*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Awww had cuddles with my cousins 2 week old boy so in love can't wait for my baby to come now xx
Thought I should start a thread for those of us with an estimated due date of May 2018. It's very early days for me so I hope I'm not speaking too soon, but I can't help myself. If you give me your dates I'll figure out how to update this post as the month progresses:

01 May 2018 - Sparrow, cuddable, Jodie89
03 May 2018 - Paleandsquishy, gymbabeliz
04 May 2018 - ChloeNat, Billy CC
05 May 2018 - holli
09 May 2018 - Rascal
10 May 2018 - andrewswifey
12 May 2018 - BeccaM
13 May 2018 - Rainbowteacher, angel babe, NatG11
14 May 2018 - rh2014
15 May 2028 - AndBabyMakes5
16 May 2018 - stargirl
19 May 2018 - kaypee
21 May 2018 - loopylucy1990, Mrs_Emmy, Dannii123, sazza518
24 May 2018 - may18
27 May 2018 - CJ_82
28 May 2018 - Hoody81

Can I be added. According to my LMP my due date is May 4th, 2018. I'm also a first time mommy to be :) I'm also 11 weeks today, my weeks turn over on Fridays. Which means my 12 week appointment is next Friday, and I cannot wait!! I've been nervous as of this week. I have minor pregnancy symptoms and somehow through all my research and reading up all these different pregnancy forums, I've convinced myself that maybe the baby stopped growing. So I'm really looking forward to the 12 week appointment since I haven't seen my OBGYN since my very first prenatal appointment at 7 weeks 7 days. I have a feeling everything is fine but maybe it's because I'm in the midst of collecting everyone's information for baby shower invitations that has me all of a sudden worrying. I'm not sending out the invitations till closer to the end of the year but we are planning early as it will be a big shower. Nice to meet everyone! Even though I live in the USA I hope I can remain in your forum.

Congratulations and welcome, I’ve added your date to be first post. I understand your worry, my 12 weeks scan is Thursday next week and I’m so nervous that they’re going to give me bad news, I tell myself that I shouldn’t worry because there’s nothing I can do and worrying won’t help, but that’s easier said than done. I don’t think I’ll relax at all until I start to feel movement.
Hi I've been on the forum for a few weeks now but was unsure where I was up to but I had my second early scan today and baby measured at 9w1d which would put my due date at 18th may. Could I join you lovely lot in this group? Xxxx
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Evening everyone welcome to all the newbies and congratulations

Miguelito I am may the 4th too 11 weeks today but my hospital only do the clinics on a Tuesday so have to wait a week and 4 days to have my 12 week :(

Onion glad all your scan went well welcome to he group !

AFM 11 weeks today no symptoms but uni bout anyone else but nights are awful, I always toss and turn and not so much awake but not get comfy I feel I can lay on my front anymore as not comfortable for my tummy poor DHhas threatened to sleep in the other room bless him anyone else ?

Congratulations Onion, you’re more than welcome to join us xx

Billy, I don’t think I’ve had a good night sleep for about 6 weeks, I can’t get comfy so I have to keep changing position, and I get too hot, and I have to go to the loo every few hours, it’s exhausting!
Can my due date be changed please? I’m 30th May now as I was going by LMP and not egg collection date. Thanks!

Nice to read that everyone is progressing well (besides all the nausea) :lol:
I mean, I don’t suppose it matters too much anyway because I’m only allowed to go to 38 weeks because I have a transabdominal cerclage, so my due date will be 16th May or thereabouts....
Hi Hoody, I’ve changed the date for you. How are you feeling? Xx
Thank you Sparrow :) (although it’s the 30th, not the 31st)

I’m okay...nausea off the scale, tired beyond belief, grumpy as balls...the usual pregnancy stuff :lol:

How you doing? xx
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Sorry Hoody I’ve changed it, I honestly feel like I’m getting baby brain, I just can’t seem to keep a thought in my head at the moment and I keep doing silly forgetful things x
Just been to the loo and there was some pink watery blood when I wiped, I’ve been on the phone to her maternity unit and they’ve said just to keep an eye on it and not to worry unless it turns red and I get any pain. Fingers crossed it’s nothing to worry about, but my 12 week scan on Thursday really can’t come quick enough!
Counting down the hours until my 10 weeks early scan this afternoon..... trying to do work but struggling to concentrate!!
And breathe! There is definitely a baby in there that was moving arms and legs a lot! Thank you to those who helped make my decision about going for an early scan. It was definitely worth it!
Just been to the loo and there was some pink watery blood when I wiped, I’ve been on the phone to her maternity unit and they’ve said just to keep an eye on it and not to worry unless it turns red and I get any pain. Fingers crossed it’s nothing to worry about, but my 12 week scan on Thursday really can’t come quick enough!

How are you now sparrow? Xx
Just some brown discharge when I wipe so that’s good, and no cramps or anything. It’s nowhere near as much as the bleed I had 6 weeks ago and that all turned out fine so I’m quite positive about it. How are you feeling now?

Ranbiwteacher, really glad the scan went well and you’ve had the reassurance you needed x
Aww sparrow its so nerve wracking. I had a wee spot of brown on Thursday and panicked. Im sure will be ok - when is your scan? Congrats rainbowteacher that is great it is so nice to see.
I have just come off 4 night shits on friday morning and i still feel inside out and can only stand up for like 30 mins before i need to lie horizontal again. Work in the morning - god knows how!!
12 week scan at 11:30am my time tomorrow yay! It will be 4:30pm UK time. I will update once I'm home!
Morning all

Rainbowteacher glad your scan went well and baby coming on nicely. It won't be long until your 12 week now will it ?

Sparrow glad the pink has gone make sure your taking it easy aswell xx

Chloe at good luck for you 12 week scan today

AFM 12 week scan week Tuesday ill be 12 weeks 4 days then and it can't come quick enough, were telling my dad and brother tonight so excited for that. Still sleeping horrendous I keep coughing and sniffing and waking up all the time so knackered in the afternoons at the moment. Hope everyone else doing well xx
rainbow teacher glad all went well! It is definitely worth the peace of mind.

Sparrow hope the bleeding isnt anything to worry about. I'm the same with anxiety leading up to my scan next Monday. Even though i have no bleeding i've managed to convince myself that because i cant feel any hard lump of uterus, that the baby has stopped growing. I'm actually going to pick up a doppler later today that i've seen cheap on gumtree locally, to try to get some peace of mind, although if course if i cant find a heartbeat i will be even worse! I hate this early pregnancy period!
Hi ladies. I've been a bit MIA for about two weeks as I went for a private early scan at 7+4 but only measured me at 5+2 and no heartbeat. I was devastated as I thought things had stopped progressing. I left things till my first midwife appointment on the 11th and after seeing how upset I was she booked me in for a early scan at my epu. Today I am measuring spot on what I should be going off lmp which is 9+4! Me and hubby were so relieved! The lady who scanned me said everything looked perfect!
So glad that the sickness and tiredness I've been feeling for the last two weeks has been worth it!


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