*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

That’s such good news Stargirl, what a relief!

Gymbabeliz, I’m sure everything is fine, some women just don’t show for a while, don’t be disheartened if you don’t find a heartbeat either as it can be hard this early, my midwife said they don’t usually try to listen for a heartbeat this early because even they can struggle.

The bleeding has mostly been brown today, no red and not too much. I’ve been feeling some real pulling though in the ligaments in my groin today so I’m hoping that’s because things are growing and progressing.
Star girl sounds similar to me. I went for an early scan on 29 Sep due to some bleeding and I thought going off my lmp I was roughly 7 weeks. At the scan ( internal )he said he could only see a sac no baby but not to worry as I may just be too early I was booked to come back 2weeks later for a follow up scan. I spent the two weeks fretting not able to sleep, feeling really nauseous and kept thinking that if there is nothing there then why was I feeling so bad. I went for the follow up scan last Friday and the same guy scanned me. He did an abdominal scan and straight away said he was sorry as he should have seen it last time as baby was estimated 9w1d! Which put me back where I was thinking. I spent two weeks not knowing what to think . I'm just happy I can relax a little now but I'm behind on appointments so got my booking app and 12wk scan on 31st oct!
Onion, I have to ring my midwife to rearrange my booking appointment. I'm hoping they won't keep me waiting too long.
I went in today for my 12 week scan and the technician wasn't even going to scan me because when I went to the emergency department and they scanned me I was a week behind so she was saying that was my saying scan... At 7 weeks. So the 10+5 is what they had me measured at before. But I managed to convince her to still do the scan and I am actually more in line with my dates. They wouldn't tell me how far along though. Such a different experience than in the UK... I have to wait to see my doctor before they give me a proper due date now.

Anyway, here's baby!


We even saw distinct fingers! Wish they'd have given us that pic!
pretty sure i caught the heartbeat on the doppler, lots of womb swishing noises . its the kind of doppler that records a heartrate on the display, a few times it caught something at about 150bpm even though it wasnt that clear to hear, it was enough to put my mind at rest somewhat, although i will feel better when i can hold onto that heartbeat and hear it clearly!
Urghh couldn't stop myself been sick today started dry heaving and up it came was red too hope every thing is ok xx
Hey guys!
New to all this, this is my first pregnancy at 21. I'm struggling a little emotionally hence why I'm trying to seek solace in speaking to others in the same situation.
I'm currently 9 weeks , due May 22nd(my calculations) and morning sickness is really at it's peak right now, I've been off work for three days now as I'm just unable to move i'm so worn out, although im not being physically sick a lot, I feel soo sick all day :wall2: Been put on Cyclizine for the sickness but haven't seen a difference yet although it's only day 2 (They do make me feel very woozy though)
Anyone else feel constantly hungry but when food is there it makes you wanna throw up? Also anyone else's libido just up and left with a poof of smoke?
Read a little of the early posts in this forum to familiarise myself with you guys (Yes that's how wide awake i've been since 4 ha!):shock:
Much love, T :wave: x
Hey guys!
New to all this, this is my first pregnancy at 21. I'm struggling a little emotionally hence why I'm trying to seek solace in speaking to others in the same situation.
I'm currently 9 weeks , due May 22nd(my calculations) and morning sickness is really at it's peak right now, I've been off work for three days now as I'm just unable to move i'm so worn out, although im not being physically sick a lot, I feel soo sick all day :wall2: Been put on Cyclizine for the sickness but haven't seen a difference yet although it's only day 2 (They do make me feel very woozy though)
Anyone else feel constantly hungry but when food is there it makes you wanna throw up? Also anyone else's libido just up and left with a poof of smoke?
Read a little of the early posts in this forum to familiarise myself with you guys (Yes that's how wide awake i've been since 4 ha!):shock:
Much love, T :wave: x

yes to the hungry but seeing food makes me want to throw up......! and no libido at all when you feel constantly seasick are you surprised?!!!! i have ondansetron for the sickness . i'm not working but i wouldnt make it through the day if i was...
I'm actually feeling a little better today believe it or not, but I don't think I could've done it at work starting at 5 this morning :x Was a little peeved with my manager as they can't put me on a mid shift so it's either suck it up and do an early or late shift or not go in and have no money!:wall2::mad:
Luckily I have the day off tomorrow anyway so will see how I feel before I consider getting a doctors note so I can get sick pay.
Feeling a little sorry for my OH as he can't even touch my boobs without me turning into medusa haha!
Is there any food you find helps with sickness or anything you can easily eat? Getting pretty bored of toast, crackers and rich tea biscuits:yawn:
I've been signed off another 2 weeks and been put on prochlorperazine tablets as cyclazine made me feel worse, made it worse that doctor made me lay on bed and he felt all my stomach and pelvis quite hard which made me sick he weighed me and I've lost weight since 26th September I said I'm not surprise food makes me ill, I thought sickness was supposed to get better as you near 12 weeks? I've gone from nausea all these weeks to actually been sick now :-( just sipping water makes me sick, got back ache too - I want the blooming and glowing side to kick in already xx
I've been signed off another 2 weeks and been put on prochlorperazine tablets as cyclazine made me feel worse, made it worse that doctor made me lay on bed and he felt all my stomach and pelvis quite hard which made me sick he weighed me and I've lost weight since 26th September I said I'm not surprise food makes me ill, I thought sickness was supposed to get better as you near 12 weeks? I've gone from nausea all these weeks to actually been sick now :-( just sipping water makes me sick, got back ache too - I want the blooming and glowing side to kick in already xx

