*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

I don't think that's unusual, other ladies at your stage have said they don't have any symptoms either. I'm 5+4 going by the first day of my last period and I only have mild symptoms. When's your estimated due date? Xxx
Any of you got more discharge? Like watery stuff with a tiny tinge of white in but mainly clear? Playing havoc with me making me think I'm bleeding, can see it when I wipe after going for a wee too xx
Finally got a darker test line today so feeling a little happier! Its OH's birthday today and i just got a cheque back from lloyds bank for £1000. Its a GREAT day today haha.
Hello everyone!

Got my BFP on sept 1, due date will be around may 17. So far, some light cramping, odd sleep schedule and feeling a bit emotional ALL THE TIME. So excited! xx
Congratulations honeygirl, I've added your approx date to the first post. Your symptoms sound familiar, today I got my first taste of morning sickness, I didn't actually throw up but I came pretty close.

holli, I know what you mean, I've taken to wearing pantiliners every day now xx
Congratulations hellandglory that is what I call a great day!
Thanks! I just wish i could shake the anxiety i have over losing this baby like the last and just enjoy the experience.

I think because i have little to no symptoms i'm overly panicking.

The bloat has forced me to wear maternity jeans already. I am so not loving this. My stomach muscles have been destroyed by my previous pregnancies
What baby will this be ChloeNat? I was showing so early with my last pregnancy x
So had my third lots of bloods today they have come back at 8724 the nurse is really pleased as they are more than doubling :) she checked my cervix too which was closed and she swabbed to check for any blood and there wasn't any im booked in Friday morning for another scan :) xx
So I'm feeling all negative today. My symptoms seem to come and go! I took another test this morning with a internet cheapy and with smu and it was really faint which has me worrying and panicking and stressing myself out! Arghh why I had to take another test I do not know! I'm just really panicking that I'm going to have a chemical like I did before conceiving my little boy!
I'm going to be like this till after the 13th I know it! You spend your whole time ttc stressing and then when you do finally get your bfp you then spend weeks until your scan stressing! It never goes away!
Hi, first baby, second pregnancy (miscarried early in October) so fingers, toes and everything else crossed extremely tightly. Due May 12th ish according to the midwife and am 4wks plus 2 if that makes sense? Congratulations ladies :dust: :love:
Congrats beca :) I think we are all paranoid at this point I know Iam but my hospital have been checking my bloods and they are doubling nicely which is promising, do you have any symptoms yet? Xx

Try and keep positive and strong stargirl I have everything crossed for you praying the Internet cheapy is just a rubbish test xx
Been to the loo and had pink on the tissue.. :(

I sympathise with you. I got home from work about an hour and a half ago and went to the toilet to find that I've bled on to a pantyliner quite a lot, it hasn't soaked through but it's more than spotting and it's dark red. I keep going to the toilet every 20 mins to check and it seems to just be some pink on the tissue each time I wipe now. I called my doctor and I've been booked for an early pregnancy scan tomorrow at 12:20, I've never been so apprehensive and worried!

Could you do the same hellandglory?

Hi, first baby, second pregnancy (miscarried early in October) so fingers, toes and everything else crossed extremely tightly. Due May 12th ish according to the midwife and am 4wks plus 2 if that makes sense? Congratulations ladies :dust: :love:

Congratulations! I've added your expected due date to the first post. I have my fingers crossed for you too xxx
Been to the loo and had pink on the tissue.. :(

I sympathise with you. I got home from work about an hour and a half ago and went to the toilet to find that I've bled on to a pantyliner quite a lot, it hasn't soaked through but it's more than spotting and it's dark red. I keep going to the toilet every 20 mins to check and it seems to just be some pink on the tissue each time I wipe now. I called my doctor and I've been booked for an early pregnancy scan tomorrow at 12:20, I've never been so apprehensive and worried!

Could you do the same hellandglory?


It hasn't been confirmed by my gp yet so they're reluctant, and at the moment it was the slightest bit of pink and i haven't had anymore..yet. I'm really hoping its just a uti tbh.
Good luck for you scan tomorrow, fingers and toes crossed for you.
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Really hope it's nothing for you both, I'll be keeping an eye out for updates, if it gets any worse or you have cramps I'd deffo go to a+e xx
Fingers crossed for you both sparrow and hellandglory.

I meant to say in my earlier post if you could please put my edd down for the 16 please?

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