Advice for 8 week check....


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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To those of you still waiting for your bubbys 8 week check up and vacinations I would suggest you buy calpol before you go for your appointment. Nobody told me about needing it so after Isaac had his jabs I had to drag him all the way into town to buy calpol. Luckily the jabs havent affected him and he has no temperature but the HV said to give him calpol afterwards regardless. He had his jabs at 12 o'clock then 2.5ml's of calpol at 3pm then again at 7pm and now he is sound asleep. Touch wood he won't get a temperature in the night.

And yes....I cried when he had his vacinations :) But he was mummies big brave boy lol

(the calpol is for babies 2 months +)

Lou :)
I never gave Jamie calpol after his jabs as he didnt need them, my HV said to only give it if he has a rised temperature as some babies react to it whereas others dont react at all?!
Why do they tell us all different things?

I was told to give Isaac calpol to treat a temperature but also to prevent one!

She told me I needed to get calpol.

Lol tell me about it ...way too much conflicting advice out there!

My HV only said to have it at hand in case he develops a temp. as some babies dont react to it at all and are fine, whilst others can get cranky and grumpy with slight temp etc!
i was told to get some for just in case he got a fever but i gave him a dose anyway and got my appointment for when he was due a nap so he slept really well for about 6 hours after both of them hes now waiting on 3rd lot :?

p.s lou i cry everytime i hate needles but to see them go in my baby breaks my heart god im soft hahah
i was told to give B calpol 2 hours before 4 hours after and then another 4 hours after if he needs it
carey has his on the 13th. So whats your advice give him calpol before or see how he goes after?

Ive not been told either way so not really too sure on whats best, i read so many different things then other people tell me different i dont know if im doing right or wrong half the time!
amyknight88 said:
carey has his on the 13th. So whats your advice give him calpol before or see how he goes after?

Ive not been told either way so not really too sure on whats best, i read so many different things then other people tell me different i dont know if im doing right or wrong half the time!

All I'm saying is buy some calpol and just put it in the cupboard incase you need it to bring down a temperature to save you dragging the baby down the shops after the jabs. Also my HV told me to give Isaac calpol to prevent a temperature but ask your HV on the day.

Lou :)

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