*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Glad your feeling better Danni :)
I've not had heart burn yet thank god I don't want it either - not much help am I ? Can a glass of milk help? I drink a fair bit of milk so maybe that's why I've not suffered yet?
Iam having terrible nightmares like they feel soooo real but it's always me that gets hurt, me and oh have been looking at new properties before baby arrives and the other night I dreamt we had moved into the house we had viewed on Tuesday and 3 blokes kicked down the door and attacked me and I kept shouting I'm pregnant please stop but they didn't I woke up in sweats and tears I could describe every detail of their faces :-( and last night I dreamt I was in a helicopter crash which ended with me having a bleed on my brain and loads of broken bones - seriously they are so so vivid I've never had dreams that I can remember before being pregnant I hope it's not a sign that something is going to happen to me xx
Hi all. Not been on for a week or so and just caught up on the posts. The scan pics are so cute! I love seeing them. Hope everyone is ok and not suffering too badly today.

I’m struggling atm. I’m in a dance show tomorrow (my dance teacher knows about the twins and the moves won’t hurt them) and I really can’t be bothered. But I’m in a number of group dances where I’m at the front and if I ditch now it’ll cause chaos. Can’t wait for it to be over though as so freaking tired! I’m not overdoing it though - I’ve been taking it easy.

A fair few will be heading to 2nd trimester thread soon I imagine! Congrats on making that milestone and see you there on the 16th November xx
Glad your feeling better Danni :)
I've not had heart burn yet thank god I don't want it either - not much help am I ? Can a glass of milk help? I drink a fair bit of milk so maybe that's why I've not suffered yet?
Iam having terrible nightmares like they feel soooo real but it's always me that gets hurt, me and oh have been looking at new properties before baby arrives and the other night I dreamt we had moved into the house we had viewed on Tuesday and 3 blokes kicked down the door and attacked me and I kept shouting I'm pregnant please stop but they didn't I woke up in sweats and tears I could describe every detail of their faces :-( and last night I dreamt I was in a helicopter crash which ended with me having a bleed on my brain and loads of broken bones - seriously they are so so vivid I've never had dreams that I can remember before being pregnant I hope it's not a sign that something is going to happen to me xx

I’ve been having really bad / weird dreams too! Mine start with me being attacked (by a group of men) and then then trying to hurt my bump. Wonder if it’s normal given they sound similar and a couple of my friends said they had similar style dreams? Our protective maternal side kicking in? Hope they pass soon xx
Glad your feeling better Danni :)
I've not had heart burn yet thank god I don't want it either - not much help am I ? Can a glass of milk help? I drink a fair bit of milk so maybe that's why I've not suffered yet?
Iam having terrible nightmares like they feel soooo real but it's always me that gets hurt, me and oh have been looking at new properties before baby arrives and the other night I dreamt we had moved into the house we had viewed on Tuesday and 3 blokes kicked down the door and attacked me and I kept shouting I'm pregnant please stop but they didn't I woke up in sweats and tears I could describe every detail of their faces :-( and last night I dreamt I was in a helicopter crash which ended with me having a bleed on my brain and loads of broken bones - seriously they are so so vivid I've never had dreams that I can remember before being pregnant I hope it's not a sign that something is going to happen to me xx

I’ve been having really bad / weird dreams too! Mine start with me being attacked (by a group of men) and then then trying to hurt my bump. Wonder if it’s normal given they sound similar and a couple of my friends said they had similar style dreams? Our protective maternal side kicking in? Hope they pass soon xx

Really?? Wow it must be connected if we dream very similar things it's pretty scary though as much as I want to sleep I don't as I don't like these dreams!
I've found as much as I don't want to eat when I want to be sick that if I do eat it passes the sickness a little I've sent oh a text saying he needs more cereal and he was like why? So I replied well I had a bowl and it was very nice so I kept going back for more such a fatty haha he only just opened them himself this morning haha wooops im not sorry I just said our baby wanted them really so technically it wasn't my fault :-D
Hope you go on ok tomorrow but if you feel it's too much don't do it you and babies come before the other dancers, are you showing yet with you having twins? Xx
Glad your feeling better Danni :)

