*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

We have willow for a girl and Jackson for a boy at moment it's deffo guna be willow but I'm not 100% with Jackson xx
Hi all,
I'm panicking a bit so any advice or words of wisdom would be fab! I had my first midwife appt last week and got all my bloods taken, and just had a phonecall there from my doctors saying I needed to go back in and have them repeated as they were borderline ... :/ what is they were testing for, and should I be majorly worried?? I've contacted my midwife but not heard back yet.
Hi all,
I'm panicking a bit so any advice or words of wisdom would be fab! I had my first midwife appt last week and got all my bloods taken, and just had a phonecall there from my doctors saying I needed to go back in and have them repeated as they were borderline ... :/ what is they were testing for, and should I be majorly worried?? I've contacted my midwife but not heard back yet.

Did they tell you what they was checking you for? Maybe it's to do with iron levels if you are anemic or anything? Xx
Touch wood *taps head* I think my morning sickness has subsided. I just get extremely exhausted come 4/5pm and I reaaaally feel it on my back after finishing work now. Currently tucked up in bed with my work uniform still on, scoffing the whole contents of the fridge and chocolate cabinet! Lovely photos gymbabeliz! Are you hoping for a boy or girl? (Or not fussed?) I get what you mean holli with the pulsating in the pelvis, I’d fully convinced myself I was dying the other day when I had pains but all’s well now. Hope you’re all holding up well ladies! Xx

I want mine to go away :-( sad me lol but I'd probably only worry if they did, I had my weetabix this morning and when brushing my teeth I fetched it all back up in the sink so now I'm also laid on bed feeling very sorry for myself, it's a very strange feeling isn't it the pulsating? Xx

Oh no poor you, hope you start to feel a bit better soon. Yeah I was led in bed last night with those pains and almost got to a point where I considered calling 111. I decided to see how I felt in the morning and I seem okay today, although was kept up a lot of the night with horrible nightmares.. again! My family have already started buying for the baba but I refuse until I’ve seen a scan as don’t want to jinx anything (although it is extremely tempting!)
Hope your results turn out okay rh2014 and try not to panic too much!xx
Touch wood *taps head* I think my morning sickness has subsided. I just get extremely exhausted come 4/5pm and I reaaaally feel it on my back after finishing work now. Currently tucked up in bed with my work uniform still on, scoffing the whole contents of the fridge and chocolate cabinet! Lovely photos gymbabeliz! Are you hoping for a boy or girl? (Or not fussed?) I get what you mean holli with the pulsating in the pelvis, I’d fully convinced myself I was dying the other day when I had pains but all’s well now. Hope you’re all holding up well ladies! Xx

I want mine to go away :-( sad me lol but I'd probably only worry if they did, I had my weetabix this morning and when brushing my teeth I fetched it all back up in the sink so now I'm also laid on bed feeling very sorry for myself, it's a very strange feeling isn't it the pulsating? Xx

Oh no poor you, hope you start to feel a bit better soon. Yeah I was led in bed last night with those pains and almost got to a point where I considered calling 111. I decided to see how I felt in the morning and I seem okay today, although was kept up a lot of the night with horrible nightmares.. again! My family have already started buying for the baba but I refuse until I’ve seen a scan as don’t want to jinx anything (although it is extremely tempting!)
Hope your results turn out okay rh2014 and try not to panic too much!xx

Well I've been buying for my cousins 3 week old little boy and I'm like awww look at these to oh :) there's so much more for girls though than boys isn't there? He really wants a girl I'm hoping it is for him, his nannan has started knitting for us bless her I've asked for a purple cardigan if it's a girl (my fave colour) after our scan tomorrow we are going to book a private gender scan for next month sooo exciting, I still find it all surreal I just never thought I'd be a mummy xx
Awh that’s so cute! I know how to knit but just don’t have the time and patience to make nice little outfits haha. I know what you mean it still feels super surreal and me and the oh always keep turning round to each other and saying... we’re having a baby! Haha. It took 10 months of trying so was starting to think something was wrong but so so happy. All my family want me to have a boy and I have a gut feeling it is, I’m happy either way! I’m super excited for my first scan I just want a date already!xx
When is your scan again? My oh keeps saying same with a massive grin on his face I know he will cry tomorrow at our scan he did at the 10 week scan :) we was trying for 18 months and the month I got caught we had decided to give up and take time to go on holiday and things for us till new year to take our minds off it xx
Hi all,
I'm panicking a bit so any advice or words of wisdom would be fab! I had my first midwife appt last week and got all my bloods taken, and just had a phonecall there from my doctors saying I needed to go back in and have them repeated as they were borderline ... :/ what is they were testing for, and should I be majorly worried?? I've contacted my midwife but not heard back yet.

