

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Went on OH's, sister's hen do tonight and made a vital mistake! I mistakenly believed that, after about 9 months abstaining, I would be fine to wear heels! Doh! I'm so stupid! x I had given them up before getting pg as my back was getting worse and they weren't helping then fell pg and haven't worn heels since! Tonight I thought, it's only a meal, we'll be sat down majority of the night, I'll be fine! WRONG!!! My feet hurt, my back hurts, my hips hurt and my ankles are swollen! Idiot, idiot, idiot! I'm also ridiculously tired and know I won't get a lie in as DD has a knack of knowing just when I'm at my tiredest and getting up really early! Lol x so ladies now I have learnt my lesson-no matter how pretty the shiny high heels look in their box JUST SAY NO!
Ouch, mine are all in the wardrobe staring at me.........how I long to be back in stilletto boots
Oh dear! I'm not a heel wearer but the last time I wore them was at 19 weeks pregnant and my feet killed for days! Never again! Lol

I reckon you should get OH to get up with your daughter!
I would but he's at work today x my calves and back are so sore this morning! Never again!!
Oh dear! I haven't worn heels since getting pg and have to say I haven't missed them one bit!
i dont wear heels ever due to a knackerd tendon but i can imagine how sore you must be
gosh helen that was brave! im sure you looked well good tho :D
I never wear heels, i just cant walk in anything that raises more then 1 inch over the ground.
The other ladies there didn't notice I was pg until they asked why I wasn't drinking! Had to point out I was pg and not just fat! Lol x proper paying the price today now though! x
:rofl: Oh you poor love! :-( I was debating the same for my mates wedding last month...I went in flip flops and STILL ended up with ankles the size of houses!

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