*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Thanks ladies. Stargirl I've added your due date to the first post.

I'll let you ladies know how things go. Hellandglory, I hope yours doesn't come to anything and it stops.

Fingers crossed for you ladies. Pink is good! Xx
Hope everything is ok sparrow and hellandglory been thinking about you

Have any of you ladies downloaded these apps or looked at this book? They all explain everything on your babies progress how you may be feeling or not feeling what your baby looks like each day :) my cousin told me about them and gave me the book yesterday as I confided in her I was pregnant (she's 37 weeks pregnant) xx


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Just had the scan and everything is fine, they could see the heartbeat, couldn't see any reason for the bleeding. I've never been so relieved!

Hellandglory, how are you today?
Sparrow that's fab news!
Holli I used the pregnancy plus app all though my first pregnancy and found it great. I've downloaded it again for this one.
Yeah my cousin swears by it, she said it was worth the £3.99 I had to pay, if you download the bounty app they send you vouchers and freebies xx
Do any of you feel hungry but when it comes to eating you can't eat it all cos your soon full? Xx
Do any of you feel hungry but when it comes to eating you can't eat it all cos your soon full? Xx

Me, all the time. I actually have hunger pains and then just can't face food. Today I've had a banana, some ginger biscuits and a yogurt! I'm cooking tea now and really can't face eating it!

So I tested on Monday and everyday since and I still haven't told my hubby! :shock: any one else not told their oh yet? I just don't want him to worry in case anything went wrong early on.
Do any of you feel hungry but when it comes to eating you can't eat it all cos your soon full? Xx

Me, all the time. I actually have hunger pains and then just can't face food. Today I've had a banana, some ginger biscuits and a yogurt! I'm cooking tea now and really can't face eating it!

So I tested on Monday and everyday since and I still haven't told my hubby! :shock: any one else not told their oh yet? I just don't want him to worry in case anything went wrong early on.

You must have amazing will power, I just couldn't keep quiet about it, but it's very considerate of you to be concerned about him worrying.

I have been getting really hungry and I can eat a meal ok but I've gone right off anything sweet, which is really unusual for me!

I downloaded the pregnancy+ app, it's really interesting but does anyone find the lifelike pictures of the baby a bit disturbing? At 6 weeks it looks like something out of alien!
Do any of you feel hungry but when it comes to eating you can't eat it all cos your soon full? Xx

Me, all the time. I actually have hunger pains and then just can't face food. Today I've had a banana, some ginger biscuits and a yogurt! I'm cooking tea now and really can't face eating it!

So I tested on Monday and everyday since and I still haven't told my hubby! :shock: any one else not told their oh yet? I just don't want him to worry in case anything went wrong early on.

You must have amazing will power, I just couldn't keep quiet about it, but it's very considerate of you to be concerned about him worrying.

I have been getting really hungry and I can eat a meal ok but I've gone right off anything sweet, which is really unusual for me!

I downloaded the pregnancy+ app, it's really interesting but does anyone find the lifelike pictures of the baby a bit disturbing? At 6 weeks it looks like something out of alien!

Haha it really does, doesn't it. I find they are all like that though.

I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm pg, I've just not confirmed it for him. He told me tonight that I need to pee on a stick and I had to leave the room before I told him I already had. I've ordered a big brother T-shirt for our son and it should arrive tomorrow. I might put it on him for when hubby comes home from school to surprise him. It's what my hubby plans to do for his parents when it came time to tell them!
Aww I find it interesting even if we are carrying aliens at the moment haha I'm sure they will be perfect when it comes to holding them ! I feel hungry all time my belly rumbles but I eat a few mouthfuls and it's like I hit a brick wall and I'm full find it very strange!
My oh is very excited that we are pregnant he really wants a little girl I don't mind either way as long as it's healthy.
Do any of you actually forget your pregnant as for a short time during day you have no symptoms? Then boom either nausea or a cramp comes along xx
The t-shirt is such a lovely idea stargirl, you should do it!

I do forget from time to time holli, usually when I'm at work and concentrating on something and then just in the last couple of days I've started getting really strong waves of nausea, and I have to sit there and tell myself I'm not going to throw up. Luckily at the moment a few deep breaths and it seems to get better, really hoping it doesn't get worse, I'm so afraid of throwing up at my desk or in the corridor because I'm not particularly close to the toilets in the office.
I hope hellandglory is ok! Xx
I hope hellandglory is ok! Xx

Me too.

I'm off work this week so my bfp has been on my mind loads. I think when I'm back at work next week it will keep me distracted so that the weeks should go by quickly.

I don't think I've mentioned this but going off my last period my due date is the 16th of may, my little boys birthday is the 14th :shock: I'm really hoping that if this bean sticks it's like it's brother and arrives 10 days early so that there is more then two days between birthdays!
I had an ultra sound Tuesday and could see the sac that's it, im booked in again Friday morning but I don't think there would be much change in 3 days would there? She's took my bloods today and will get results tomorrow Id love to just see a yolk sac or fetol pole just so I know it's growing and progressing but my cousins said it will be just a sac still, hospital only keeping an eye on me as I had cramps down my left side over weekend, going by my last bleed I'm 5+4 (my hcg was 8724 yesterday when they called with results) but I'm not 100% I keep getting that nasty feeling I will lose it which upsets oh :-( xx
You guys are super sweet ��. I've been at work and then out for oh's grandads birthday so I've not had a chance to come on. We've had no more blood, whether it be pink or red so that's good! Felt a little sick this morning as well, so that was actually really nice haha.

So for now it's just going g to the loo and can checking a million times a day haha
Boys names suck! I actually hate everything I hear lol
You guys are super sweet ��. I've been at work and then out for oh's grandads birthday so I've not had a chance to come on. We've had no more blood, whether it be pink or red so that's good! Felt a little sick this morning as well, so that was actually really nice haha.

So for now it's just going g to the loo and can checking a million times a day haha

Glad all is well!!

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