*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***


You're more than welcome to join us, congratulations! I've added your estimated due date to the first post, I expect a lot of our dates will change when we've had our dating scans.

How are you feeling generally? xx

Thanks, Sparrow.

I'm getting nauseous a lot, especially once I've ate or drank something but thankfully I've not been physically sick so far. I've been feeling sick for about 2 weeks. I've had some feelings of tugs and pulls but that seems normal? Mostly I'm just exhausted. I have an under active thyroid which won't help, but it sounds a standard symptom? What's weirdest is I feel like my insides are cramped already - goodness what it'll feel like when baby starts growing bigger.

I'm just anxious / excited to get the scan to check everything is ok so far. Next Friday feels forever away!

Hope everyone is well? X
I get that cramped feeling, I think it’s mostly due to bloating which is a common symptom as your digestive system slows down due to the hormones and it can cause constipation and gas, which is lovely! The tugs are normal too as everything is stretchy out. I thought my nausea was getting better but I’ve been on holiday the last two weeks and it felt worse then ever sat at my desk today.

How many weeks will you be at your scan? I’m sure everything will be fine xx
Hi Everyone

Congratulations to you all !

Decided to take a step and join a group, I am due May the 4th and had an 8 week scan due to IVF which showed a heartbeat but still nervous. The 12 week which is on the 24th October but feels like time is going sooo slow.

I am however really worried because I have no symptoms apart from sore breasts I don't feel sick or don't feel tired and it makes me worried, I know someone people will say don't moan but I think I'd rather have the symptoms to make me feel better.

We also haven't told anyone which I thinks makes it even more difficult

Really glad to join the group to get support and give support where I can

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Hi Billy

Welcome and congratulations! I know that worry, I had a private scan at 8 weeks and I can’t wait to get to my 12 week scan next week, it does feel like it’s been a long wait. I feel pretty rough most days but I still worry because you read all sorts of sad stories online, but I try to tell myself that other than take care of myself there’s nothing more I can do so worrying won’t help. It’s easier said than done though xx
evening all :) haven’t been commenting but have been keeping up with the messages! I can’t stop telling people lol I know I should wait till my first scan but I’m excited. Still main symptom is just being tired all the time. I have slept a couple of times from 7 all the way through to the next morning. I’m just struggling to find some exercises I can do. I used to go to the gym 3 times a week and I train in Karate. Since I’ve found out I’m pregnant I’ve only been to the gym once a week. I’m scared I’ll do something I shouldn’t! I’ve obvioisly stopped training in Karate just sticking to teaching. ��
Sparrow I know I keep telling myself that, we've decided to tell my dad next week so I'm making small stepping stones to look forward to so next week is tell dad week after scan then to tell everyone else !

Rascal I was exactly the same with the gym but haven't been at all since IVF as didn't want to risk it the MW said I could go back but going to wait for 12 week scan. I have put on weight as do put it on easily but am telling myself what's most important and making sure baby is ok on 12 week scan is first but after that back to the gym doing classes but not intense as usually do.
They say you can excercise but should be able to hold a conversation x
Hi guys,

Just found this forum and wanted to join for all the support on it :)

I'm just over 9 weeks pregnant :) and due 14th May 2018!
Hi to the newbies :)

Had my midwife appointment today to book in. Took ages but it was fun as it felt like the first *proper* pregnancy step. Feels more really now! Got my 16 week appointment booked in and can't wait to hear baby's heart beat! And two scans to look forward to between now and then.

Feel absolutely drained still - can't get enough sleep! X
Hi guys,

Just found this forum and wanted to join for all the support on it :)

I'm just over 9 weeks pregnant :) and due 14th May 2018!

Congratulations! I’ve added your due date to the first post.

How are you feeling? Xx
Hi to the newbies :)

Had my midwife appointment today to book in. Took ages but it was fun as it felt like the first *proper* pregnancy step. Feels more really now! Got my 16 week appointment booked in and can't wait to hear baby's heart beat! And two scans to look forward to between now and then.

Feel absolutely drained still - can't get enough sleep! X

Ditto on the sleeping, I just can’t seem to get comfy, my back aches or my leg goes dead so I have to keep turning over, and I’m always too hot. I don’t think I sleep more than half an hour at a time throughout the night and it’s driving me mad!
Hi everyone I have been keeping up with all the posts just haven't posted in a while! Good evening to all! Just getting annoyed with my anxiety! My symptoms seems to have not been so strong the last two days and now I'm in a panic something may be wrong! Some days symptoms can be strong other days they seem barely there and I don't feel pregnant at all! I am 8w+2 days from lmp has anyone else had this at all? I have read the placenta starts to kick in 8:9:10 weeks and is in full swing by 12 weeks ... just having a little worry is all �� And my partner thinks I'm being silly when I tell him and tells me to chill out! Wish I could at the switch of a button! Xx
Hi, I’m new to pregnancy and this forum! 1st May due date for me!

