*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

I'm with you with that chloe, although I haven't been sick, woke up at 230am feeling really sick and still same now I've tried eating little and often (cereal toast and tomato soup) but still feel sick, I think I can just about deal with it I just hate actually been sick I'm one of those that would literally like any thing else than sick I just cry with it if Iam, I'm sooo tired too and all I've done today is wash pots empty kitchen bin and aload of washing I feel like I've run a marathon lol, had a few twinges on left side too but nurse said that's normal an usually to do with bowel (I'm constipated) so I'm not worried,

Can you eat or drink any water chloe? Xx
I've had blood again about 30 minutes ago, this time there was a little clot there. Really don't think i can go through another miscarriage :(
I've had blood again about 30 minutes ago, this time there was a little clot there. Really don't think i can go through another miscarriage :(

Try not to panic Hun, phone your local EPAU or go to a+e they will look after you I went with really bad cramps and they was great, lay down on your left side for abit xx
I've had blood again about 30 minutes ago, this time there was a little clot there. Really don't think i can go through another miscarriage :(

Try not to panic Hun, phone your local EPAU or go to a+e they will look after you I went with really bad cramps and they was great, lay down on your left side for abit xx

I've rang the hospital, epau won't see me until 12 weeks and emergency gyne won't see me without a doctors referral, so i've got a docs appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I just don't see this ending well at all :cry:
Don't lose hope Hun, would your period be due around now? The nurse said a fair lot of women bleed around the time period is due, are you bleeding a lot? Cramps? Xx
I had cramps yesterday and have had a couple this past hour or so. I wouldn't say it is a lot of bleeding, but it is how my mc started in March :(
it's a good sign that your bleeding isn't heavy and with the cramps not been bad fingers crossed it's just bubba settling into its new home for the next 9 months, this baby making isn't easy is it? We stress when ttc we stress when we are pregnant (I know I do at every twinge or cramp I get so I lay down and try and relax I watch a movie or something I got that bad over weekend googling stuff oh took my phone of me and my head killed from the stress) my nurse told me to lay on my left side with my cramps so try that Hun, try a nice warm bath but not too hot, if it did get any worse I'd just go straight to a+e they would monitor you xx
Thank you for being so lovely. As soon as i saw the blood i ran a bath(luckily it's my day off work today) and i've been laying on the sofa since trying to just relax. I've just been to the toilet and it is pink again...i just wish i knew what was going on!
Its hard to remember which pains are normal and which are cause for concern, i had no blood at all with DS so i think that is making me worry all the more. I know OH is just as worried as i am, bless his heart.
I think normal cramps and twinges are fine asking as they aren't like killer bent over double can't handle kind of pains, I think it's just implantation spotting and cramps you have, can you get day off work tomorrow (pull a sicky) so you can relax xx
Nope, work are a nightmare for having time off. I'm only in 8-2.30pm so it isn't TOO bad, really. See what the docs say tomorrow i guess.

Sorry to bring so much worry/misery to this place!
Your not at all Hun that's what we are here for, it was me last week I was adamant I had no baby and it was a belighted ovum I made myself poorly with stress over weekend googling everything that oh took my phone off me and made me relax and watch movies with him it was the longest 4 days ever so imagine my suprise yesterday when bubba was there with beating heart, I really do think it's just bubba snuggling in to you getting comfy xx
I really hope so, i'm expecting the worst regardless so at least i won't be surprised if it does happen.
Till then though, i'll keep talking to my belly and telling little one to keep growing and to stay in there :)
Awww my oh talks to my tummy it's so cute, every time I have a cramp I rub my tummy and tell little one to keep growing and be strong,how are you feeling now? Xx
I'm so sorry your having such a worrying time hellandglory, I know how you feel, when I had that bleed last week I thought that was it, I was lucky I got to speak to my doctor over the phone and they referred me to EPU. I really did have quite a big bleed, it soaked through a pantiliner but it was ok, I've also had a bit of brown discharge since then but I've tried to tell myself that's nothing to worry about. Just look after yourself xxx
Hi ladies!! It's such a pleasure to have read all these posts and see I'm not alone in my current situation. I'm currently 5+3 after having a m/c in July, potentially due 13 may. I'm trying to stay positive but obviously a little reserved to get excited!

Congratulations! I've added your due date to the first post. You're certainly not alone and we're all here for support xxx
Well... never thought I'd be posting over in this part of the forum! Been going through IVF because of blocked fallopian tubes, so never expected that we'd be the lucky ones it worked for!

Got my BFP yesterday and according to when my egg collection was (apparently they use that to calculate it with IVF), I'm 4 weeks and 3 days, which would make me due on 21st May. Not had that date confirmed by a midwife yet, because they'll do that at my scan in 3 weeks, but it seems right to me!
Honestly holli, I feel dreadful. Ended up crying myself to sleep last night which I know isn't ideal but it all just got on top of me I think. The bleeding is still coming but this morning it was a more browny pink... But that's probably because I've been laying down all night. I've put a pad on for work so we'll see how it goes.
Honestly holli, I feel dreadful. Ended up crying myself to sleep last night which I know isn't ideal but it all just got on top of me I think. The bleeding is still coming but this morning it was a more browny pink... But that's probably because I've been laying down all night. I've put a pad on for work so we'll see how it goes.

Awww I wish you couldn't of gone to work you could of done with out it :-(
I've been thinking of you, that's good though that's it's browny pink that's what makes me think it's more implantation, my cousin bled brown and black in her early pregnancy she was adamant she had lost the baby she is now almost 38 weeks pregnant so please don't give up hope xx
Well... never thought I'd be posting over in this part of the forum! Been going through IVF because of blocked fallopian tubes, so never expected that we'd be the lucky ones it worked for!

Got my BFP yesterday and according to when my egg collection was (apparently they use that to calculate it with IVF), I'm 4 weeks and 3 days, which would make me due on 21st May. Not had that date confirmed by a midwife yet, because they'll do that at my scan in 3 weeks, but it seems right to me!

Awww that's lovely news congratulations :) xx
Congrats Mrs Emmy!! Its really nice NatG that theres a few similar experiences, you are so right it does make you feel less alone.
Hellandglory sorry you are having such a nerve wracking time. All my fongers crossed xx

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