I’ve been having really bad / weird dreams too! Mine start with me being attacked (by a group of men) and then then trying to hurt my bump. Wonder if it’s normal given they sound similar and a couple of my friends said they had similar style dreams? Our protective maternal side kicking in? Hope they pass soon xx

ive had some very vivid dreams about being followed/grabbed by a group of men too but i put it down to so much being in the news about rape and exploitation at the moment :(

last night i had a dream that i have recurring at times since i was a teenager but i havent had it since i was pregnant last year. I dream i have got chewing gum or toffee in my mouth and try as i might i cant pull it all out. it wazs wrapped round my teeth and down my throat and i cant pull it out:mad:
Glad your feeling better Danni :)

I’ve been having really bad / weird dreams too! Mine start with me being attacked (by a group of men) and then then trying to hurt my bump. Wonder if it’s normal given they sound similar and a couple of my friends said they had similar style dreams? Our protective maternal side kicking in? Hope they pass soon xx

ive had some very vivid dreams about being followed/grabbed by a group of men too but i put it down to so much being in the news about rape and exploitation at the moment :(

last night i had a dream that i have recurring at times since i was a teenager but i havent had it since i was pregnant last year. I dream i have got chewing gum or toffee in my mouth and try as i might i cant pull it all out. it wazs wrapped round my teeth and down my throat and i cant pull it out:mad:

That sounds like a scary dream :-( I'd hate anything down my throat like that I think I'd just panic, I've not seen anything on news but I only tune in tv to watch my emmerdale Corrie and eastenders - I'm 31 and sound like an old dear now haha me and Lane tend to watch our walking dead and movies if we watch anything so unless it comes on on radio in car I'm oblivious to what's happening in the world. I'm glad I'm not alone at dreaming of been attacked as I said before I was pregnant I don't remember any dreams if I had any xx
so today i had a consultant appointment at the hospital, waited over an hour past my appointment time, the consultant wasnt in so it was a normal midwife. I said i wasnt sure really what the appointment was for and she said nor did she because there was nothing on my notes and sorry for wasting my time! £3.70 for parking AND my baby boy was sick at home (with daddy).....not amused!!
I’ve been having vivid dreams too, the other night I dreamt I was being mugged at gunpoint and I keep thinking this is it I’m pregnant and they’re going to shoot me, I woke up so shaken I had to wake my OH up to comfort me. I’ve never dreamt anything like that before so I’m glad I’m not the only one.

Gymbabeliz, is the consultant going to get in touch with you to make another appointment? What a waste of your time otherwise.

CJ, how’s it going with the twins? I imagine it’s got to be harder carrying two xx
I’ve been having vivid dreams too, the other night I dreamt I was being mugged at gunpoint and I keep thinking this is it I’m pregnant and they’re going to shoot me, I woke up so shaken I had to wake my OH up to comfort me. I’ve never dreamt anything like that before so I’m glad I’m not the only one.

Gymbabeliz, is the consultant going to get in touch with you to make another appointment? What a waste of your time otherwise.

CJ, how’s it going with the twins? I imagine it’s got to be harder carrying two xx

