Measuring large for dates


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2010
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I had my 25 week midwife appointment today, and my midwife measured my bump. I'm measuring 4 weeks bigger than I should be. I'm measuring 28+ weeks rather than 24.
I knew I'd had a growth spurt recently but didn't think I was that big.
Now I'm waiting for my midwife to call me with a date for a growth scan and I've had to book in for a glucose test to rule out diabetes. Have read up about diabetes and it's scaring me.
Hopefully its just water or something harmless, but it's just one more thing to worry about.
On the plus side, I heard the heartbeat for the first time today. I thought she'd have trouble finding it because of my anterior placenta but she found it straight away and the baby was moving loads!!!
im sure it is just water. be great for you if you are put forward. lol.

glad you heard heartbeat. xxx
I'm measuring on the big side too but apparently within the acceptable plus or minus 3 - I measured 30 at 28 weeks - not been referred for a growth scan or anything. Guess I will see what happens at my 31 week appointment xx
aww the heartbeat is amazing eh congrats.

As for the dates my friend was always measuring over and she got tested for the same as u but she and baby was fine.. Try not to worry
I'm measuring on the big side too but apparently within the acceptable plus or minus 3 - I measured 30 at 28 weeks - not been referred for a growth scan or anything. Guess I will see what happens at my 31 week appointment xx

I'm measuring 29/30 the student got 29 on Monday and the registrar got 30 on Tuesday. Midwife said to student midwife it was ok because I've always measured large. Also haven't been sent for a growth scan either. Will see what happens

Roo I guess the good thing is that you'll get to see LO again :)

Thats what I thought about seeing LO again so I'm not complaining about the scan.

Doubt I'll be put forward, there's no real way I could be further along.

Ah well, another few weeks of waiting. At least I look pregnant now!!! My midwife couldn't believe it when she saw me today. She said where did that bump come from?!!!
I measured bigger at my 17 week appointment. can't remember by how much but at the 20 week scan the baby was only a coplue of days bigger than what it was suppose to be so it was all fine. I think I've just been eating too much :lol:
Oops think I got mixed up hun, my fundas is measuring bigger not baby as far as I know. At my 20 wk scan baby was measuring behind a bit.

Hope it all goes ok.

x x x x
i measured 28+ at my 26 week scan and they didn't even mention it... although it was a student and she didn't hold the tape measure very firmly like they normally do... eveyone seems to think my bump is enormous but i was big last time too and everything was fine (josie was 8lb 3).

I was already booked in for the diabetes test as my bmi was over 30 so i'm just waiting the results for that too.. and i aslo have anterior placenta which i haven't yet worked out if that is a problem or not...

hope it all goes ok - let us know how you get on and try not to worry - at least they are doing all they should be to keep an eye on you x x x
None of the miswives I've seen has actually measured my uterus yet. They have all felt it but not measured it with tape. The last midwife I saw commented that my uterus is quite high up but didn't seem concerned about it in any way.
i was told im measuring 26 weeks at my 22 week apointment, prob just a big baby hun
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ive not been measured once yet :( im booked in for 2 growth scans anyways as i have low bmi i have had to have them on all my kids and always come back normal
they didnt measure me midnight they just had a feel i think they do it from 28 weeks in most places so dnt worrie hun :D xxx
I've been trying all day to get hold of my midwife to see if she's booked my growth scan yet, but I've not been able to get through to her. I've left her a message. I think she's on holiday next week, so now I'm worried that there'll be a problem if I have to wait another week for the scan. I'm going to ring my doctors surgery on Monday if I've not heard from her to see what they suggest.
Hi Roo,

Ive got a growth scan booked for 30 & 36 weeks as my Dad has type 2 diabetes so they are concerned our bubs will be big Ive got a GTT test at 30 weeks too, its all routine apparantly, if baby ends up too big it just means they will induce u early :) dont worry!x
Hi hun

try not to stress out too much. I had gestational diabetes and managed to control it through diet, the only difference they said was that they would induce me at 38weeks as to not let baby get too big, I didn't get that far though.
I hope though that it is just water though.

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