*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

I had a nasty dizzy spell today with a headache and had to lie down. Was a reminder to eat and drink more!
Been aching all over at different points this week and had a bit of nausea but not been feeling too bad generally.
At just over five weeks I'm further along than I got last time so I'll ring the midwife tomorrow.
It's all seeming more real this time!
Hello everyone! I'm due my 3rd baby around 15th May, wasn't planned but we're super excited!!

Congratulations! I've added your due date to the first post.

So this is your 3rd, any words of wisdom? How does this pregnancy compare so far to your previous?


Thanks! haha no not really, I feel out of practice now! DD1 is 7 and DD2 is 5. I thought we'd finished with the whole baby thing, but here we are! I'm just as anxious as a first time mum, constantly knicker checking :wall2: Trying to relay and enjoy, but can't help but worry at every twinge! No doubt about it, early pregnancy sucks! I had terrible cramps with both my previous pregnancies and worried the whole time then too.
I found out this morning that i'm pregnant (yay). Due 10th May :). Very excited
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Dipping a very very very tentative toe into here if you ladies will have me! This is my second pregnancy and hopefully my rainbow baby after a miscarriage in April. So so so nervous but also so happy and excited! Which is not helping as I need some pre night shift sleep right now!!
Dipping a very very very tentative toe into here if you ladies will have me! This is my second pregnancy and hopefully my rainbow baby after a miscarriage in April. So so so nervous but also so happy and excited! Which is not helping as I need some pre night shift sleep right now!!

Snap I lost twins in may I'm so scared congrationd Hun xx
There's a few of us with rainbow babies, I'm glad we can go through this together.

Meet my midwife today and made my booking in appointment for Sep 29th though I've had more blood again today so I've got my fingers tightly crossed I make it that far.
Congratulations loopylucy1990, andrewswifey and kaypee! You're all more than welcome here xxx

Kaypee, do you know your estimated due date for me to add you to the first post?

There's a few of us with rainbow babies, I'm glad we can go through this together.

Meet my midwife today and made my booking in appointment for Sep 29th though I've had more blood again today so I've got my fingers tightly crossed I make it that far.

It's such a worry I know but I've got everything crossed for you xxx
So had my check up scan today and not only did we see fetal pole we saw the start of the heartbeat, Was amazing to see the fluttering when I got it in my head there was no baby xx


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That's the best news holli! You must be so relieved and so pleased you got to take a photo away.

How is everyone else doing? I'm thinking I'm going to need maternity trousers really soon, mostly because I'm so bloated at the moment, my work trousers are starting to dig in!
Yeah I've been pretty quite on here over the weekend I just got it in my head there was no baby I wasn't even looking at the screen at first as I couldn't bear to look then she went and there's your baby and you can see the heart beating the biggest smiles came on mine and oh faces was just amazing to see it fluttering away :)
I asked her why I have left sided pain she said it's very normal and it's usually to do with the bowel and been gassy if on the left I said well I have loads of gas haha xx
So had my check up scan today and not only did we see fetal pole we saw the start of the heartbeat, Was amazing to see the fluttering when I got it in my head there was no baby xx

Awesome news! See I told you not to worry 😉
I know thankyou :) feels like a massive weight of my shoulders xz
Thanks so much for the congratulations. Loopylucy it is very different after loss 😕 Holli thats fab news! Sparrow my due date is 19th May. Feel like im jumping the gun saying that 😐 But i did another test today and the line was really strong and a digi said 2-3 and technically ive just missed my period yesterday so im hoping thats a good sign xx
Hi ladies!! It's such a pleasure to have read all these posts and see I'm not alone in my current situation. I'm currently 5+3 after having a m/c in July, potentially due 13 may. I'm trying to stay positive but obviously a little reserved to get excited!
Thankyou kaypee :) xx
Congratulations NatG :) xx

It's looking like may 2018 is going to be a good month :)
Morning sickness has well and truely hit :( I feel so so sick I can barely stay at my desk
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