Oh No - Back to Back!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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I have just had my 34 week check with the midwife and she has told me that the LO is lying head down (great news), back to back (not so great!). So now I am panicking that labour is gonna hurt even more!!! Hopefully he will move a little in the next couple of weeks.

Also, I have been getting headaches, swollen hands, ankles & calves, slight trace of protein and my blood pressure was higher than usual. I have been given an extra appointment for a BP and protein check a week on Friday. Hopefully nothing to worry about!! At least bubs is fine :o
:hug: Paris was born back to back :shock: (i'm not going to say anymore)

Hope LO turns x
the morning before i went into labour Dior was not back to back annd in the right possition. but once i was ready to push she was back to back, LO might still change possition :hug:
it does feel completely different though
with Harley all the pain was in my belly
with Dior all in my bum and back
LO could still turn once your labour starts so please don't worry too much about it yet :hug:
Isaac was back to back, I had no pain with contractions up to 7cm dilated, it was all back pain, but co-codamol helped in the beginning :D

Hope the protein is nothing to be concerned about, as for BP, it will rise and fall all the time, perfectly normal, you've a lot more blood and weight now you're pregnant, take it easy, very best wishes :hug:
Thanks guys.

When I have read posts on here about back to back presentation they have all pretty much been quite scary!! My first labour was only 5 hours and to be honest I have no idea how she was lying :oops: I was hoping that this one would just pop out nice and easily!!! I know, wishful thinking. Guess I will let you guys know how it all went in a couple of weeks time - how scary is that!!
Babies wriggle and turn all the time through labour and birth as you know, hopefully your LO will turn into the optimum position before your labour starts, until then LO could be in numerous positions, try not to think about it, your LO is healthy and happy in there, that's a happy positive thing to focus on for now :hug: :cheer:
Riley was back to back. he turned a little bit right at the last minute.

i wont go into details.

its my first, so have nothing to compare it to painwise.

still lots of time for him to turn :)
Hey i was told at 34 weeks that my LO was back to back....i stressed also!!

I was advised to sit backwards on a chair and rock or getting on all fours. I ddi this for a couple of days and by time of my growth scan it had turned..

Dont worry to much at the minute i am sure you lo will turn x
i had my mw yesterday think it was her that said mines possibly back to back with head very low down.

mw today said babys head is very low down , she may of said its back to back not suer which one said it.

anyway i just want mine out now :)
I had my second son....back to back... only when he was being born I knew... MW said it's back to back.... but really it wasn't bad... I did feel more pressure IN my bum, but i saw my babies face before he was born.....

FUNNY BIT...... I really wanted a wee girl then.... thought it was too..... then as i saw this little face, i SAID OUT LOUD..... Oh my goodness... i hope your a wee BOY, because if your a wee girl thats a shame... :shock: :oops: :shhh: Yes one of those thoughts you shouldn't say! :shhh:

BUT he looked so much like a boy..... a big 9lb 2 oz bruiser...not a petite little girl at all... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Won't chance him for the world.....

Try not to worry, theres loads of time for a move.... and even if not.... it wasn't that bad in my experience.... 3 pushes and born.... :hug:
Lv Yvonne xx
My first was back to back and it was bad enough to ask for epidural
Iain was back to back tho i didnt know until i was in labour grrr @ stupid midwife! Anyway he turned at last minute.

Theres still time for ur LO to turn yet.

Ellis was back to back but as he was my only labour i have nothing to compaire it with. But it did hurt in my back and bum like dionne said (i never knew that meant back to back)

I was told back to back lying baby is cos we slouch more on sofas etc and if you want them to turn you should be kneeling over a birthing ball as much as possible..... got mine out ready!! hehe ... hope this helps xxxxx
Hi, my second was back to back, so when it came to my third I was determined to have him turned around so I used a birthing ball. Like Keely I was told to kneel over it, also to sit on it and lean forward as the weight of the baby will usually turn him/her. i.e if you sit leaning back on a sofa a lot (like me lol) the weight of the spine will turn him/her to your back whereas if your leaning forward the weight turns to your belly. Also another thing my midwife said was when ur lying down, don't lie on your back at all and try to keep to the same side. I'm 20 weeks at the mo and the ball is up and ready :D Hope this helps

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