*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

How is everyone today ? Im not really feeling any symptoms today other than a tender nipple and abit of discharge , which is making me on major knicker watch .
Sooo tired, major constipation which is making me heave as I'm that stuck oh has phoned work and told them I'm not coming in tonight and sore nips xx
Hi, hope I'm posting in the right place!
I recently found out i'm pregnant last week, think I'm about 5 1/2 weeks, due around 24th May 2018 although my cycle is a bit random so I'm not too sure of any dates to be honest!

Feeling very nervous as I had my daughter 7 years ago when I was very young and can't remember what it all felt like during early pregnancy etc. Me and my fiance are very excited but I'm feeling very anxious due to barely having any symptoms apart from incredibly sore boobs initially. I'm pretty exhausted (although generally am anyway because of my job) and seem to be constantly alternating between starving hungry and heartburn sicky/nausea but don't feel particularly pregnant :( I've booked an early scan for 04/10 when I should be around 7 weeks or so to hopefully provide some reassurance. Anyone else feeling the same?
Hi may welcome x I'm 6 weeks tomorrow and apart from a sore nipple and the odd pulling down below I'm not really getting any symptoms, oh and I'm on constant knicker checking . Bur I never really had any symptoms with my daughter until I was 7 weeks and all hell broke loose .
Hi claire_louise9 :) that's reassuring. The only thing I remember with my daughter is being very sensitive to smell (which I am feeling this time now that I think about it) and thinking that everything tasted disgusting, I remember water having the most horrific metalic taste to it, I haven't experienced that this time which is possibly what I'm worrying about I guess. Hoping the early scan will be reassuring x
Ladies, I'm fairly sure I'm going to miscarry again now. The same things are happening as last time. I'm going to try get a docs app tomorrow, we will see :(
Ladies, I'm fairly sure I'm going to miscarry again now. The same things are happening as last time. I'm going to try get a docs app tomorrow, we will see :(

Oh Hun I hope not and it ends positive for you, I have everything crossed for you xx
Congratulations may18, you're very welcome here!

Hellandglory, I really hope you're wrong and it all works out, I'll be thinking if you xxx
Soooo tired today ladies I've literally just woken up and went to bed at 11pm that's 13 hours sleep and i still feel like I could sleep more, oh has got tonsillitis and a cold and I've started with snotty nose and sore throat wonderful (had my tonsils out 3 years ago so I should be ok for tonsillitis ) but I have a weak immune system as it is, apart from paracetamol can I take anything else for it? Xx
I've got a cold too, I'm trying not to take anything for it . You can take honey and lemon that you make yourselves . If your nose is blocked inhaling steam with boiling water in a bowl with a towel over your head . If you have orange juice or oranges to get your vitamin c up.
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Thankyou Hun guna make myself hot weetabix and a glass of fresh orange with juicy bits in, will call to shop later for more as at moment I feel drained have my first booking in appointment tomorrow with midwife bet she suggests flu jab (never had it before) xx
My daughter had a letter from the doctors to get hers done so I will get mine done at the same time, hers is a nasal one so I'm hoping they all are that.
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Ooo I've never heard of the nasal one before is that just like a spray then? I hate needles (I say that yet has tattoos lol) xx
The flu jab is nothing to worry about. Had it with both my kids. Not painful and you may feel a little off for a few days after as it's a live virus but goes away pretty soon. You get used to being a pin cushion when pregnant lol.
The flu jab is nothing to worry about. Had it with both my kids. Not painful and you may feel a little off for a few days after as it's a live virus but goes away pretty soon. You get used to being a pin cushion when pregnant lol.

Too right you do, the flu Jab will be nothing lol
They struggle to find my veins as they are tiny they usually end up getting blood out my hand or wrists and use small butterfly needles xx
What's an early bird appointment stargirl? Xx

If I remember it correctly from my fir st pregnancy it's a waste of time! Your sat in a room with a bunch of other pg women and are told the dos and don'ts of pregnancy. However you have to attend. You then get your booking appointment with your midwife then, I have a feeling it's something only done in my area.

It seems I feel yucky in the mornings, then I feel better then half four hits and I feel yucky again!

We're going to book an early scan for Sunday, I think. I'll be 7 + 4 then. If all goes well we're going to tell my little boy. I just hope it's not too early to do so.
i've had an awful cold the past week or so , so its hard to know which parts of the feeling awful is from the cold or pregnancy. Feel very tired and foggy, stuffed up, and nauseous off and on, sick quite often in the afternopons/evenings but mostly bile which is rather unpleasant! Hungry but cant face much food. At least my pregnancy sickness isnt as bad as last year though as i only narrowly avoided hospital.

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