*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Sorry been quiet had killer head ache from Saturday to Tuesday couldn't get out of bed nothing got rid of it then I went back to work last night - killer !

Been for a scan today baby was beautiful :) wouldn't keep still kept kicking its arms and legs about (deffo like it's daddy) so photo isn't it's best but still decent I think :) so happy she measured me 10weeks + 3 xx


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anyone else feeling absolutely drugged with tiredness? I can only manage being up for about an hour before it hits me like a tranquiliser dart. Mind you my baby wakes up about 5am which doesnt help.....Sickness is worse some days than others but generally worse as the day goes on. 11 weeks now so hopefully not too much longer of feeling awful. My sickness lasted til 16 weeks last year.
Can I be removed from the list please, I lost my baby x
Can I be removed from the list please, I lost my baby x

I’m so sorry Wren, Ive removes you from the list. Please take care of yourself and I have my fingers crossed I’ll see you back in trimester 1 soon xxx
Sorry been quiet had killer head ache from Saturday to Tuesday couldn't get out of bed nothing got rid of it then I went back to work last night - killer !

Been for a scan today baby was beautiful :) wouldn't keep still kept kicking its arms and legs about (deffo like it's daddy) so photo isn't it's best but still decent I think :) so happy she measured me 10weeks + 3 xx

That’s lovely Holli, so reassuring to see baby moving about xxx
Evening Ladies

Psycho here who has done another test just to make sure ! Yep it's still Positive and did it make me feel better doing one NO lol

I haven't felt well today glands are up and headache, I also don't fancy food, I don't feel sick but only fancy cereal or picky bits. Coundting down the days to the scan 6 days before telling Dad (first person) then 13 days until scan hurry up ��

Wren really sorry to hear this

Holly how lovely to see your baby today what a lush feeling it it.RH 2014 I wish I had kept going but couldn't bring myself to it but as soon as 12 week will start slowly then hopefully get back to classes gently when I can as does make me feel better too.

Awww gutted for you wren look after yourself massive hugs xx
So sorry wren, it is so horrible i know nothing will help but just take your time and it will be your time again. Take it easy and be nice to yourself. Hugs xx
Evening Ladies

Psycho here who has done another test just to make sure ! Yep it's still Positive and did it make me feel better doing one NO lol


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's still doing tests ... !
Has everyone heard off their midwives? I’m 8 weeks almost 9 and still nothing
I just got my midwife yay! In Canada you have to apply for a midwife and it's really hit or miss if you get one. I was with an OBGYN for the first few weeks but I get to meet my midwife next Thursday now.

4 days and counting until my 12 week scan!
Glad I'm not the only psycho RH, we can be psychos together lol

Loopy I was able to call GP and they booked me straight in then I was 8 weeks, can you give your GP a call ???
Urghh this nausea and dry heaving is becoming a real bore now :-( on a plus note my boss just called me and said she's taken me off work this week and is going to look at putting me on days and doing 6 hour shifts instead of 12 hour nights as I really struggled other night with it - feel better for that felt bad like I'm messing them about but she said I'm pregnant baby comes first and they will do what ever they can to help me and make me comfortable at work I feel blessed to have a nice understanding boss xx
Holli that's nice to hear you have an understanding boss, also nice you can do short shifts if you need to.

Hi all. How is everyone? Holli your boss sounds ace and hope you feel better soon! Glad you got your MD Chloe!

Without wanting to sound crazy, did anyone start showing early? I'm 7w4d and swear I've a small bump. It's been worsening for a week and I've dismissed it as gas or something (obviously it's not the baby). But it's there all the time and doesn't go down like you'd expect gas to. It's also pretty firm. I've been eating healthily so definitely not pie!

Even hubby and my sister commented today! X
Hi all. How is everyone? Holli your boss sounds ace and hope you feel better soon! Glad you got your MD Chloe!

Without wanting to sound crazy, did anyone start showing early? I'm 7w4d and swear I've a small bump. It's been worsening for a week and I've dismissed it as gas or something (obviously it's not the baby). But it's there all the time and doesn't go down like you'd expect gas to. It's also pretty firm. I've been eating healthily so definitely not pie!

Even hubby and my sister commented today! X

I starting showing really really early. Almost as soon as the test turned positive. I'm on baby number 3 so I totally expected it.
Thought I should start a thread for those of us with an estimated due date of May 2018. It's very early days for me so I hope I'm not speaking too soon, but I can't help myself. If you give me your dates I'll figure out how to update this post as the month progresses:

01 May 2018 - Sparrow, cuddable, Jodie89
03 May 2018 - Paleandsquishy, gymbabeliz
04 May 2018 - ChloeNat, Billy CC
05 May 2018 - holli
09 May 2018 - Rascal
10 May 2018 - andrewswifey
12 May 2018 - BeccaM
13 May 2018 - Rainbowteacher, angel babe, NatG11
14 May 2018 - rh2014
15 May 2028 - AndBabyMakes5
16 May 2018 - stargirl
19 May 2018 - kaypee
21 May 2018 - loopylucy1990, Mrs_Emmy, Dannii123, sazza518
24 May 2018 - may18
27 May 2018 - CJ_82
28 May 2018 - Hoody81

Can I be added. According to my LMP my due date is May 4th, 2018. I'm also a first time mommy to be :) I'm also 11 weeks today, my weeks turn over on Fridays. Which means my 12 week appointment is next Friday, and I cannot wait!! I've been nervous as of this week. I have minor pregnancy symptoms and somehow through all my research and reading up all these different pregnancy forums, I've convinced myself that maybe the baby stopped growing. So I'm really looking forward to the 12 week appointment since I haven't seen my OBGYN since my very first prenatal appointment at 7 weeks 7 days. I have a feeling everything is fine but maybe it's because I'm in the midst of collecting everyone's information for baby shower invitations that has me all of a sudden worrying. I'm not sending out the invitations till closer to the end of the year but we are planning early as it will be a big shower. Nice to meet everyone! Even though I live in the USA I hope I can remain in your forum.
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The sickness today is killing me. I ran out of the antisickness tablets I was taking and wow do I feel it. I've ordered more from the pharmacy but they have to call the doctor to get a repeat prescription. I need them tonight or I'm going to cry.
i'm feeling really paranoid because i am over 11 weeks and cant feel any trace of uterus, and i am really lean in the lower stomach so there's no room for it to hide! but no its still concave. Google says dont worry because it only comes over the top of the pubic bone at about 12 weeks but it still makes me feel anxious especially as its my 3rd pregnancy and i'm sure at my 12 week scans previously i could feel something hard low down when i laid down. but still, another week and it might pop up....
The sickness today is killing me. I ran out of the antisickness tablets I was taking and wow do I feel it. I've ordered more from the pharmacy but they have to call the doctor to get a repeat prescription. I need them tonight or I'm going to cry.

its horrible isnt it, i'm trying not to take them unless i really need them because i dont find they make me feel any better they just stop me actually being sick so many times....

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