*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

I had a tiny bleed yesterday literally just when I wiped early preg unit said prob nothing but doctors today and strict rest!
It's good that it was only when you wiped Lucy how are you feeling today? Hopefully it's just breakthrough bleeding,
Proper sulking today didn't like seeing lane leave this morning :-( roll on Friday when he's home, going for my flu jab at 4:30 Although I've got friends telling me to expect to be ill after so I'm really not looking forward to this xx
Ahhh Holli, I would be the same if OH left but just get some much needed rest and he will be back in no time!
Had my booking appointment today, midwife is lovely. Got the date for my 12week scan but I'm under consultants care because of blood clots in the family. I'm going to book my flu jab for my week off incase I'm not feeling well after! Hope everyone else is doing well!
Wonder why I'm not under special care, my grandad had blood clots and my dad had blood clots in his leg and lungs and had a big heart attack with it 2 years ago he's on 9 warfarin a day he's that bad with it, I keep panicking it might happen to me I keep having pains in my left leg up to my hip and it feels really warm probably just been paranoid but midwife didn't seem concerned when I told her about family history of it she just said I might be scanned more with me been coeliac not sure why! Still sulking lol feel like a mardy brat guna hate it tonight when I'm in bed all alone I tend to hear every noise and think of the movie paranormal activity xx
Urghh had my flu jab bloody stung I tell ya made me wince and it wouldn't stop bleeding for ages after xx
Oh no holli, I’m really not looking forward to mine, I might put it off for a couple of weeks when I’m hopefully free of nausea and not so tired all the time.

Has anyone who had their booking appointment received their 12 week scan date through the post? Mine was last Wednesday, I’m 10 weeks today and I haven’t had anything in the post yet, I’m paranoid they’re going to send the letter to the wrong address as I moved house a couple of months ago, but I don’t want to call up yet and be a nuisance if I just need to give it a couple more days.
I've not had any thing sparrow and I had my booking in appointment last Tuesday I'm 9+3 today, my arms really achey now she even said I might develop cold in a few days but not every one does really hope I don't xx
Im loaded with the cold so my flu jab will have to wait!! They measures me 6+4 but i knew id be a wee bit behind as i have a longer cycle, still within range to keep my due date the same. Hoping for another one between now and my booking. Hope you feel better soon holli! I got my booking apt quickly but it is different here - we get booking and scan together so not sure i can help sparrow xx
My doctors put my dates forward going by my last period to April 30the but I know with my longer cycles I'm not that far along. Just going to go with it till my 12 week scan. Mine is on October 16th so excited. Still super sick and tired, my kids keep saying poor mummy lol.

We got our official permanent residency in Canada today. Had to cross over in America for 10 mins to come back and officially complete it but yay. Hell of a lot less stress now as our temporary residence was running out in February so unsure where we stood with baby due in may but we get to stay here indefinitely now. So happy
That’s great news ChloeNat, so good that you can relax now.

I’m a bit unsure about my due date too, going by the date of my last period I’m due 2 May, but at the early scan I had they put me at 30 April. I’m going to wait for the 12 week scan to confirm it but either way I think I’ll stay in the May mummies thread as I’ve heard it’s quite normal to go a little over with your first, and I’d like to keep up to date with you all.
I got my dating scan appointment through post today 24th October :) xx
Hopefully you haven't got to wait long now sparrow so exciting xx
Do any of you feel uncomfortable? I just can't get comfy wether I'm laid on my back or sides I just can't settle, my stomach feels like it's really full xx
Yes, I don’t sleep for longer than about an hour at a time and then I have to change positions, I figet most of he night and I think I’m driving my OH insane.

Did anyone find that their nausea is worse in the late afternoon and evening? If I eat as soon as I get up I don’t feel sick in the morning at all, then I start feeling sick until I eat dinner, then I start feeling sick again about an hour after my evening meal. I end up going to bed early because I feel sick, but then I can’t sleep very well. Really hoping this all passes. I think I’ve put on about 8lbs already because I find that eating helps the nausea so I’m constantly snacking.
What are you eating? My midwife told me to try toast or sandwiches as she said warm foods could make my nausea worse I've tried just having sandwiches from yesterday and my nausea isn't as bad it's still there but not as bad as it was, i still have 2 warm weetabix for breakfast as I can't eat it cold , I keep having shooting pains in my left thigh up to my hip I do hope it's not my sciatica starting to play up already as last time I was scanned baby was very comfortably laid on my left side and I know it's still there as I'm having all my twinges on the left, I can't lay on my left and that's how I've always slept so I'm sulking at that, I've become very mardy since been pregnant, and very emotional I usually don't cry at anything and now I cry at anything I cried at emmerdale and Corrie tonight lol! My belly button feels itchy tonight too xx
I’ve started eating weetabix for breakfast in the hopes that the fibre will stop me getting constipated, what I eat for lunch and dinner varies, I usually have a hot evening meal.

I’ve been having some mood swings, I was so moody earlier when my OH ate the last tin of beans, I really fancied them for lunch but I didn’t want to sound too demanding so I said I didn’t mind, but then I was moody with him for a few hours after. It’s so irrational but at the time I just can’t seem to hide my emotions.
Eek how weird to see june mummies! Feel like properly pregnant now!!

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