*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

That's what im dreading hellandglory when I go back to work, I'm off for 2 weeks at moment but I do 12 hour nights in a care home and before I came off for annual leave I suffered the worst cramps whilst on the shift and afterwards, it is still like that when I go back I'm guna get a sick note. Hopefully your off this weekend so you can rest, I've been told when I'm crampy to rest with my legs up and lay on my left side xx
I'll have to remember that advice the next time I'm crampy.

Morning sickness seems to be setting in for me now, so quesy this morning I carried a bucket around the house whilst I got ready for work, and I couldn't stop heaving when brushing my teeth. Haven't actually been sick yet and fingers crossed it stays that way, I have awful visions of throwing up at work at my desk or I won't quite make it to the toilet.

God knows how anyone keeps being pregnant a secret, I think my work colleagues are going to start to suspect soon.
Really don't think I'm pregnant now and that it's just a belighted ovum, had a scan last Friday which showed the sac at 3.5mm today the scan just showed a sac now at 10.5mm but couldn't see anything inside, the woman who gave the scan said with my bloods been over 16,000 that they should be able to see more than they are feel deflated and peed off incase my body is playing a cruel trick on me xx
Really don't think I'm pregnant now and that it's just a belighted ovum, had a scan last Friday which showed the sac at 3.5mm today the scan just showed a sac now at 10.5mm but couldn't see anything inside, the woman who gave the scan said with my bloods been over 16,000 that they should be able to see more than they are feel deflated and peed off incase my body is playing a cruel trick on me xx

Have they booked you in for another scan, Holli? I think when in the early stages it's best just to remember that all our bodies are different and things develop at different rates. Fingers crossed for you that everything is ok.
Yeah I'm in Tuesday and Friday for scans - not holding much hope though xx
Don't lose hope yet Holli, just take each day as it comes, you never know and I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.
Hi All :wave:,

I got my BFP last Thursday ( 3 days late with AF). This is my first time being pregnant so I'm glad to have support from sites like this with other ladies going through the same thing. I think I will be due around the beginning of May 2018. Super excited!!

Don't know about anyone else but the only things I've noticed so far is my boobs are so tender and I am feeling more tired than normal. Nothing else yet that I can put my finger on for symptom wise. If anyone else in that boat? I'm not sure what is normal...

Yeah I'm in Tuesday and Friday for scans - not holding much hope though xx

At this stage it's really hard to see anything so don't lose hope! I had a scan with my son at 7 weeks and all I could see was a little smudge
Hi All :wave:,

I got my BFP last Thursday ( 3 days late with AF). This is my first time being pregnant so I'm glad to have support from sites like this with other ladies going through the same thing. I think I will be due around the beginning of May 2018. Super excited!!

Don't know about anyone else but the only things I've noticed so far is my boobs are so tender and I am feeling more tired than normal. Nothing else yet that I can put my finger on for symptom wise. If anyone else in that boat? I'm not sure what is normal...


Congratulations cuddable! I've put your estimated due date as 1 May 2018, I will amend everyone's due dates when we have had dating scans.

This is my first ever pregnancy too so everything is so new and weird, and surreal!

Congratulations cuddable! I've put your estimated due date as 1 May 2018, I will amend everyone's due dates when we have had dating scans.

This is my first ever pregnancy too so everything is so new and weird, and surreal![/QUOTE]

Thank you Sparrow, and congratulations to you too! :)

Yes, its very surreal just now. Have to keep reminded myself that I am pregnant. I am excited for some more symptoms to kick in ( I may be speaking too soon LOL). Looking forward to feeling like I am pregnant.
Have everything crossed for you holli, try to stay positive though i know it is hard.

Unfortunately i don't have the weekend off, i'm in 11 hours tomorrow and 6 on Sunday...then in Monday and Tuesday. I cannot wait to get to Wednesday and do NOTHING all day after i've taken DS to school haha.
Hello everyone! I'm due my 3rd baby around 15th May, wasn't planned but we're super excited!!
Hello everyone! I'm due my 3rd baby around 15th May, wasn't planned but we're super excited!!

Congratulations! I've added your due date to the first post.

So this is your 3rd, any words of wisdom? How does this pregnancy compare so far to your previous?

Red spotting again tonight... I'm rapidly losing positivity :(

The bleed I had Tuesdays was quite a lot and it was red, it turned to brown and it's only just gone completely today. All was fine with my scan and they couldn't tell me why I had any bleeding except to say that it's not uncommon this early. Your spotting is probably nothing to worry about either, but I know how easy it is to worry. Could you call the doctor to see if they'll get you in for an early scan to put your mind at rest?
How is every one doing? Hormones have died down a bit now but they a pain one min I'm happy next I could rip someone's head of its horrible this is my 6th baby and never been this hormonal lol but I'm hoping it will dye down soon

Hope everyone's doing OK?

Here's my bumpy/bloat at 6 weeks. 3rd baby and my muscles are non existent
Symptoms are almost nonexistent at the moment but have had cramping - trying not to think too much about it and take each day as it comes.
Chloe that's quite a bump you've got. I don't even want to look in the mirror as I feel massive!
Symptoms are almost nonexistent at the moment but have had cramping - trying not to think too much about it and take each day as it comes.
Chloe that's quite a bump you've got. I don't even want to look in the mirror as I feel massive!

My symptoms have eased off too. No sickness which is a win! Slightly heavy feeling just super tired all the time.

I feel huge! I just lost weight on the body coach plan and now I feel like I'm right back where I started

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