*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Holly is one of my favourites, I thought that was your name not Sarah lol.
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I put in my middle name with it my nick name my birth year and lot and all was taken it was frustrating me so I just typed Holli and it accepted it straight away haha! I noticed no one commented on my name on the early scan photo I put on lol xx
Maybe if I had used an underscore like you might have worked lol xx
I put my age and birthday and birth year and was all taken I was like their can't be more than one of me surely lol? I was getting ready to launch me phone at that point so just typed my dog in and accepted straight away I was like oh charming xx
Haha that's made me laugh. I always wanted Evie for a girl after my mums mum but then my cousin named his girl that last year so now I have no idea. Yeah we will find out the sex, I'm too impatient to wait
I would have been gutted if my favourite name was taken. Maybe you could use Evie for the middle name ?
I couldnt get a username at all so i used my initials as words �� Looks a bit weird but hey. I have girls names but no boys...my name is quite unusual so I want an unusual name for my baby!
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I like names that aren't to common, like mine there's soooo many Sarah's out there! Xx
Ladies..has anyone heard anything from Hellandglory? Bit worried about her xxx
Nope she's not been on for ages - quite a lot of the girls have gone quiet too I hope they are all ok xx
Struggling to eat urghh I feel nauseous and hungry and oh bought us chippy last night as I really fancied chips gravy and sausage I had a kids portion and I struggled I felt soooo full! Woke up at 430am starving and as oh was going to work he made me 2 crumpets but after a few mouthfuls I struggled as I felt so full - so weird!
On a plus note my boss has rung me today and has taken me off my floor which is all dementia and Parkinson's and mental health and has put me on residential floor where most of them do it all them selves so all been well I will be ok at work but she's said if I struggle with that to let her know and they will sort something out xx
I'm the same, struggling to eat much, have to remind myself to make smaller portions. Looking forward to tri 2 when I can have a good meal and enjoy it!
That's good about work! Glad they are being understanding and making amendments for you. I've told a couple of people at work so they don't think I'm lazy by not carrying the heavy stuff. Haven't told my boss yet tho as she was no help when I went through my MC a couple of months ago!
I'm still here! I read the posts daily but I fail to update as I'm always so tired at the end of the day!!
Currently feeling super hungry! Have started going off certain foods and craving things- nothing specific just random foods will pop into my head throughout the day!
Had an awful 48hr sickness bug last week which really worried me, so pleased it was a bug and not the start of a very nasty morning sickness!
Got my booking appointment next Friday. Hearing about everyone else's has made me really excited! Sounds silly but it will make it feel a lot more real! I celebrate with every week that goes by!
Finding work tough at times, it's very tiring and stressful and trying not to work too hard and get stressed but then the work doesn't go away so the to do list just gets bigger. Looking forward to telling everyone at work so people will help me out a bit.
Meeting my 1 week old nephew on Sunday which I know will also make me very excited! Looking forward to seeing my Mr actually hold a baby!
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I think my OH needs some practice with babies, I have friends with babies I see quite often and I've been very involved with my niece and nephew so I feel like I've got some experience, but I think he's a bit nervous although he tries not to let on.
Hope everyone's ok! I've been pretty quiet. Tired nauseous and cramping pretty badly still. Along with that, work, a 3 year old and a 4 year old it's been pretty busy here.

Got a few baby bits! I'll post piccies later but I got a bundle of newborn/0-3 months clothes for $5 so I couldn't say no lol and I bought a new set of vests and hats for newborn. I swear Canadian babies must be huge because my two would have been drowned by the size of the newborn stuff here. I may have to get some preemie bits!! Maybe they'll shrink in the wash lol. I got a voucher for free MAM dummies after i signed up for their baby club too so I got those with my weekly shop last weekend. My daughter would only take the MAM dummies when she was born so I just went with them with my son as well. They are pretty good.

I'm not finding out the sex this time. I didn't with my daughter but I kinda knew because I'm a scan addict and I aw her bits at one of my scans lol. It wasnt confirmed by a professional but it was kinda obvious. With my son I did find out after I guessed it at the scan again when the thigh bone was being measured. This time I'm not letting them go near the bits while I'm looking at the screen lol. I want a proper 100% surprise this time.
I'm officially out ladies, I hope you all go on to have wonderfully happy and healthy pregnancies and babies. I'd love to say I'll keep popping by here, but honestly I think it will be to hard.

Thank you all for being so wonderful.
I'm officially out ladies, I hope you all go on to have wonderfully happy and healthy pregnancies and babies. I'd love to say I'll keep popping by here, but honestly I think it will be to hard.

Thank you all for being so wonderful.

I'm so sorry to hear this. Please take care of yourself and I'll be keeping everything crossed that you get your rainbow baby soon xxx
I'm officially out ladies, I hope you all go on to have wonderfully happy and healthy pregnancies and babies. I'd love to say I'll keep popping by here, but honestly I think it will be to hard.

Thank you all for being so wonderful.

I’m really sorry to read this :( be kind to yourself. Much love xx

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