*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Aww lovely loopy :) it's such an amazing feeling to see heartbeat isn't it?
I've met with my midwife today so got all my notes now and a sheet of paper to send off for free prescriptions and she gave me a box of pregnancare too as she wanted me on vitamin d not just folic acid - bloody struggle swallowing tablets at the best of times let alone these that look like horse tranquilizors lol. She's referring me back to hospital of our choice for another booking in where she said they will do bloods etc and then I will get another appointment thru for 12 week scan, she said with me been coeliac I might have to have more scans just to check as that can effect me painwise I hope not! Told her my symptoms as soooo tired sore nips and constant nausea and constipation she said all good signs and if I'm tired then to sleep and let my body do as it needs as it's going through a lot, makes it all more real now xx
Aww it's lovely reassurance loopy for you x
Holli it's does make things more real after seing the midwife and scary lol

I've only got tender nipple's still and I had major bloating at teatime lastnight and terrible mood swings but apart from that I feel really good , so much different that from my daughter but I'm sure this is the calm before the storm. Lol
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Congratulations loopylucy, it's so lovely to see the heartbeat, I still found it hard to believe that was going on inside me though, pregnancy blows my mind!

Sounds like we're all experiencing varying degrees of symptoms, I feel pretty rubbish most days but feel others definitely have it worse, still can't wait for the 12 week mark though when I hope to feel a little more normal and relaxed about everything.

Holli, I have my booking in appointment with the midwife tomorrow, I'll be 9 weeks. Any questions I should be prepared for?
When did everyone see the doctor ? I think last time around I went at 8 weeks I can't really remember
The doctor didn't want to see me, I called up when I got my bfp which seems like ages ago now, and they booked me with the midwife for my first appointment, it's tomorrow and I'll be 9 weeks but I think they try to get in you in around 8 weeks.
I might give the doctors a call then as last time I had to see the doctor at 8 weeks and they referred me to the midwife around 10 scan was 12
Im 8+3 today but I think they like to see us between 8-9 weeks - could be wrong though but I think each area is different
It was loads of paper work sparrow which she filled out, if your oh can go with you that will be best as she asked my oh a lot of questions about health from his mum and dads side as well as your own, if you can take a urine sample in too as mine wanted to dip it to check for any utis or anything like that, she will weight you and do your heaight and blood pressure, we was there about an hour xx
Thanks for the heads up holli, luckily me and OH have this week off work so he can come with me. I don't have anything to store a urine sample in but I need to go like every hour so I won't have a problem producing one when I'm there.
Ooh I get to join this thread :dance:

I got my bfp on the 20th :love:
LMP was 21st August so due date working out at 28th May 2018. Please can you add me to the list :)

Thank you xx
Ooh I get to join this thread :dance:

I got my bfp on the 20th :love:
LMP was 21st August so due date working out at 28th May 2018. Please can you add me to the list :)

Thank you xx

Congratulations! I've added your due date to the first post. How are you feeling? Xxx
Congratulations! I've added your due date to the first post. How are you feeling? Xxx

Thank you! :)

This is my first pregnancy after a second trimester loss (20+1) so I'm shitting myself. Convinced that it's not going to work out...
But each day I try to remain positive xx
Congratulations! I've added your due date to the first post. How are you feeling? Xxx

Thank you! :)

This is my first pregnancy after a second trimester loss (20+1) so I'm shitting myself. Convinced that it's not going to work out...
But each day I try to remain positive xx

I'm so sorry for your loss Hoody, I can't imagine how hard it is to experience that. I can understand your worry, I guess the only advice is to look after yourself and try to relax as much as possible. I've got my fingers crossed this works out for you, I'm sure it will xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss Hoody, I can't imagine how hard it is to experience that. I can understand your worry, I guess the only advice is to look after yourself and try to relax as much as possible. I've got my fingers crossed this works out for you, I'm sure it will xxx

I don't mean to be such a Debbie downer :lol:
Thank you so much for your positive words. I really need the boost :) xx
Welcome hoody :)

So unbelievably tired today, went to bed at 9pm woke at 9am when Doctor called me about putting me on lactolouse fell back to sleep till 11:30ish got up let dog on garden as I just have no energy to walk her just yet feel sorry for her but she seems happy enough playing with her treats, I've washed pots and emptied washing machine and now I'm laid on bed trying to build up the energy to have a shower and go to doctors to pick up my prescription when all I wana do is pull covers back over me and sleep for England I feel so lazy xx
It was good, thanks for asking. A bit of information overload and they took what seemed like a lot of blood which I find difficult as I'm very squeamish, like faints at the sight of blood kind of pathetic, but I need to get used to that. They prescribed me extra folic acid because I'm I overweight but they didn't have any other concerns. When's your first appointment?

Holli, I'm sorry your feeling so exhausted, I hope the lactulose works because I bet the constipation is making you feel much worse.
I haven't even called the doctors yet, going to do that next week when I'm 7 weeks . Last time I had to see the doctor then they referred me to the midwife.

If I remember rightly last time the midwife takes a few tubes of blood to be sent off for different tests.
Aww bless you sparrow, I've had a text from midwife from our chosen hospital today for antenatal clinic for 17th October she will take my bloods then not sure when my 12 week scan will be (I'm 8+4) today still feeling totally tired, managed to go to doctors and back and jumped back on bed and snoozed while oh played on his phone he's said we are guna watch tv in bed (if I stay awake) he's currently making me cheese on toast bless him xx
I'm so glad I'm not suffering with tiredness this time around like I did with my first , there's no way I could manage being tired and running around after a nearly 3 year old lol

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