*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

I'm officially out ladies, I hope you all go on to have wonderfully happy and healthy pregnancies and babies. I'd love to say I'll keep popping by here, but honestly I think it will be to hard.

Thank you all for being so wonderful.

So sorry hellandglory. It is truly awful. Be kind to yourself xx
I'm officially out ladies, I hope you all go on to have wonderfully happy and healthy pregnancies and babies. I'd love to say I'll keep popping by here, but honestly I think it will be to hard.

Thank you all for being so wonderful.

Gutted for you :-( sending massive ((((hugs)))) your way I hope you take the time to look after yourself and pray you'll be back here very soon lots of love xxxxx
Urghh nausea as well and truly hit again today blurghh! Just as I was starting to feel the nausea ease a little it's come back with a vengeance! I'm 9 weeks today, I sneezed earlier too bloody pulled something in my lower tummy didn't half hurt made me eyes water, how's every one else feeling? Xx
I had a bit of a meltdown this morning. I’d convinced myself that I needed to see that the pregnancy is progressing okay as I’m having constant period pains and night sweats. I just can’t seem to be positive at all...

So after a LOT of crying and feeling sorry for myself, I finally realised that I can either just sit here and drive myself crazy thinking everything has gone wrong, or I can face the fact that whether it has or it hasn’t - there’s nothing I can do about it. That actually made me feel a bit better.

Symptom-wise, I have feelings of nausea on and off...I can smell things that are three miles away and the sore boobs/nips and night sweats are nearly unbearable.

God I’m such a moaner! :lol:
Hoody, you're not a moaner, you actually sound like you have a really good attitude considering your previous experience.

I'm only just getting to grips with how hard this actually is, and I probably don't have as much to complain about, I just feel rough all the time, I have a new found respect for pregnant women. I'm 9+4 now, I keep reading that the placenta starts to take over between 9-12 weeks and that's when the nausea starts to get better so I just have my fingers crossed that happens sooner rather than later.

Does anyone have a bump yet? I have a bit of a belly anyway because I'm overweight but my bikini line is starting to feel quite firm and more rounded, I feel sort of heavy in my pelvis too and I think my organs are starting to be pushed upwards because I feel a bit achey around my rib cage.
I thought that sparrow I was feeling excited with me been 9 weeks today and nausea slowing down but no hit me full force today, said in bed all day while oh watched tv in bed with me bless him
I have bad bloat my tummys really sticking out I look like I've eaten way more than I should lol, feels firm / like it's starting to go hard? Xx
I'm looking forward to when I look pregnant, because I'm chubby I feel like I look like I'm just getting fatter at the moment and that people are judging me. I also can't find anything to wear, I've tried maternity clothes but they don't fit properly yet and I don't want to spend much money on other clothes that are only going to last me like a month. So frustrating!

It's sweet that your OH is being so good, we've had this week off work and I feel guilty that we haven't really done anything because I just don't have the energy, my OH is very patient but I feel he thinks I'm being a bit over dramatic.
He's had his frustrated moments where he's said babe your pregnant not dying lol! Felt like it I tell ya, I keep asking I thought pregnancy was supposed to be all blooming and glowing I just feel like I've been hit by a bus, he is good at running down stairs all time and getting me drinks cos he doesn't think I'm drinking enough he's worried I'm not eating enough either, I've had tomato soup and some chips I'm soooo full as soon as I've had a few mouth fulls when normally I can't get enough food down me ha! Xx
I have no idea how I'm guna managed on 12 hour nights tonight .... so tired �� that tired I sat in bath just now and oh washed my hair with shower, can't be bothered to dry it just wana go to bed forever! Started with dry heaving too which is annoying and hurts and makes my nausea 10 times worse peed off too as oh has been asked to work away Tuesday morning till Friday and he will be 4 and half hours drive away I won't even see him to say bye as I'm also working Monday night so by time I get home Tuesday morning he will have gone :-( feeling very fed up and sorry for myself xx
Oh no holli, you sound really exhausted, can they reduce your hours at all so you do shorter shifts? 12 hours is going to be difficult even if you start feeling better. I think we’re all feeling a bit sorry for ourselves, I know I am, and I’m not sure how I would react at the moment if my OH said he was going to be away 4 days next week, he’s doing most of the cooking at the moment, I’m not sure I would come very well without him xxx
I started crying and got really worked up which started the dry heaving off - bloody emotions that oh has said I'm not going to work he phoned them up and has told them I'm not going in tonight I'm going to doctors tomorrow to get a sick note as the thought of work just sets me off as I have no energy and just feel so sick oh agrees too, really don't want him to go away I keep thinking what if I need him what if there's a problem? I wouldn't mind if he was down road but he's a good 4.5/5 hours away :-( xx
It’s definately best you don’t go to work. I’ve had the last week off and next week off as holiday and I’m dreading going back because I feel like the nausea and tiredness has been worse since I’ve been off work and I’m not sure how I’ll handle it back in the office, just looking at my phone scareen for too long makes me feel sick let alone staring at a computer screen all day and being shouted at by angry customers (I’m a manager in a complaints department). I’m praying that this really does get better after 12 weeks as that’s just 2 1/2 weeks away for me!