Anyone else felt flutterings? I was pregnant years ago but never to this stage only a couple of weeks. He the last 2 weeks around 8/9pm most evenings I can feel something on the lower left of my tummy area. When I had my scan last week they said baby on lower left but it was impossible to feel

Any ideas what I’m feeling? I know some people have said I’m imagining it but sometimes at the beginning it would happen at work when I wasn’t even thinking about baby. It’s not strong but not something I have ever felt before.
Hi, I’m new to pregnancy and this forum! 1st May due date for me!

Anyone else felt flutterings? I was pregnant years ago but never to this stage only a couple of weeks. He the last 2 weeks around 8/9pm most evenings I can feel something on the lower left of my tummy area. When I had my scan last week they said baby on lower left but it was impossible to feel

Any ideas what I’m feeling? I know some people have said I’m imagining it but sometimes at the beginning it would happen at work when I wasn’t even thinking about baby. It’s not strong but not something I have ever felt before.

Welcome Jodie! I’ve read that the earliest you feel the baby is 16 weeks, but I think anything is possible, seems odd to me that baby is the size of a fig and apparently moving around so seems like I should be able to feel something that size. I don’t think I’ve felt anything, but I’m pretty gassy recently so even if I did feel the baby I’d probably mistake it for gas, lol!
Hi everyone I have been keeping up with all the posts just haven't posted in a while! Good evening to all! Just getting annoyed with my anxiety! My symptoms seems to have not been so strong the last two days and now I'm in a panic something may be wrong! Some days symptoms can be strong other days they seem barely there and I don't feel pregnant at all! I am 8w+2 days from lmp has anyone else had this at all? I have read the placenta starts to kick in 8:9:10 weeks and is in full swing by 12 weeks ... just having a little worry is all �� And my partner thinks I'm being silly when I tell him and tells me to chill out! Wish I could at the switch of a button! Xx

I’ve experienced this a couple of times and I’ve panicked, but then the symptoms have come back worse. I’ve seen other women say that your hormones surge every 3/4 days and inbetween you start to get used to it, then you get the next surge and you feel bad again. But like you said it could also be the placenta taking over which is when you’re suppose to start feeling more normal.
Holli hasn’t posted for a while, hope she’s ok xx
Thanks for the reply sparrow! Wish I could just enjoy the pregnancy but here I am making an issue of things as per usual! Anxiety ey?!? Jodie I have felt fluttering from this evening and I am only 8/9 weeks! This isn't my
First pregnancy and I have heard it is possible!!! I'm just going to keep an eye on things and see if they continue! So sparrow looks like I can expect mother surge soon! How have u been feeling? Xx
Sparrow - same thinking as me. It was moving asohbs like crazy on the scan! Whatever it is I can feel, I like it :)
Hi Dannii. Don't put more pressure on yourself worrying that you're worrying too much Hun. Think it's totally normal to worry about every twinge / pull / pain / lack of. I've worried plenty and sure lots of others have too x
Hi Sparrow, and everyone!

Thanks, I'm feeling very nauseus on and off basically from mid afternoon onwards :( constantly snacking on cheerios at work 'cos the crunch seems to help! I'm just desperate now for my first midwife appt which is next week, and my 12 weeks scan (when it gets booked) ... don't know what to expect from that first appt though?
Sparrow I know I keep telling myself that, we've decided to tell my dad next week so I'm making small stepping stones to look forward to so next week is tell dad week after scan then to tell everyone else !

Rascal I was exactly the same with the gym but haven't been at all since IVF as didn't want to risk it the MW said I could go back but going to wait for 12 week scan. I have put on weight as do put it on easily but am telling myself what's most important and making sure baby is ok on 12 week scan is first but after that back to the gym doing classes but not intense as usually do.
They say you can excercise but should be able to hold a conversation x

Hey Billy,
I'm the same - I had IVF and was an avid (maybe obsessed!) gym goer, and I've continued with my daily gymming but at a MUCH lower intensity ... I'm now one of the people I used to judge for walking on a treadmill, and some gentle cycling, but it means I can get some gym time without overdoing it. It's also taught me not to judge people and that everyone has their own reasons/limitations for doing what they choose to do.

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