*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

I was just thinking the same thing! How are you feeling in general? Xx
hi all i had no internet there for a couple of weeks. I'm just over 10 weeks now. have my booking appointment with the midwife tomorrow and my 12 week scan booked for 23rd october, (2 days after my LO's first birthday) .... I'm not feeling /being AS sick as back at 6/7/8 weeks although i feel foggy, rubbish and queasy and insanely tired. Hope everyone is ok
That’s great news ChloeNat, so good that you can relax now.

I’m a bit unsure about my due date too, going by the date of my last period I’m due 2 May, but at the early scan I had they put me at 30 April. I’m going to wait for the 12 week scan to confirm it but either way I think I’ll stay in the May mummies thread as I’ve heard it’s quite normal to go a little over with your first, and I’d like to keep up to date with you all.

Yeah I'm going to stay here too even if I get April 30th. I went 10 days over with both my others so I think I just cook them longer lol
Hope every one is ok :) I've been quiet as got the cold darn bloody flu jab! Full on snotty nose, headaches, one min cold one min hot, my mouth hurts :-( urghh that's what I get for thinking I'd got away with it lol! Xx
Also full of the cold - miserable!! Our booking scans are the same day holli!
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Sorry to hear you’re big unwell, I was invited for the flu jab today as my doctors are holding an open clinic, but I’m going to put it off for a couple of weeks when I hopefully feel better in general.

I called the hospital about my scan appointment as I hadn’t had my letter, I’m booked in for 19 Oct. Can’t wait!

How is everyone feeling today?
Aww lovely kaypee mines at 1:30pm I think

So happy oh came home yesterday although he came home to a lovely site me sprawled on bed with snotty tissues all around me and some stuffed up me nose as was sick if of it just running ha!
All my head hurts I wana rip my teeth and gums out as they seem to be throbbing :-( my nausea is calming down loads flares up when I'm hungry and if I stand to quick and I get really dizzy and light headed. My tummy feels so tight like it needs to pop open like I have a belt on too tight that needs loosening any of you get that? Iam 10 weeks today happy I made it to double figures :) i have lower back ache that keeps coming and going too, and lovely headache that won't do one.
Bet you can't wait sparrow :) I'm actually having a scan on Wednesday lol I couldn't wait till 24th (still having my 12 weeks scan then but I get paranoid and need to check it's ok) xx
I know what you mean about the tightness around your middle, feels like something needs to give, I guess when it does that’s when we’ll start showing a proper bump. Glad that your nausea is better but it sucks that you’ve got such a bad cold, although now your OH is home he can nurse you.

Can’t wait to see your scan pics, you should be able to see something actually baby shaped rather than the bean I saw at my 8 weeks scan xx
Yeah he gave me a massage last night bless him :) I started heaving earlier when I brushed my teeth really can't handle anything in my mouth like that I gag at taking my folic acid so I've not attempted to take paracetamol cos I know they'll get stuck and I'll be sick!
I've been googling images of scans at 10 weeks and they do look like 12 week sans but smaller and I should be 10+4 then :) I've been trying to drink milk and eat yogurt cos my bounty phone app says baby needs calcium now for their milk teeth and bones find it so amazing each week seeing how much of a change the baby is - today it tells me baby is the size of an olive and can now move its arms and legs and is growing nails on their fingers and toes so cute I still find it very surreal that this is all happening inside me! I think I will feel more relieved after the scan as surely there will be less risk of miscarriage then I'm just so paranoid with the mmc from the April girls it scares me that they still had all there symptoms but baby had sadly gone I think that's why I phoned my midwife and said I was paranoid and she said she would scan me Wednesday as she didn't want to leave me till 24th to get more anxious I'm probably and hoping I'm just been silly xx
Being pregnant and growing a little human still blows my mind, I know there’s nothing more natural but the more I read about it the more freaked out I get.

Just cooking dinner for friends coming over and I’m heaving over the smell of the chicken I’m cooking, they’ll be lucky if I don’t throw up all over our dinner!
You have a very neat looking bump and no-one could mistake it for anything else. Because I’m overweight and have a bit of a belly you can’t tell with me yet, I maybe just look a bit fatter than usual, looking forward to when I actually look pregnant!
Seriously starting to consider a private scan. I'd always thought I would wait but it just seems so far away and I just want to know baby is ok.
Anyone regret the spending on the scan or was it worth it just for piece of mind?
peace of mind is well worth it, mind my early scan only cost £35 so it wasnt that expensive. i'm trying to resist booking a gender scan at 16 weeks in the hopes i can wait til the official 20 week scan
you can look on groupon for any offers in your region
I didn’t regret the spend, it gave me peace of mind, but that’s not to say that I don’t still worry that something hasn’t gone wrong since I had the scan, but I don’t think I’ll relax until I have the 12 weeks scan and then again when I start to feel movements. How far away is your 12 week scan? If it’s still a way off and the cost of the private scan isn’t too much of a hardship I’d say go for it.
I'm only 9 weeks today, so could be a while yet. Midwife said on Friday that the date would be posted to me.
I've looked on groupon but at the moment I can only find a scan near me for £89.
I paid the £89 and I don't regret it, although that was 10 days ago so like sparrow said I still worry that something has gone wrong since. Still got 3 weeks till my next and was considering another 1
Hi all.

Hope it's ok to join you all? Based on my last cycle and cycle length, I am 7 weeks today and due 27th May 2017. However, my cycles were crazy and only stabilised when taking Clomid, so this may change!

This is our first child and our TTC journey was quite difficult, as I know many are, so we are overjoyed to be expecting. I was on this forum a while ago but stopped coming on as I ended up quite stressed and just crumpled a little (not with the forum but just with our journey). Glad to be back. As we were under treatment at a fertility clinic, I'll be getting an early scan (20th October) - I think to check if there are more than one I think. Also have my first midwife appointment on Tuesday.

Anyway, that's us in a nutshell. Looking forward to *meeting* you all and hope you're all doing ok xx
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You're more than welcome to join us, congratulations! I've added your estimated due date to the first post, I expect a lot of our dates will change when we've had our dating scans.

How are you feeling generally? xx

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