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Was meant to say thatbk you piglet, I know your right just can't help but worry. I'm sure I'll be more relax once I hit tri 2 xx
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It seems like you have the right attitude max. Unfortunately, theres not much you can do at this stage but hope everything will be fine. Try to stay as positive as possible, rest as much as you can and make sure youre keeping your mind active so youre not constantly overthinking! I am worried about every little thing but the only reason we worry is because we all want this so bad... once the scan is done Im sure we will all feel a lot better and more pregnant too! X
Also not sure if I should create a June mummies aswell or what? Maybe I will ask what everyone wants in the October forum, what you gals think? Although I'm happy enough here x
Also not sure if I should create a June mummies aswell or what? Maybe I will ask what everyone wants in the October forum, what you gals think? Although I'm happy enough here x
Hello, welcome to our little group. Stay here for a bit then decide if you want to be a June mummy I think.
Max, I had cramps from when I found out at 3 weeks until about 8 weeks. I'm now 9+4 and still get the odd cramp very low down too. Usually cramps aren't a negative sign as everything is changing and stretching, but also it's quite normal to have PMS cramps around the time your period would be due as your body gears up to miss it.
I saw your other thread in the TTC board and I would honestly stop testing for now. You got a positive first response and a positive digital so you're definitely pregnant, and any further testing before your period is due is just going to worry you if it isn't what you expect.
There are SO many reasons why a test might be lighter than a previous one. Most commonly it's because of diluted urine. Sometimes it's because the HCG levels are so high it actually results in a lighter test (called the hook effect).
If you're worried about your levels/tests because of your previous struggles then you can always go to your GP for some piece of mind. They might do a urine test there or refer you for some blood work to check the HCG.
We're really hoping this is it for you! But woman - stop testing!