*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

I think I might be in here :) going to retest Sunday though!!

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Awww congrats Millie :) nice to see you here xx
I'm just home from work and catching up. Wow, congratulations Rainbowteacher, hellandglory, and millielaura! I've added your expected due dates to the first post, millielaura do you know when you're roughly due?

Great news holli on your scan and results, that's very reassuring.

Congratulations angel babe! You're due date buddies with Rainbowteacher at the moment.

So how is everyone feeling? Other than some vague waves of nausea that have passed really quickly I haven't had any morning sickness yet and I'm a bit anxious about it. I have other symtoms like sore heavy boobs, bloated, constantly visiting the loo, tired, hot. How about everyone else?
Congratulations angel babe! You're due date buddies with Rainbowteacher at the moment.

So how is everyone feeling? Other than some vague waves of nausea that have passed really quickly I haven't had any morning sickness yet and I'm a bit anxious about it. I have other symtoms like sore heavy boobs, bloated, constantly visiting the loo, tired, hot. How about everyone else?

I've been slightly nauseous but no proper sickness yet. With my other two it didn't start properly until around 8 weeks.

Slightly sore boobs, feeling heavy and full in my pelvis, tired, and just generally meh feeling really!
i seem to be very hot, and i feel sick a couple times a day and i cannot sleep pact 6am which is getting very annoying..but the early waking is what made me take the test with DS so i'm clinging on to the early morning wake up haha.
Nausea keeps coming and going, back ache the odd twinge, when I go to loo I'm loose, I'm finding I get out of breath quicker just walking upstairs feels like I've done a marathon and sooo tired I've just got up after 11 hours sleep and I feel I could still sleep if it wasn't for my dog wanting to go out bless her - oh at work so he can't xx
Got AF like cramps today so very nervous... Fingers crossed :)
Got AF like cramps today so very nervous... Fingers crossed :)

Don't Hun! I know easier said than done, I had really bad killer af cramps Wednesday night and back ache I was that worried I phoned my gp and to put my mind at rest she sent me to hospital for an early scan and bloods, everything was fine my bloods came back at 1862 and could see a little black blob on the scan, I'm back for more bloods tomorrow to check they are rising, she also said that it happens when your around af time and that it's just baby nestling in making its home, thankfully mine have pretty much gone I just have the odd twinge and back ache, I also find I cramp more if I'm walking around xx
Hi hellandglory, I had cramps last weekend when I was 4+3 and I was worried too, I must have gone to the toilet every half an hour to check for bleeding but there was none, and the cramps eventually subsided. If it gets worse or you have any spotting call you EPU, but I'm sure it will be fine and it's just your womb stretching out and baby making its home xxx
Thank you for the reassurance guys. I swear I don't remember any of this worrying first time around :(
I'm so sorry waterlilybean, I hope you're ok xxx
So happy I got my 3+ this morning :) back at hospital at 1pm for second lot of bloods

So sorry waterlilybean please look after yourself (((hugs))) xx


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It's so reassuring to see that 3+, I wish the tests went up higher than 3+ weeks, it doesn't feel like I'll get any more reassurance now until the 12 weeks scan, it seems so far away I'm temped to book a private one early. Are any of you ladies tempted or planning an early scan?

Hope your second lot of bloods went ok this afternoon holli xxx
The hospital just called me they have more than doubled and are now 4306 so I'm really happy im back in Tuesday for a third lot, he did say I will be having another scan not sure if end of week or week after but I don't think I can wait till 12 weeks so we will probably book an early one too xx
If all goes well I think we will probably book a private one.
Hi everyone.... I'm 8 weeks tomorrow... went for a dating scan a couple of weeks ago and I was 5 weeks 2 days!! Is it normal not to experience any symptoms at tall? xx

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