Medical management V's Surgical


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2008
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Im booked in on monday for surgical procedure MVA (manual vacuum aspiration) and although i had this procedure last time i had a missed miscarriage im feeling very scared and wondering if i now want to go ahead with it.
I didnt want the D&C as im terrified of being put to sleep and im scared also of the tablet option as i hear you can have horendous bleeding and end up in theatre.
I just dont know what to do......can anyone help
I dont want to open up raw wounds for you ladies but can any one give me any advise? xx
Hun first of all :hug:

I wanted to go for medical management as I felt better with that option.

But I started on my own the other day, 2 days after the bleeding started.

How would you feel if it happened on its own? its personal choice of course but if you are worried about the medical options, maybe concider the natural one if you can?

I was very scared of it happening that way, but when it did I was pleased because it was all very private and I was totaly in control of my own goodbye :hug:

Hun It is a very difficult choice to make, and mine was sort of decided for me, I suppose in a way that was best for me.

Thanks Tasha, if it would start its self i would be happy ive even been looking on internet for information to see if you can start things off yourself but cant find anything, ive had several hot baths to see if that helps but nothing :( Did you loose alot of blood? i think the thought of all the bleeding scares me. xx
Hun don't be scared of the medical.. I am the biggest wimp in the entire world, i pass out about blood tests and injections and the thought of being put to sleep, or having anything near my lady bits scares me!!
So it was best for me to have the medical option, because i thought i'd feel more in control.. and i did.

With regards to the heavy bleeding, that is like really rare apparently.They said that should be considered at like a side effect (such as on a paracetamol box, they list the "possible" side effects, which you know are extremely rare)..

I bled heavyish for about 2 days, then it just eased off.. I mean on the first day i couldnt have left the hosue really because i was so doped up on cocodamol for the pain.. but on the 2nd day i just had to change the pad every hour or so, so it really wasn't that horrendous hun.

If i had to ever go through this again, and please god i won't, i would DEFINITELY go for the medical option.. I don't want any surgical tools inside me, inside my cervix or anything. I want my body to have the most natural experience it can possibly have.

good luck :hug:
*sara* said:
Thanks Tasha, if it would start its self i would be happy ive even been looking on internet for information to see if you can start things off yourself but cant find anything, ive had several hot baths to see if that helps but nothing :( Did you loose alot of blood? i think the thought of all the bleeding scares me. xx

Have you had any bleeding yet Sara?

Have you has your cervix checked to see if it opening?

I havent lost lots of blood, Its more like a heavy period at times, before the sac came I was in quite abit of pain, but not horredous or anything.

I know that women have lots of different experiences but severe to hardley any pain or bleeding at all.

From day one of bleeding it has taken a week for me to miscarry '( well 5 days all together)

I have had quite abit of bleeding today as I think the rest is to come away.

What ever happens hun we are here for you :hug:
Thank you Beth & Tasha
I had some dark brown bleeding and not much fresh blood last week thats why they sent me for a scan, but nothing since. They didnt check my cervix to see if was opening. I just wish it would happen itsself so i dont have to make a decission, maybe i should leave it a few days and see what happens, do you think my Dr would sign me off work? as im not ready for going back......not sure when i will be!!
Thank you girls for replying, i just cant believe we have all gone through this in the space of a week or so, life is so cruel. xx :hug: :hug:

Hun I had brown last week and then turned into red bleeding after having sex with my partner ( which I think helped start it off for m without realising at the time what was happening )

I definatly hink you should get yoruself signed off owrk, you shoudlnt have any problems getting one, it is of course a very upetting and traumatic experience, and you need to be at home.

I would definatly give it a few more days if you feel comfortable, I know this is the last thing you want to do but sex along with orgasms have been known to help things move abit, aswell as walking and taking hot baths like you are doing.

:hug: Sorry again hun, must be awful to go through this again, my heart goes out to you, it really does :hug: :hug: :hug:
We had sex last night to see if that would do anything...had a small amount of bleeding after but i think that was prob down to the fact we havent had sex since i found out i was pregnant! Will keep at it and go and see Dr tomoro for a sick note. Im going to call the hospital and cancel my procedure, im not ready for that yet ill give it more time to see if it happens naturally. xx
:hug: Hun I hope it doesn't drag on too long for you :hug:

Let is know how your getting on, and if your worried about anything, your more than welcome to pm me :hug:
Oh I forgot to mention, evening primrose oil might be an idea too, it helps soften the cervix and some say it helps bring on uterine contractions.

:hug: all the best
Hi im doing ok, i cancelled my appointment for surgical removal. Went to see my Dr today and she has signed me off work for 2wks and spoke to her about the options, im going to go for medical management and im going to go up to the hospital for my first tablet tomorow. How are you feeling? Hows the bleeding? :hug: :hug:
:hug: Oh all the best with the medical management hun :hug:

Im feeling abit better thank you, bleeding is much better aswell, just like a period now, hopefully it will go soon! :pray:
Thats good your feeling a bit better i am too, there is only so much crying you can do, but whats getting to me now is every time i go out i keep seeing pregnant women and its really getting to me (that sounds really bad doesnt it? i dont mean it to sound bad!!)
Went to hospital this morning for my fisrt tablet and got to go back on thursday for the rest. xx
Hun the morning I found out, I walked out of the hospital and saw at least 7 newborns and lots of pg mummies :(

I know how you feel :hug: yes I have done all my crying too :hug:

I hope it doesnt take to long for you, and I hope it happens without having to have anymore tablets :hug:

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