The night before last Clark woke me up at 2.30am with a temperature and I can only presume a sore throat as I have had one for a week, then yesterday he was really miserable so I had been giving him calpol every 4 hours. Then at 8.30pm last night his temperature went right up to 39.5 so I called NHS direct and they advised me to give him ibuprofen as well as calpol, so OH went out to get some and after that he seemed right as rain, so we put him to bed in just his vest. Then at 1am he woke up completely hysterical, arms and legs shaking and wouldn't give me any eye contact or even acknowledge that I was trying to settle him, so I took his temperature (39.7) gave him more medecine and some milk then took his temp again and it had shot right to 40.7
Called NHS and they had me check him over properly then told us to just go straight to A&E! By the time we had got there after a very cold car ride his temp was back to 37 so I looked like a right tit!
The nurse did say we had done the right thing though as he could well have had a fit at home. Anyway, they checked him over really well and told me to keep up the calpol, calprofen doses until his temp regulates itself again, (it was still 39 this morning when he got up) and to just keep him cool and keep an eye on him!
Now all I want to do is
but he seems set on having a very active day!

Now all I want to do is