I guess at least if you get signed off then you’ll be able to say goodbye to your OH before he goes on Tuesday, I’m sure nothing bad will happen while he’s gone but I know it will be hard, fingers crossed time goes quickly xxx
If I didn't feel so sick and lack of energy I'd be fine with work but there's no way I can stay awake for 12 hours help residents get to bed see to them if they need it in night hell shower and bath them in morning and change urine and poop inco pads through night, I have to force myself just to get out of bed for a wee myself I've told my boss I'm not fit enough to look after myself let alone 20 residents between me and another staff I feel guilty for letting them down but me and baby come first! If you still feel like that I wouldn't go back in Hun til you feel better I'm hoping I start feeling better soon now I'm 9+1 really bloated tonight too xx
How are you feeling now holli? Did you get signed off by the doctor? I think it will definitely be for the best, and try not to feel guilty, you’re right when you say you and the baby come first.
Yes thankyou been signed off and she's given me some cyclazine to try and keep the nausea away, although she did say it could make me feel worse as it's the hormones raging and there's nothing they can do for that she also said might be like this till baby is here - I was like wonderful lol! I'm also booked in tomorrow for my flu jab - never had it before, you having yours? How are you feeling today? Xx
Urgh holli its like a completely different type of tiredness isnt it. I kinda forget whats its like not to feel sick!! Esp as just done 3 night shifts. Its all worth it though...I had a scan this morning and saw the heartbeat so I am so happy ☺️
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Urgh holli its like a completely different type of tiredness isnt it. I kinda forget whats its like not to feel sick!! Esp as just done 3 night shifts. Its all worth it though...I had a scan this morning and saw the heartbeat so I am so happy ☺️

Awww lovely kaypee :) how far did they measure you? I've jumped back in bed cos I just can't be bothered I've never been so lazy in all my life! Don't know how you have managed 3 night shifts I couldn't even go in for mine last night was nodding of watching X factor kept playing with my phone to try and keep away cos I feel like I'm neglecting oh and I'll only sulk when he leaves tomorrow morning :-( xx
Hi girls just wanted to let you know I just popped into Superdrug to get some cocoa butter stretch mark cream as I am already starting to get bigger even though I'm only 7 weeks �� And I happened to look in the baby aisle first and saw weleda stretch mark oil. I googled it because never heard of it as last time I was pregnant was 11 years ago and saw that in boots it's £16.49 well in suoerdrug it's £3.99! Just looked on amazon and it's still £12 reduced on there so that's a bargain! Just thought I'd let you know in case u may want to get some!
Yes thankyou been signed off and she's given me some cyclazine to try and keep the nausea away, although she did say it could make me feel worse as it's the hormones raging and there's nothing they can do for that she also said might be like this till baby is here - I was like wonderful lol! I'm also booked in tomorrow for my flu jab - never had it before, you having yours? How are you feeling today? Xx

It’s a bit unfair they said the nausea might last your entire pregnancy, Ive heard of that happening but they didn’t need to tell you since there’s nothing you can do about it, and it may well pass. I’ve never had a flu jab, did you ask about it? I was expecting the midwife to send me for one but she only talked about the whooping cough jab I’ll have to have later on. I’m a bit nervous about all these jabs, not so much the pain but I really don’t want to feel ill afterwards.

Touch wood I actually feel quite a bit better today, makes me worry though that something is wrong because my sister lost her first pregnancy about this time but she didn’t find out until her 12 week scan and then she had to have a D&C. I’ll just try to be positive though and hope this means the placenta is taking over as I’m nearly 10 weeks now.
It’s a bit unfair they said the nausea might last your entire pregnancy, Ive heard of that happening but they didn’t need to tell you since there’s nothing you can do about it, and it may well pass. I’ve never had a flu jab, did you ask about it? I was expecting the midwife to send me for one but she only talked about the whooping cough jab I’ll have to have later on. I’m a bit nervous about all these jabs, not so much the pain but I really don’t want to feel ill afterwards.

Touch wood I actually feel quite a bit better today, makes me worry though that something is wrong because my sister lost her first pregnancy about this time but she didn’t find out until her 12 week scan and then she had to have a D&C. I’ll just try to be positive though and hope this means the placenta is taking over as I’m nearly 10 weeks now.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure every thing will be fine Hun, although I keep panicking abit too as there's been a fair few mmc on this forum - we just have to try and think positive I started to feel fine last week then it hit me again I've read as your hcg doubles every 3-4 days it starts to settle towards end then as they double they hit you again not sure how true it is though
When I had midwife appointment she told me I needed it and normally I wouldn't but she said it protects baby and if we get flu in pregnancy could be serious and go to pneumonia as we have weaker immune systems when pregnant so that's why I agreed I'm hoping I don't get cold symptoms though as I've known some people poorly after it I already feel crappy enough with out that! Xx

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