so we kept our own accounts and I set up a DD for exactly half of mortgage/bills/insurances etc so I was paying my way and what I had left was mine and what he had left was his. I personally wouldnt have been comfortable with him supporting me as im too stubborn for that :lol:

It did end up that he usually paid for nights out etc which became a bit of a bugbear in the end though :roll:

My OH now earns a bit more than me but we share everything equally, both our wages go into a joint account and once all the bills etc are paid we share whats left and it works better for us, he doesn't earn so much more than me that I feel hes supporting me and it feels more like a joint effort, on the few occasions we have some spare cash we decide together what/who to spend it on or whether to save it :D

I think its just finding a way that works for you both, and theres no reason why you cant do things differently if your new way doesnt work out for you both :)
Nat earns about double what I earn, but we don't class it as that anymore, we pool the money we have and dish it out evenly. At first it was a bit harsh on Nat who was used to blowing all his money every month, and I was a saver who'd do things to a budget, but he soon saw the plus side to having money to save and not blowing it on stupid things.

The bills mostly come out of Nat's account and anything he has left, he takes £130 social fund, and send the rest to my account as I'm better with handling money than he is - if he knows there's money around, he'd spend it whereas I wouldn't. Then I split it all into food money, my social fund £130, bills, savings, and then the rest stays in my account. He knows if he ever wants any more money then I'll happily get it out for him but that way he has to make a point of asking for it rather than just blowing it.
Because we got married in Spain it means that all our debts/assets/money, is equally divided between us if we get divorced, so we just put it all in one pot and just pay whatever needs to be paid. Basically who has what money at what time, will pay.. dunno if that made sense.

At the end of the day, we don't have any "spare" money so to speak so it's not like we keep anything aside. My DH is a bit of a control freak where money is concerned in the sense that he wants all spare cash to either go into savings accounts or on computer parts.. :roll:

I'm a control freak in the sense where I will not spend money at all... I am too afraid that we won't have anything left to pay bills. :roll:
All our money goes in a 'pot', the bills get paid, we buy food, then the rest is ours equally, or if one wants something special that week they get it etc etc I'm sorry but I really dislike the idea of yours/mine money, my cousin and her OH do it and I find it bizarre :shock: But its whatever you're both happy with that will work :)
At the moment dh and I contribute to our joint account to cover all the bills, whatever is left over (if only!) is ours to do as we please with.
Strangeness said:
We just pay the essentials and whatever is left we spend however. If dh wants something he has it and if I want something I'll have it. We don't really share it out, we just spend what we want within reason but we always say to each other what we plan to spend.

we are the same as strangeness and her OH, as long as the bills get paid then whatevers left goes on what we please!!
Our money goes into our joint account and out come the bills. We both have an allocated spending money each month (in case we want to get presents etc) and then if there is any left; it goes in the savings.

Everyone is different though; so do what works best for you :hug:
I think it really depends on each couple. We earn about the same (sometimes i earn more) though i get off quite lightly really. I have to give my OH £50 p/w towards everything and then all thats left is mine BUT he does get mad if my savers account is not added to regularly.
My account is now a joint account with my hubby. He also has his own account.

Means that we each earn our own money and he just transfers over each month whatever I need to cover all the bills. They all come out of my/our account (apart from a couple in his) but he never touches my actual earnings in there.

Any left over in his account, some stays there for him, the rest into our savings account.

Works for us :) He earns way more than me, but if I need or want something and I don't have enough, he never begrudges me his money.

He also often pays for grocery shopping and petrol for me without me asking :D He's a bit wonderful if I do say so myself :lol:

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