I don't think that's unusual, other ladies at your stage have said they don't have any symptoms either. I'm 5+4 going by the first day of my last period and I only have mild symptoms. When's your estimated due date? Xxx
What baby will this be ChloeNat? I was showing so early with my last pregnancy x
Been to the loo and had pink on the tissue..
Hi, first baby, second pregnancy (miscarried early in October) so fingers, toes and everything else crossed extremely tightly. Due May 12th ish according to the midwife and am 4wks plus 2 if that makes sense? Congratulations ladies
Been to the loo and had pink on the tissue..
I sympathise with you. I got home from work about an hour and a half ago and went to the toilet to find that I've bled on to a pantyliner quite a lot, it hasn't soaked through but it's more than spotting and it's dark red. I keep going to the toilet every 20 mins to check and it seems to just be some pink on the tissue each time I wipe now. I called my doctor and I've been booked for an early pregnancy scan tomorrow at 12:20, I've never been so apprehensive and worried!
Could you do the same hellandglory?