disagreement- what would u do?

It might be worth keeping a food diary for a week with amounts of food as well as types of food and then showing it to your doctor or a nutritionist. I'm sure you eat fairly healthily but it is important to eat enough too otherwise you run the risk of damaging your organs.

If you get to a stage when you are eating the correct amount of food a day and still feel unhappy with your body, regular exercise is a better way to tone up. Even a small amount of weights work can make all the difference as the more muscle mass you have the faster your body's metabolism processes food.

I agree with your OH in that if you have a slightly unhealthy relationship with food it could very easily influence your daughter as she grows up. I'm sure he just wants a healthy g/f and daughter and that there was no sinister motive for his comment. I think it is quite telling that he took a picture of you to illustrate his point and also that you yourself thought you looked a bit scrawny.

Wishing you all the best with it :hug: It is never nice to be told you are too skinny just as it isn't nice to be told that you are too fat. It can take a lot of guts to rise above the comment and do something about it if it is something that is affecting your health :hug:
I know exactly how you feel :hug:

I was taking drugs before having my eldest, mainly speed and ecstacy, and was very thin. I loved it at the time and thought it was great that at 5ft 10inches I could wear size 8!

Then I gave up drugs for the pregnancy and stayed off them after I had my daughter and put on, what seemed to me, to be loads of weight. I actually went to a very healthy 10.5 stone, but all I saw was fat. I then lost the weight by not eating enough and practicfally starved myself for about 10 years and maintained a very thin frame, very proudly.

It wasnt until I got to about 30 that I realised the reason I was constantly tired, often aenamic, weak and breathless, was because I was too too thin. I started eating healthily, properly, and am now back to a healthy weight. Yeah I could do with losing a few pounds but I will do it properly this time...healthy eating and exercise and wont go mad...I would be happy getting into a size 10-12 :lol:

The point is, I remember saying exactly the same things as you. I remember feeling that there was nothing wrong, that people were just being nasty or were jealous...and when my ex told me I needed to put on weight....well I felt exactly as you do now.

But they were right and I was wrong.

The most important thing is your health, not that mini-skirt :hug:
One question...why are you thin? if you are eating healthily / excercising and not depriving yourself from anything, thats one thing, but if you are not eating right, and are starving yourself / binging, then thats a whole different story.

I can understand how you feel, i was alway super skinny, just a good metabolism i guess, but in the last year or 2 i have gone up to a size 14 / 16 (pre pregnancy) and i HATE it. So i can understand why you wouldn't want to gain weight, but maybe you could look at your diet a bit if this is the problem, hence the "role model" remark maybe?

At least it shows he cares! if a little insensitive?

I think its great that your OH is concerned for you in that way and not thinking solely on how good you look thin!
Like others have said, its one thing being naturally thin, but feeling the need to lose more weight when your a size 6 is worrying!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
trixipaws said:
im happy how i look, in fact wouldnt mind being even a little smaller ...... he made me promise to try :shock: but hasnt really mentioned it since. what would u do, change ur body to please ur man or tell him to bugger off?

I wouldn't change my figure for my man, ever!!! But he is close to you and you have to wonder why he would say something. You need to look after your health, make sure you're getting enough protein/carbs/fat and vitamins to maintain your muscle and vital organs.

It's quite common to lose weight quickly when breastfeeding but don't look at your weight or dress size as an indicator for how happy you should be but at whether your eating the best you can be - the right types and amounts of food should leave you feeling fab and full of energy.
Squiglet said:
trixipaws said:
dannii, i am size 6 i think (measurements are 31-25-32) and im 5'4" i weigh 45kgs (just over 7st)

meg i am naturally slim, and tbh i used to hate how skinny i was and wished i could gain weight, but i put on so much weight while pregnant due to quitting drugs (from 6st to 11st) and when most of it fell off after the birth its strangely addictive. especially now people are commenting saying things like "wow, u hav lost SO MUCH weight!" idk im getting hooked on it i think :?

i think iv reached my natural non-druggy weight but i wanna lose more now and be super-thin again! so iv started eating less, all the same things including sweets crisps and choc, but less of everything. i wanna be left to it but its causing friction with my boyf, has he a right to tell me what size to be?

then thats why bf is worried hun. You're not eating healthily, you are already incredibly thin, you are in your own words eating less and getting hooked on the whole diet thing... Thats the slippery slope of anorexia you are heading for...

