*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Just got my blood test results back and my hcG is 30478. Thank God it's not crazy huge as I've been scared I'm having twins I've popped out so fast! Looks good that there's only one lol
Aw hon. Do you have an early pregnancy appointment?
Back to bleeding again today :(

Try and get seen hun. But do remember some people just bleed through pregnancies. I was in a group with one lady who bled the whole way through and baby was fine. It has to do with where your placenta is.
one of the enemy for a normal conception it's stress take it easy this will come eat good end take medecine depend on you case but https://best-sante.com/pregnancy/ Here you ll found about how to boost you fertility and pregnancy sign + nutrition during pregnancy and what is banned and goodluck
Hope it's nothing hellandglory it must be such a stressful time, if your not working try and relax if you can xx
The only time I've bled during pregnancy is when I miscarried, and whilst I know each pregnancy is different this just doesn't feel right. I've said I'll go back to the docs if the bleeding gets heavier... Fingers crossed I don't need to!
I'm really hoping everything turns out ok for you hellandglory. Take care of yourself xxx
How is every one today? I got panicky as woke with a few stabbing pains on the left that hurt like a bitch that I took paracetamol it soon went after that, im just hoping it's baby growing as on the scan it showed baby was on the left, do any of you feeling like your hungover? I feel nauseous and like my head is in a fog kinda thing all time I have zero energy and just generally can't be arsed to do anything xx
Morning sickness has well and truely hit :( I feel so so sick I can barely stay at my desk

which week are you in now?
I am week 4, have a mild nausea but it comes and goes and not too bad. Wondering if it will hit soon
Hi Holli, I'm sure the stabbing pains are nothing to worry about.
My symptoms really seem to have slowed right down or nearly disappeared. I have to admit it's got me worried. I think oh and I are going to book an early scan for when I'm nearly 8 weeks.
Hiya everyone yes I have that hungover feeling no headaches or nausea but my head is in a fog a lot of time! Boobs are very tender slightest knock and it hurts! I've had the stretching cramps since I found out and also my lower back gets sore if I over do anything so I get my feet up at that point! Iv just gone off food really I feel full most of the time and am eating for the sake of it... nothing appeals to me really... just eating because I know I have to but not snacking just meals at the moment! How's everyone else doing? Anyone feeling similar? Xx
Constipated is not the word I really need to go but it won't come :-( I feel like I'm in a fog I have zero energy and I can't be arsed with anything it's like a real chore just to get a shower and dressed, I'm nauseous but not sick it's bad enough I have to wear a sea band to try and keep it at bay! Cramps haven't really been that bad since this morning just the odd twinge here and there, boobs feel itchy and lumpy and only sore if I shower or catch them, I know it's a horrible feeling but it's also good as it shows baby is growing and sucking life outta us to get what they need, roll on second trimester when we feel better (or so my cousin keeps telling me) xx
Constipated is not the word I really need to go but it won't come :-( I feel like I'm in a fog I have zero energy and I can't be arsed with anything it's like a real chore just to get a shower and dressed, I'm nauseous but not sick it's bad enough I have to wear a sea band to try and keep it at bay! Cramps haven't really been that bad since this morning just the odd twinge here and there, boobs feel itchy and lumpy and only sore if I shower or catch them, I know it's a horrible feeling but it's also good as it shows baby is growing and sucking life outta us to get what they need, roll on second trimester when we feel better (or so my cousin keeps telling me) xx

Yes to all of the above! Quesy, bloated, constipated, gassy, tired, sore boobs! Getting out of bed is the hardest and I just want to lay around all day and have someone else make my meals. Really hoping this subsides soon. I'm 8 weeks today and having an early private scan later, all being well I'll have a picture of the peanut to post later x
I feel rubbish!!! Have a scan next Tuesday to se if my baby is ok I'm
So scared! Sickeness sore nipples tired went home from work yesterday I'll and slept all day woke for 3 hours then back to bed. Constipated!! Just hope my baby is ok lol
I just did a digital this morning expecting 3+ and it said 2-3 which was the same as last week so im panicking and i think this is the same as last time. I really cant go through that again ��
Constipated is not the word I really need to go but it won't come :-( I feel like I'm in a fog I have zero energy and I can't be arsed with anything it's like a real chore just to get a shower and dressed, I'm nauseous but not sick it's bad enough I have to wear a sea band to try and keep it at bay! Cramps haven't really been that bad since this morning just the odd twinge here and there, boobs feel itchy and lumpy and only sore if I shower or catch them, I know it's a horrible feeling but it's also good as it shows baby is growing and sucking life outta us to get what they need, roll on second trimester when we feel better (or so my cousin keeps telling me) xx

Yes to all of the above! Quesy, bloated, constipated, gassy, tired, sore boobs! Getting out of bed is the hardest and I just want to lay around all day and have someone else make my meals. Really hoping this subsides soon. I'm 8 weeks today and having an early private scan later, all being well I'll have a picture of the peanut to post later x

Really looking forward to seeing your peanut :) I'm bloated too but seems to hit me more at night my tummy goes massive at night, I burp like a trooper oh is like such an attractive woman haha! I have my booking in appointment next Tuesday so hopefully she will tell me when I'm due my 12 week scan xx
I just did a digital this morning expecting 3+ and it said 2-3 which was the same as last week so im panicking and i think this is the same as last time. I really cant go through that again ��

Don't panic Hun quite a lot of women never get a 3+ even when they are like 5 months pregnant they never get one, they do get a lot of bad reviews as it makes a lot of women panic that they are guna misscarry when that's not the case, do you know what your blood level is as that has to be over 2500 to get a 3+ too xx

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