*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Congrats mrsemmy!
hellandglory I hope you are ok and work goes quickly for you.
Ladies my little boy had me up last night so after putting him to bed I went the loo and when I wiped there was pink blood. I completely thought, Well this is it because even though I got my bfp at 12 dpo and again at 14dpo which was on the 6th sept my cycles are 35 days so technically my period was due to start yesterday. I completely thought chemical. I went the loo again about an hour later and it was just brown discharged. Got up this morning and it was nothing. My boobs aren't as sore but I still feel bloated and sicky. Got a cheapie test and it is the strongest line I've had yet! I completely don't know what to think now.!
stargirl , my nurse told me that most women do experience bleeding around when their periods are due and that is normal xx
stargirl , my nurse told me that most women do experience bleeding around when their periods are due and that is normal xx

I'm really hoping that is what it was. Its hard not to worry and think all kinds, isn't it. But so far my symptoms have not been as strong or the same as they where with my son so that has me worrying even though I know not every pregnancy is the same.
stargirl , my nurse told me that most women do experience bleeding around when their periods are due and that is normal xx

I'm really hoping that is what it was. Its hard not to worry and think all kinds, isn't it. But so far my symptoms have not been as strong or the same as they where with my son so that has me worrying even though I know not every pregnancy is the same.

Yes I know what you mean, when I had my cramps they really hurt and paracetamol didn't do much so I went straight to a+e as I wasn't sure what was right and what wasn't, luckily they kept doing bloods and scans to check everything was as it should be and I have my final scan tomorrow before been discharged till the 12 week scan, I didn't realise I would worry quite as much as I do with every twinge or cramp, I thought all the stress was ttc how wrong was I lol? Xx
Just back from the doctors and he said he takes a wait and see approach... So no relief there really.
Just back from the doctors and he said he takes a wait and see approach... So no relief there really.

That's not very professional, I'd of gone ape shit at him!
How are you feeling? How's the bleeding now? Xx
Well... never thought I'd be posting over in this part of the forum! Been going through IVF because of blocked fallopian tubes, so never expected that we'd be the lucky ones it worked for!

Got my BFP yesterday and according to when my egg collection was (apparently they use that to calculate it with IVF), I'm 4 weeks and 3 days, which would make me due on 21st May. Not had that date confirmed by a midwife yet, because they'll do that at my scan in 3 weeks, but it seems right to me!

Congratulations and welcome Mrs_Emmy! I've added your estimated due date to the first post xxx

Feeling so tired today all I want to do is go back to bed! How's everyone else coping?
After 5 plus years of negatives I got my first bfp today mid afternoon 3 hour hold! I'm four days late so believe I am due around 20th may! This will be my second child... my son is 10 now! Will make a doctors appointment soon!


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After 5 plus years of negatives I got my first bfp today mid afternoon 3 hour hold! I'm four days late so believe I am due around 20th may! This will be my second child... my son is 10 now! Will make a doctors appointment soon!

Congratulations that's a clear bfp! I've added your due date to the first post xxx
Thank you sparrow! EDD is actually 21st at the moment sorry to be a pain!!xxx
Morning ladies. How are you Hellandglory? If you're still having problems have you tried maternity direct on Facebook? You can message a midwife and they reply really quickly. More helpful than the docs if you ask me. I'm 5 plus 6 today, tired, slight cramping (but that's a daily occurrence so I'm not too worried) but no nausea yet. Not that I'm complaining but has anyone else not had any by this stage? I've got an early scan on Tuesday, hoping to see the heart beat just to reassure myself someone is growing in there
Congrats danni :)

So I've just been to hospital for my last scan and baby's heart beat was noticeable as soon as she started scan she's measured me at 6+3 but said will probably change when I go for 12 week scan next month. She's more than happy with how everything looks and is progressing so has discharged me till the 12 week scan now so excited, she's given me a sea band to try and help with the nausea and has said if that doesn't help I have to go to hospital every 3 days to have something inserted in me wrist really hope it doesn't come to that though xx
I've still got pink today and I'm convinced my symptoms are disappearing, really losing hope minute by minute.

Congratulations to all the new joiners x
I've still got pink today and I'm convinced my symptoms are disappearing, really losing hope minute by minute.

Congratulations to all the new joiners x

I'd go to your a+e they will check your bloods and do a scan Hun it will put your mind at rest xx
Had my first doctors appointment yesterday with my GP he's referred me to an OBGYN and they got in touch really quickly to book me in for next week. I was on the waiting list for the midwives here but no word so far.

I've had my 12 week scan booked for October 16th where I'll have all my extra tests for spina bifida etc as my nephew had it, along with dating. So I'm apparently high risk. I've been given a prescription for high dose folic acid and also anti sickness meds. My OBGYN also said he might order an earlier ultrasound when he sees me next week due to my previous losses and risk of spina bifida.

I probably should mention I'm having this baby in Canada! So things are a bit different here but mostly the same.

I had my first 2 in the UK, we moved to Canada 18 months ago.
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I've still got pink today and I'm convinced my symptoms are disappearing, really losing hope minute by minute.

Congratulations to all the new joiners x

I'm with holli. Get yourself to a and e xxx
Ahh that's good they are keeping an eye on you chloenat, 16th October is my grandads birthday and also his death anniversary (yes only he could die on his 75th birthday) I had a feeling my scan would be around there, not sure if any of you believe in this sort of thing it freaks my oh out but other week when I was having cramps and was stressed about it I dreamt of my grandad and it kept going from their old house to their caravan they used to have at Skegness and he told me everything was guna be alright it felt so real like he was there with me xx
Unfortunately I can't get up to A and E between work and having ds. Today has been a little better, so at least there is that :)
I'm glad things are better been thinking of you xx

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