He wants you to be healthy for your baby... he doesn't want to have to explain to his daughter in the years to come how mummy starved herself to death, or worse, have your daughter end up doing the same thing. Ask yourself how you would feel if your LO was doing the same thing, would you not be just a little bit worried?

I know that there is this issue over being naturally thin. Tia is incredibly thin and her height makes it worse, but she eats three meals a day, and has her 5 portions of fruit and veg (as well as the occasional naughty treat)...but her weight doesn't bother me, because I know she is healthy with it.

You should never change your body for your man...but if it means you are unhealthy, you should change it for your children. :hug:

What she said.

And i agree entirely, your are dieting despite being incredibly thin and gorgeous already and i can see why your bf is worried.

And size double zero is a size that should be banned - please throw it out. Be healthy for youself and millie.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I will not make this long.... I am 5'9 and a size 4. I have had old bf's tell me I was too fat...A SIZE 4...I have heard I have too much muscle....I have heard I am too skinny and my bones show....I have heard I wear too much makeup...not enough make up.....too showy of clothes....too homely of clothes...all the while I have never changed who I am for anyone. Everyone has an opinion about the way their OH looks. If you are not happy with the way you are, you cannot make anyone else happy. Be yourself hun. He will love you either way and if he does not...well I do not have to tell you what to do. :hug:

well, he hasnt had another go at me about it, altho he's always calling me "tin ribs"

altho he payed me a compliment last nite, first he said he liked my tits :oops: when we were naked in bed :oops: and i said "wot despite their battlescars?" (referring to the stretchmarks on them) and he kinda scoffed and said "pft, thats nothing- ur the most... un-battlescarred mother... ever!" which in a bloke-ish way i thought was really sweet :D

iv lost a teeny tiny bit more weight im still not eating 3 meals a day- altho i cooked a really healthy hearty meal for us tonite, my speciality (well the entirety of my repotoir tbh :oops: )- roasted veggies and i ate a whole plate i am absolutely stuffed now and we ate together too :D
Ooo good on you for cooking tonight :) And eating together :)

I think its about not trying to acheive too much and setting the finish line too far ahead. Just take small steps to start and build up from there. Breakfast with your LO, healthy snacks (fruit, rasins, natural yogurt etc) and then trying to have a family meal in the evening together.

Have you tried a Spanish style omelette for a meal? With salad? Very simple to make, veggie and yummy. I can drop you a PM with how to make it :)

I think not losing more weight is important. Try to find that healthly balance for yourself and your family. And keep going with eating meals together as much as possible as it encourages good eating habits as I explained before.
go on then PM me the omelette! im not sure if i like omelette iv always been picky and i think i turned my nose up at it as a kid- i didnt like eggs. but in my late teens i (drunkenly!) discovered i LOVE egg-fried rice! so i do like eggs- if it tastes like that then i'll like it?!?
i hate the look of fried eggs on their own tho- idk the shape freaks me out :lol: and i couldnt eat JUST an egg on its own :puke:
if omelette is a other stuff with eggs in, i shall try it- if its just an egg cooked a certain way, i wont! lol
Hehe it has other things in it, veggies and if you want cheese also so it won't look like a fried egg or anything like that.

Egg fried rice has a defo egg flavour to it and also bits of scrambled egg in it when you cook and eat it.

I'll drop you a PM with it tomorrow :) If you don't like it chances are your OH will enjoy it :)

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