*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Glad your ok hellandglory :)

Chloenat we had our names picked before we even conceived, I take it you have your girls name sorted? Xx
Glad everything is ok, hellandglory.

I hate names too. I'm a nursery nurse so I've heard nearly every name going and I don't like anything.
I had an ultra sound Tuesday and could see the sac that's it, im booked in again Friday morning but I don't think there would be much change in 3 days would there? She's took my bloods today and will get results tomorrow Id love to just see a yolk sac or fetol pole just so I know it's growing and progressing but my cousins said it will be just a sac still, hospital only keeping an eye on me as I had cramps down my left side over weekend, going by my last bleed I'm 5+4 (my hcg was 8724 yesterday when they called with results) but I'm not 100% I keep getting that nasty feeling I will lose it which upsets oh :-( xx

You might be surprised how much difference there is in 3 days they're growing so quickly at this time. But you might also be a few days behind 5+4 if you actually ovulated later in your cycle, so don't be disheartened if you don't see more. It's such a worry at this stage, it feels so precarious and surreal, try not to worry but I know that's easier said than done. Maybe treat yourself to a day out or a nice meal this weekend x

That's really good news hellandglory xxx
We have our names picked already, violet for a girl and Alexander for a bit :)
We have our names picked already, violet for a girl and Alexander for a bit :)

I like violet but my hubby doesn't. He's always like Ava, but I don't. We had our sons name before he was conceived but could never agree on a girls. My mum passed away 15 months ago her name was Maureen which we don't want to use as a first name but will as a second. Either as Maureen or Mo.

Is anyone planning on finding out what they are having?
Thankyou sparrow, I'm actually of work for 2 weeks on annual leave, oh is wanting to go to zoo this weekend if it doesn't rain but it's looking like it might
Yes stargirl we are finding out, oh can't wait till 20 week scan and has suggested buying a private one at 16 weeks just so he knows as he's wanting to crack on with nursery, he'd really like a girl, we want willow for a girl and jack for a boy xx
Hi everyone, glad everything's going ok. I was reading through the posts and it's made me feel tonnes better. Ive been having mini cramps last couple of days and yesterday I had very very pale pink when I wipe but it seems this is fairly normal and should be fine as long as it doesn't go red. Can't help but worry after losing my last though. Still. Hubby has booked an early scan for the 26th which takes me up to about 7 weeks. There won't be all that much to see probably but it will confirm its viable and progressing which will be a huge relief. Think I'll go mad if I have to wait until 12 weeks.
Beca My cramps last week where that bad they had me bent over and I was sure af was coming I also had killer back ache too, I went to a+e I was that worried but my hcg levels have been more Than doubling every 48 hours and I saw the sac on ultra sound, I also had my cervix checked and it was closed and no blood was around it, now I get the odd twinge or cramp but I got told that you do get af style cramps around the time af would be here and it's all normal, not only is it stressful ttc but it doesn't end when we actually conceive does it? Xx
My bloods have come back at 11,200 not sure if that's good or not they was 8724 the day before the nurse was off with me which has put me on a downer xx
So they've only increased 2500 in 24 hours xx
Glad your ok hellandglory :)

Chloenat we had our names picked before we even conceived, I take it you have your girls name sorted? Xx

We had our names picked for our other two before we conceived also. Lyla Marie and Jack Joseph but with this one I'm stumped.

I like Evelyn Ada for a girl and I think I'm leaning towards Dexter Ferris for a boy but I'm not sure.
Glad your ok hellandglory :)

Chloenat we had our names picked before we even conceived, I take it you have your girls name sorted? Xx

We had our names picked for our other two before we conceived also. Lyla Marie and Jack Joseph but with this one I'm stumped.

I like Evelyn Ada for a girl and I think I'm leaning towards Dexter Ferris for a boy but I'm not sure.

I like those names, all the old ones are coming fashionable again, I wonder what the new princess or prince name will be xx
We will definitely be finding out! We're much too impatient haha
Ok now I'm panicking, oh been working away a few nights and came back today and we just dtd, scared we might poke little one out now... have any of you still had sex or banned it for a few weeks? Xx
My back is hurting feel blar and I just want to rip people's heads of my mood is so bad it's even driving me mad I hope it don't last 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥
My moods are terrible past 7pm, I think oh wants to lock me away haha.

Upside, docs confirmed the pregnancy today! The want a telephone consultation tomorrow though and I've no idea why :/
Ok now I'm panicking, oh been working away a few nights and came back today and we just dtd, scared we might poke little one out now... have any of you still had sex or banned it for a few weeks? Xx

Not yet, poor hubby, I can't remember how far along I was with our first when we did it but at the moment I'm too scared too even though I know it's perfectly safe!
The t-shirt to surprise hubby hasn't arrived yet and I don't know if I can keep it a secret any more! :shock:
Ok now I'm panicking, oh been working away a few nights and came back today and we just dtd, scared we might poke little one out now... have any of you still had sex or banned it for a few weeks? Xx

We're still dtd and did so all the way through our other pregnancies.
Aww that's reassuring we was both like we shouldn't of done that after wards, keep checking for blood like a nutter xx
Had some more blood when wiping at about 8pm and i'm crampy and achey today...but i did do a 12 hour shift in work so i'm hoping its just my body being tired. :)

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