No i just requested a community midwife (local) for my next appointment, i was speaking to a lady as i was waiting, she was 39 weeks and said she was supposed to be consutlant led but had never seen the consultant yet as she was always swapped with a midwife for one reason or another, the hospital is so understaffed, another reason why i dont want to have my baby in glasgow!! I was really shocked to find there are no midwife units - i had a homebirth with my first and midwife unit for my second- i do NOT want to have to go to a huge understaffed hospital!
oh and get this for last nights scarey dream- being in a battle to death with an alligator in a swimming pool!
What is it with these dreams where we get attacked? Why can't we dream of nice things like our babies in our arms or fairys and unicorns lol, I don't get on with my brother not spoke to him for 7 years - his choice since he got with his girlfriend he changed we used to be that close people who didn't know us thought we was a couple as he'd hang out with me and my mates and same with me and his, I dreamt he beat me up as he's always said he would never lay a hand on a woman but he could make an acception for his sister! Ass wipe! Oh GBL I'd be so peed off wasting my time and money like that - hospitals should be free we pay national insurance and we should get parking free while pregnant seen as we get free prescriptions and dental care while pregnant! Are there any other hospitals close by - I'm not sure how big Glasgow is so I probably sound very dumb now! Well it started out lovely this morning so I've put bedding in wash now it looks very grey and dark I new I should of done it yesterday there wasn't a cloud in sky all day it was lovely. I've got back ache this morning :-( and I'm on my second bowl of cereal as I feel I could eat a scabby donkey I'm sooo hungry and it's making me feel sick I'm guna be so fat if this carries on xx
yeah in a major city like Glasgow i thought there would be some choice! I'm going to look at another hospital towards central scotland (Larbert) which is not too far from mine but that is literally the only other option. I would have gone for a midwife unit but the nearest is an hour away on a clear run and would mean going through Glasgow (traffic nightmare) - and only takes people from the local area anyway! I would go for another home birth but i just dont think i can face the sheer level of pain i had in labour last year i honestly didnt think i was going to survive it
It's labour that terrifies me.. this is my first child and I can't deal with period pains let alone labour I don't have a very high pain threshold xxx
Random tmi question ladies lol... I know some of you haven't had sex or much sex since finding out your pregnant but are you actually horny? I feel so bad as sex is the last thing I want and before my bfp we had sex pretty much every day I couldn't get enough of him now I feel so bad I just go through the motions once or twice a week but if oh new that it would hurt him so bad, my cousin and friends said they was mega horny during pregnancy yet the thought of it repulses me xx
Hi Holli with my first pregnancy 11 years ago I was extremely horny but this time nothing at all not even a twinge! My oh understands as I had that bleed from it the other day but I do feel guilty and awful as you say but it's just one of the many emotions we go through I think! At least we can say we care! Xxx
I’ve had friends say they were really horny, but it hasn’t happened to me yet, we haven’t had sex since I got my bfp, not only do I have no libido but the weight gain has made me feel really unattractive, and I’m not talking about the baby bump I’ve put on a stone from all the snacking (which stopped the nausea), I was chubby before but now I don’t even know how much of my belly is me and what is baby. I feel like a whale!
GBL - I’m sorry you’re not having a great time with your local support. I hope you have more luck going forward Hun.

Sparrow - I’ve never been pregnant before so not sure how different my pregnancy is to single occupancy pregnancies. That said, I feel way more pregnant than I expected to at 10 weeks! My bump is very much noticeable already and it’s getting hard to hide the fact I’m pregnant already. My boss even commented (had to tell him early due to the industry I work in); he said ‘Crikey keep your fleece on! You look so pregnant already’ last week. I think it’s noticable as my tummy looked flat and within a week it was rounded. But I’ve lost weight so my face and such look thinner - maybe that’s why the bump looks bigger?

Dreams wise - sounds like we are all having them! I’m now considering it another symptom. Last night I had two separate dreams (wee wake in early hours) involving rising water. In the first me and hubby were trying to drive somewhere and whichever way we went there was rising water. Second dream I was trying to hide from someone / escape and my routes had rising water. No violence but I felt scared when I woke.

Sex - I’ve had horny moments but haven’t acted on them as physically I just can’t face it even if my libido could lol!

Hope you’re all ok c
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Well my sickness seems to be calming down *touch wood* I seem to only want to be sick if I'm really hungry - hope I haven't jinxed myself now lol! I'm still been irritable I find every thing annoys me which isn't me at all, do any of you when your watching tv find your eyes hurt? I can't seem to watch it long with out looking away as my eyes can't focus and they hurt- I don't wear glasses and had my eyes tested last year and was ok so not sure what's happening now! I'm going back to work this week Thursday I think but least I'm only doing 6 hour shifts really don't want to now I'm used to been home I've pretty much been of work sick since finding out I'm pregnant gosh I've turned so lazy it's unreal! Keep waking up at 4:30 every morning too absolutely starving which is annoying, got a real craving for roast potatoes so think that's my tea sorted later a massive plate of them and gravy - nom nom - sorry girls just a moan from me today xx
I don’t comment much but I do read this while on the train to work! I had my first scan on Friday. It was amazing! It was at kings college and the facility was amazing. Didn’t get print outs so had to take photos with my phone. Wish I had videod the scan tho! My due date is now estimated 7th May. My next scan is 3rd jan which seems too long away!
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Lovely photo rascal :) it will soon be here it's November tomorrow no idea where this year is going at all! We haven't got our 20 week scan through post yet but we are impatient so we have booked a private gender scan for 18th November.
I jinxed myself yesterday about the sickness boooo! It came back and I felt sooo ill all afternoon/evening :-( xx

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