***May and June Mummies!!!***

I completely agree! I know certain weeks/days that girls lost their pregnancy and I panic on those days. As if that’s rashional! Honestly! Crazy baby brain! It’s a help and a hindrance lol...
Helen I'm sure the doc is just being cautious, which is nice as most woukd have thrown antibiotics at you and sent you on your way :)

I went to the doctors as well today. Was the nurse who confirmed my pregnancy and gave me the midwives number. I asked about getting my progesterone levels checked but she ssid it might not be of any use. Apparently your suppose to get them checked before pregnancy and as soon as BFP to determine if there's a deficiency. But she said she'd confirm with the doctor tomorrow and let me know.

Anyway, can officially say I've got my first solid symptom of pregnancy today...my boobs are killing! Just took my bra off and it feels like lead balloons have just fallen to the floor. They feel so heavy and tender!

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Yeah I’m sure you’re right, it’s so easy to start panicking though isn’t it!?

I didn’t even know you could get your progesterone levels checked!! What does that tell you?? My boobs are okay, just my nips that are sore and I get spurts of nausea which I refuse to call morning sickness because it’s at all bloody hours lol!

So girls... NAMES!!! What names do we like? Jamie doesn’t like ANY boy names! I’m really struggling to get him to agree on any lol I like Lucas or Oliver (Ollie) and Mia :)

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Why we still call it 'morning sickness' is beyond me, old habits i suppose, as all pregnant woman know theres no 'morning' about it, its all bl**dy day :wall2:
Helen I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, and get the bonus of an early scan next week, exciting! x
There was only one name we both liked last time and it happened to be a boys name. Luckily he was a boy so it was easy when he was born. This time we think we might find out the sex so names should be a bit easier to narrow down at least. I don’t want anything in the top 10 or they’ll be several in Sugar Doughnut’s class (that’s what DS1 has decided to name sibling he gets) and I don’t want Sugar Doughnut to always be known by their name plus last name initial. Also, as our surname starts with a B, the’ll be so and so B. Which makes them seem inferior if there is a so and so A in the class as well.

However, I don’t want to go too far out the top 100either as I’d like their friends and medical professionals and teachers to be able to pronounce and spell the name without headache and I also want it to be decipherable when yelled into a hotties ear in a crowded sweaty club - that’s the bane of my teenage/early twenties years - not being able to work out what name the sexy lothario I’ve just met is known by coz it’s too long to hear through the music and I end up just referring to him as ‘thingamabub’ forever more.
Oh I’m the same, straying from the top 100 is a no no!! I work in a school and some of the names are just plain bizzare! We genuinely have a child called King David as in we have been told by his parents we MUST call him KING David and not just David... then you’ve got the inpronouncables! I did wonder about letting the girls choose but good lord imagine how wrong that could go haha!!
I currently like Austin for a boy and ruby or Lucy for a girl but who knows which way the wind will blow tomorrow.
I’m against Lucy but only coz it’s the partners ex lol! Austin is cute though and Ruby is lovely :)
Oh I’m the same, straying from the top 100 is a no no!! I work in a school and some of the names are just plain bizzare! We genuinely have a child called King David as in we have been told by his parents we MUST call him KING David and not just David... then you’ve got the inpronouncables! I did wonder about letting the girls choose but good lord imagine how wrong that could go haha!!

Oh wow :shock: that poor child :lol: if he has any sense, when he gets older he will drop the whole King thing, thats just too much!
It's so quiet on here! I've not thought of named yet, but I do like Isobelle for a girl and Oliver for boy.

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I like Charlie George for a boy. Oh hates it with a passion.
I like lottie for a girl. Oh also absolutely hates it.
I have no idea what we're going to do.... May have to get rid of oh! Hahaha
Hahaha the men are so tricky!!!

So... i TOTALLY just freaked myself out. I thought hmmm one test left might as well give it a little dip! Just love seeing that bfp... well... there was a clear line there and last week I would of jumped for joy but there’s me thinking omg surely it should be as dark as night by now seen as I’m touching 6 weeks!!!! So I panicked and googled it and apparently it’s called the hook effect. This means the hcg levels get too high for the test to handle so in fact it looks lighter!! Well how mean of it, I nearly had a bloody heart attack! Anyway, panic over but I wanted to share this in case anyone else has the same urge to poas and nearly ends up in cardiac arrest! Bleeding heck, not what I needed on my Wednesday evening!!
It's so quiet on here! I've not thought of named yet, but I do like Isobelle for a girl and Oliver for boy.

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Isobelle is so pretty!!! I’ve genuinely bought Jamie a baby name book for our anniversary because I’m sick of suggesting names and hearing nahhhh lol
Hahaha the men are so tricky!!!

So... i TOTALLY just freaked myself out. I thought hmmm one test left might as well give it a little dip! Just love seeing that bfp... well... there was a clear line there and last week I would of jumped for joy but there’s me thinking omg surely it should be as dark as night by now seen as I’m touching 6 weeks!!!! So I panicked and googled it and apparently it’s called the hook effect. This means the hcg levels get too high for the test to handle so in fact it looks lighter!! Well how mean of it, I nearly had a bloody heart attack! Anyway, panic over but I wanted to share this in case anyone else has the same urge to poas and nearly ends up in cardiac arrest! Bleeding heck, not what I needed on my Wednesday evening!!

You lost the plot babes, but glad it’s nothing to worry about <3 xx
I am convinced we are having a girl, and I think o have my heart set on the name Sophia :) no idea what we will go with if it&#8217;s a boy!
Oh I love the name Sophia! My fella won't entertain any baby talk :( so until 12 weeks I'll just have to talk to you ladies! Lol

Haha Helen, I'm trying my hardest not to test anymore. But I'm like a magpie to shiny stuff when it comes to hpt! If I'm out shopping I suddenly find myself in the aisle looking at tests!!

I did plan on using a cb digi just to see that 3+ weeks... I got 2-3 weeks this Sunday just gone. So if I test again this Sunday coming I should get the 3+, shouldn't I?

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So jealous of you ladies right now!

Helen, if you're going to POAS, do it on a digi and not freak yourself out! lol

I've always loved Megan for a girl, OH said he likes it too, and for a boy we both have said we like Riley. Really hope it happens for us! x

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