*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Hi all. Not been on in a week or so. Hope everyone is doing ok? Welcome to the newbies - congratulations!

I'm suffering really badly with morning sickness. It's not making me physically sick but I literally feel nauseous all day long and it seems to be getting worse each day too. I'm 8w3d so hoping it'll ease sooner than later.

My early scan has been brought forward from Friday to tomorrow - luckily me and hubby got last minute time off work. Really excited and anxious all at once now! I'm assuming it being early means an internal scan?

I used to drink squash quite a lot but completely gone off it now, i find a little slice of lemon is nice for a small amount of flavour and also refreshing x
Just some brown discharge when I wipe so that’s good, and no cramps or anything. It’s nowhere near as much as the bleed I had 6 weeks ago and that all turned out fine so I’m quite positive about it. How are you feeling now?

Ranbiwteacher, really glad the scan went well and you’ve had the reassurance you needed x

Glad everything is ok sparrow with your little chick xx
CJ we're in the same boat! Today has been the first day that i feel a little more human and sickness isn't no where near as bad.
Honestly think its the cyclazine, are you on any anti-sickness meds?
P.s anyone else having real weird vivid dreams?
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CJ we're in the same boat! Today has been the first day that i feel a little more human and sickness isn't no where near as bad.
Honestly think its the cyclazine, are you on any anti-sickness meds?
P.s anyone else having real weird vivid dreams?

Just reading over missed posts and yes; we all seem to be sickly ones ATM! It sucks and I send my sympathies and hugs to you all.

Dreams - yes! I had the most horrible nightmare someone was trying to stab my tummy at the weekend and woke up screaming the place down. Luckily that's the only bad dream as the rest feel like I've fallen down into Wonderland haha x
Glad I'm not the only one!:lol:
I used to think my dreams were strange and realistic but now I'm baffled by them haha!
Anyone had any thoughts yet on labour and birth? This is my first pregnancy so nervous and excited at the same time but deffo would like to try birthing pool, been watching videos on youtube for the past couple of hours of water birth and yes.... I cried for each one :cry:
Hello ladies! Sorry I haven’t been around for a couple of days, we’re having our bathroom completely redone and it’s been a bit of a nightmare, we only have a toilet at the moment and you have to flush that down with a bucket of water, can’t wait until it’s finished!

Just catching up on posts, welcome Tbee! I’ve added your due date to the first post.

Sounds like everyone is properly suffering at the moment, I’m probably going to regret saying this but I’m feeling pretty good today, I’m 12+1 so hopefully this is he beginning of the glowing stage. I’m not looking good though, I’ve put in like 8lbs with my constant snacking and nothing fits me! 12 week scan tomorrow so all being well I’ll have a photo to post xx
Thanks Sparrow! I super envy you at the minute haha, can’t wait to start feeling human again.
Hope your scan goes well tomorrow, looking forward to seeing a pic! I’m not due to see a midwife until the 2nd of November , I’ll be almost 11 weeks and I’m super impatient already, hopefully I won’t have to wait long for a scan!
Hello ladies! Sorry I haven’t been around for a couple of days, we’re having our bathroom completely redone and it’s been a bit of a nightmare, we only have a toilet at the moment and you have to flush that down with a bucket of water, can’t wait until it’s finished!

Just catching up on posts, welcome Tbee! I’ve added your due date to the first post.

Sounds like everyone is properly suffering at the moment, I’m probably going to regret saying this but I’m feeling pretty good today, I’m 12+1 so hopefully this is he beginning of the glowing stage. I’m not looking good though, I’ve put in like 8lbs with my constant snacking and nothing fits me! 12 week scan tomorrow so all being well I’ll have a photo to post xx

Glad you’re feeling well sparrow! Hope everything is all good tomorrow xx
Also feeling nauseous 24/7 with the occasional vomit thrown in for good measure. However today I discovered ice lollies and am beyond happy!! Makes a change from salty bland carbs which is all i really want 🙈
I had to go hosp Sunday bleeding loads thought that’s it found out my cervix is partially open so no idea what they doing about that and scan Monday showed happy baby but bleed next to sac which they said was common doctor Sunday said threated misscarriage which is proper stressing me out now !
Really stressfull lucy. Bleeds next to sac can happen and everything be ok. Rest up. Do u get another scan to follow up?x
My early scan has been brought forward from Friday to tomorrow - luckily me and hubby got last minute time off work. Really excited and anxious all at once now! I'm assuming it being early means an internal scan?


ive had early scans at 7 weeks and 8 weeks (different pregnancies) and not needed internal, i suppose it depends if they struggle to get an image
I know it’s easier said than done Lucy but try and stay positive and relaxed. Hopefully they provide you with more information soon as that seems a little unfair to leave you hanging like that. I’m sure it’s all a okay and hope they see to you soon xx
Hope everything is ok Lucy thinking of you, get those legs up, I've heard of women getting a stitch when their cervix is open slightly and it's kept there till ready for birth?
Looking forward to seeing your scan sparrow-
I really hope I start feeling better soon, those new tablets haven't kicked in yet which is a pain in ass! But least we get free prescriptions now so I've not wasted my money if they don't end up doing anything for me, woke up with lovely back ache today any one else suffering with it? I'm not sure if it's baby related or my sciatica playing up though xx
Had the scan which went well, was lovely and surreal to see baby properly formed and wriggling about. I hunk I’ve attached the beat photo, the sonographer said it was sucking its thumb! They’ve put my due date as 29 April 2018 but I’m going to stay in the May mummies thread.

So sorry to hear about your worrie Lucy, I’ve heard similar stories and everything turned out to be ok so I have my fingers crossed for you xx


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I had to go hosp Sunday bleeding loads thought that’s it found out my cervix is partially open so no idea what they doing about that and scan Monday showed happy baby but bleed next to sac which they said was common doctor Sunday said threated misscarriage which is proper stressing me out now !

As Holli mentioned, if cervix is open they can offer you a rescue stitch. At this stage they will probably adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach...but do ask them about giving you a stitch and see what they say. It means bed rest for the majority of the pregnancy but it’ll be worth it.

I have an incompetent cervix and have a transabdominal cerclage around the very top of my cervix which will stay in forever...so if you need to know any information just ask. Lots of women in your situation go on to have perfect babies so try not to frighten yourself. Just get as much information from your care team as you can.

Did they tell you what your cervix measures? 2.5 cm is the minimum before they need to take action
Had the scan which went well, was lovely and surreal to see baby properly formed and wriggling about. I hunk I’ve attached the beat photo, the sonographer said it was sucking its thumb! They’ve put my due date as 29 April 2018 but I’m going to stay in the May mummies thread.

So sorry to hear about your worrie Lucy, I’ve heard similar stories and everything turned out to be ok so I have my fingers crossed for you xx

Yay!! So good to see your little one :)
Awww beautiful baby sparrow :) so cute sucking its thumb can't wait for mine now xx

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