last year i was very sick even sicker than this year and it went at 15/16 weeks which is fairly common so hang in there hopefully not too much longer.
Oh I hope it goes soon I'm 11+3 today got my 12 week scan next week on Tuesday, I know it will be worth it in 6 months time but I'm really really not enjoying this part and I feel bad cos I sound so ungrateful but I'm one mardy cow when I'm not well I do feel for oh it's like I hate him at moment too he can't seem to do anything right my pregnancy pillow has arrived today which he bought for me and i treat him like dirt :-( I can't stand the smell of him either no matter how many times he brushes his teeth or showers he still smells bad to me so I can't snuggle with him xx
I really sympathise for you Holli, everyone's pregnancy is different so I guess the nausea can go on for however long it likes:mad: I just woke up from a 4 hour nap, I feel better for sleeping but woke up feeling sick again, I think i've found my trigger to feeling sick. I have to take my cyclazine with food and every time I eat it makes me feel sick to my stomach. I rolled over in bed and nibbled on some rich tea biscuits and even that has given me heartburn and made me feel blurgh.:x
I understand the smell thing too, my OH smokes (I used to before pregnancy, quit a few months ago but went onto vaping but now quit everything all together) but after he's had a cigarette I just can't get anywhere near him it makes me heave, it's disgusting. Also I find his morning breath hard to stand but I keep quiet because mine must be twice as bad and I'm hardly one to talk belching and trumping away all the time!:lol: ..... Man i feel like a woman:roll:
My oh doesn't smoke so I don't know why I find his smell repulsive I'm such a bitch I see it hurts his feelings, I'm with you on burping and trumping such classy women aren't we? He's used to me doing it lol but since been pregnant I have no control it just comes out with out me expecting it, do you feel sick cos your hungry? I feel more sick when I'm hungry but thinking of food when oh asks what I fancy makes me gip, Its a good job I like toast as that doesn't smell bad to me so I can have that along with my warm weetabix for breakfast to help me keep going to loo, l don't think I'm drinking enough my urine is very dark I try and drink milk (I've read it's good for baby's teeth and bones at this stage) and I'm sipping my water but if I'm already gagging it just comes back up xx
Haha no i completely understand the bitchiness I think my OH loses count how many times a day he tells me to calm down :lol:
I know I've never known gas like it, it's awful! I do find it very hard to burp though because most I have to force and sometimes make myself sick doing it:dohh:
I haven't eaten much today and I feel rotten for it, I'm starving but just don't know what will make me feel better. I'm craving some pasta so might just get the OH to make me some with a little cheese or something (I've heard cheese isn't good for heartburn but want everything covered in it:wall2:)
Weetabix is good but I need to eat it quick because if it goes soggy it makes me gag lol, any difference with warm milk? I've been craving lots of milky things but have tried to steer clear as it doesn't help the sickness haha!
Also found that my OH's mother bought some olive spread instead of butter and the smell of that on toast made me gip too so sent OH to get utterly butterly.
It must be horrid not being able to stomach even water! I love my food too, usually would munch something chocolaty every day but now even that turns my stomach!
Have you tried a little lemon with your water?
First post needs to be reviewed apparently...not sure why, hopefully pushes through soon.
Have any of you guys had a UTI with the pregnancy? Not sure if I have but have noticed my urine has a really strong smell, unsure if thats anything to worry about?
One bowl of chicken soup almost demolished! My stomach is so confused by tho foreign object entering my system but this is the first meal in a while I’ve actually enjoyed so deffo try it out with some bread! Not sure what happened to my reply Holli but I was asking if warm milk with weetabix is any different to cold? I find I gip eating weetabix if I don’t eat it quickly as it’s horrible when it goes soggy and I just physically can’t swallow it lol.
Deffo feel sick when I’m hungry and then feel sick once eating too... lose lose situation.
Have you tried a bit of lemon with your water?


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No I don't think so Hun I just don't like it when it's cold only like it warm, I've not tried the lemon in water will have to try that xx

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