*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

I've only really started with it past week or so Claire, really hope you don't develop it

Majority of girls on here aren't active I hope everything is ok and that no news is good news!

My cousin had her baby yesterday a day over due and he's beautiful I'm really pleased they got a boy it's what they wanted and it was a surprise baby xx
I hope I don't suffer with it too holli, I was sick for the first time today Yay! Not! I'm hoping and praying it won't be as bad as last time
Its has seem to have gone quiet , hope everyone's okay x
I think I would prefer to be tired than sick the one thing in the world id rather not have is sickness, I'm hating having nausea but I'd rather that than full blown sickness, my lactolose is working I've been to loo and my goodness I feel 10 stone lighter lol :-D maybe your having a boy this time claire... will you be finding out? Xx
Haha who knows what I'm having but it certainly feels different time around. I think we are going to stay team yellow again like we did before.
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I don't know how you do it, it would drive me crazy lol, once 12 week scan is done oh wants to book a private 16 week gender reveal lol as he can't wait to 20 weeks xx
It didn't really bother me but right from the get go I thought I was going to have a girl , a boy never even crossed my mind. I would have been shocked if she came out a boy lol
They say your gut instinct is right, my oh really wants a girl I just hope if it comes out a boy he won't be too gutted as long as it's healthy that's all that matters, I don't have any gut feelings on this yet I have no idea, my oh's family are all boys no girls born since his mum and shes in her 40s where as my family is all girls except my cousin who had a boy yesterday so it's deffo 50-50 xx
We're going to leave it as a surprise, since it's our first and we don't already have any baby stuff it seems like it will be nice to have a surprise. It's fun to guess though, at first I had a thought it was a girl just because I couldn't picture having a boy for some reason, but as time goes on for some reason I'm thinking it's a boy. Does anyone else have any feelings either way?
Hey ladies! I've been quiet on here since I first posted about my BFP think it's because I've just been scared since have an MC last time round but went for a private scan today and saw our little bean measuring as it should for 7+4 and a good heart beat so now it's put me at ease more! I'm really tired tho, literally go to work and then back to bed, napping on my days off lol. Got my booking appointment next Tuesday which I'm looking forward to. Hope everyone else is ok?! I'm not sure how to attach my pic tho, new to all this!
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Go to go advanced on reply bit and their should be a paper clip symbol click on that :) is so reassuring seeing baby's heartbeat, I know I moan about all the nausea and tiredness but it's good as we know beans growing in there have any of you got names picked out? We've had ours since before our bfp lol xx
Ahhh thanks Holli! I know, the other day when I had no symptoms I started to worry, kept wishing for the back ache and heavy boobs to come back, they sure did a few hours later! No names yet. My Oh is a bit of a joker and keeps saying these random names to wind me up, but we will have the serious convo when we know what where having I think.


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It's nice for the reassurance nat. You can relax abit now x
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Lovely pic :) will you be finding out the sex? I was like that last Friday I phoned Epau up and said I'd got back ache and noticed my symptoms wasn't strong was it normal? They wanted me in and scanned me and baby was fine :) that night boy did they come back with a vengeance oh was like yeah you won't be saying that in a hurry haha as much as I really wana feel like me again I'm not sure if I will worry that everything is ok if I do so it's a no win situation xx
We have jack for a boy. (From sons of anarchy lol both fans) and willow for a girl we wanted something a little different for a girl as my oh has a different name I've never heard of it till I met him he's called Lane xx
If it's a girl I would like the name to end in y again as everything Ive ever named have all ended in y. Call me wierd if you want lol
What about holly lol? Btw my names Sarah but when I registered everything I put in for it was taken so I typed in my dogs name and it accepted it xx
Not saying call it after a dog lol but I've got mates called Hollie xx
We have a short list of names but we can't decide on our favourites yet, I think we'll wait and see what suits he or she when they're born.
Ha ha holli, I just assumed that was your name, mine's Emma but that was taken so I went with my surname Sparrow

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