Did they tell you what they was checking you for? Maybe it's to do with iron levels if you are anemic or anything? Xx

thats what i would guess as what other blood readings might be classed as borderline?

i had to repeat my bloods again today but it was because my last sample hadnt been labelled clearly enough apparantly:wall2:
I don’t have a scan date yet, I don’t see the midwife for the first time until the 2nd of November. Super impatient haha! Hopefully they get me booked in for a scan ASAP as I’ll be 11 weeks when I see the midwife. The same was happening for us I was using an app to see when I was most fertile and we were making sure we were recording it bla bla and it wasn’t until we went away for my birthday and just let it be it just sort of happened! Just goes to show you need to relax and let it happen by itself. Awh bless it’s so nice that your oh is so excited about it xx
Hi all,
I'm panicking a bit so any advice or words of wisdom would be fab! I had my first midwife appt last week and got all my bloods taken, and just had a phonecall there from my doctors saying I needed to go back in and have them repeated as they were borderline ... :/ what is they were testing for, and should I be majorly worried?? I've contacted my midwife but not heard back yet.

I think at the first appointment they take bloods to check for any unknown infections, low iron levels, sugar levels and also your blood type. Whatever it is I’m sure it’s fine and nothing wrong with baby, you might just need iron supplements as anaemia in pregnancy is quite common.

Let us know how you get on xxx
I don’t know if it might reassure anyone but I’m just over 13 weeks now and my nausea has gotten much better the last week, also my energy levels are better, so hopefully it improves for everyone else soon too. I also hope I haven’t just jinxed myself by saying that!

One thing I have been feeling the last few days though are some achey pains in my groins and bikini line, I also feel this tightness around my middle and under my ribs, but I guess that’s the uterus growing and everything being slowly pushed upwards, it’s pretty uncomfortable at times.
Hi all,
I'm panicking a bit so any advice or words of wisdom would be fab! I had my first midwife appt last week and got all my bloods taken, and just had a phonecall there from my doctors saying I needed to go back in and have them repeated as they were borderline ... :/ what is they were testing for, and should I be majorly worried?? I've contacted my midwife but not heard back yet.

I think at the first appointment they take bloods to check for any unknown infections, low iron levels, sugar levels and also your blood type. Whatever it is I’m sure it’s fine and nothing wrong with baby, you might just need iron supplements as anaemia in pregnancy is quite common.

Let us know how you get on xxx

thanks everyone, i phoned back up demanding to find out more and it turns out it is just my vitamin b12 levels and nothing to majorly worry about. i hate how they make you panic though by witholding those kinds of details, just saying results are borderline and get then redone ASAP.
Due date been pushed forward to 30th April :)
Baby wouldn't keep still so picture not as good as could be, woman made me jump about and even go for a wee but baby still a wriggly little bugger just like its daddy so in love xx


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Awww Holli, it’s so weird to see it moving and not feel it isn’t it! Funny your date has moved to April too, just a day after me now xx
I wasn't expecting to be in April I thought she might have pushed me to 4th may or something, will probably be a may baby though as I think will go over, was amazing to see it wriggling everywhere and waving it's arms about but it was that wriggly it was hard for the measurements and that at first, they took bloods afterwards to check for downs and something else can't remember name, they are testing my iron levels and that too she took 5 bottles of blood I thoUght I was guna pass out I got home and threw up in kitchen sink :-( xx
glad the scan went well Holli! Will you be finding out the gender later?

only a few days of tri 1 left for some of us...
Yes! Booked in for 18th November for private gender scan :) xx
Wow! great to see everyone's scans again! Cannot wait for mine! 6th November... however I've had a major panick today... still in Spain and me and oh decided to have sex quickly (first time since finding out I'm pregnant) sorry if tmi but I wasn't really in the mood and after there was pink doscharge which turned to watery blood but light in colour. It only lasted 20-30 mins and then I haven't had anymore but it's really shaken me up. I've had some cramps but I've been having them more lately anyway- I'm 10 weeks plus 2 days - I even looked at flights to come home early to go to the doctors! As you can imagine I've googled the crap out of it and it sounds quite normal but still I'm fretting now and know I will until my scan ... has anyone else had spotting after sex? Congrats on you all that have had scans have seen ur little ones! And good luck to everyone with upcoming scans! Xxx
Unfortunately being abroad I'm stuck... if I were at home I'd have rang the midwife etc ��

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