Wish my husband was soppy. Hes happy but seems able to forget about it for hours at a time!
All I can think about is yay Im pregnant.....hope it stays......what if it doesnt? What if it does? Oh god, another 2 years of sleep deprivation coming right up......what the hell have I done........oh crickey now I feel sick.......bugger, forgot my folic acid -my baby will have no spine.......is that blood? Phew, just clear...must be CM....or Wee! Damn, pelvic floor already shot.......I NEED some toast but, now Ive made it, I feel queasy looking at it.....gosh, my boobs are magnificent today.....but they hurt like Ive been swinging from them.......yay, im pregnant!
All this whilst the husband is happily munching Doritos and thinking of nothing more than if he will wear the same socks tomorrow or if they need a wash.