*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Can't wait for mine :)

I phoned Epau earlier with how bad my back was just to see if it's normal she wanted me straight in and scanned me, baby's good �� I even got pushed forward to 8 weeks xx
In in the hospital. Started having extreme cramps on my left last night and this morning they got so bad I had to go to a&e. I was taken straight through and they've already taken my bloods and I'm lying in a bed covered with a heated blanket with a box of tissues.
Awww Hun what do they think it is? Hope your ok xx
Hope you're okay chloenat, thinking of you!

For me, just as I've relaxed and started to enjoy the cramps and watery blood have started again, but started with a clot. It's exhausting.
I hope it's nothing to worry about hellandglory this baby likes to cause stress doesn't it? Such a naughty bean xx
So I'm out of the hospital 4.5 hours later. Took my bloods hcg is 98000. I got two different ultrasounds to check baby is in the right place. Pleased to say baby is fine and heart is beating away. They couldn't explain the cramps but I ended up being sick twice while I was there, couldn't keep down any water. So I've been told if it doesn't get any better I might have to go in for a drip as they think I may have hyperemesis gravidarum
Hi girls I got my bfp yesterday EDD is the 21st. I'm a bit shocked as I had a heavy bleed for 5 days this month and thought it was my af but on holiday last week I was feeling odd so when I got home I took a test and got 3+ on a digital.

I look forward to getting to know you all , I was in the 2014 october group on here and made some lovely friends which we are still going strong 3 years on.
Congratulations Claire, I've added you due date to the first post, 21 May is a very busy day. How are you feeling? Similar to your first pregnancy?
Hi sparrow pregnancy wise I feel okay but I'm coming down with my little girls cold . My last pregnancy I had sickness from 7 weeks so no doubt I will get it again . That's the only thing I struggled with was the sickness which I ended up going to the doctors for tablets which was great so If sickness starts again I will be straight down there lol
I'm sorry you're so unwell Chloe, I count myself lucky that I'm just nauseous and not actually sick. Really looking forward to getting past the 12 week mark and hopefully feeling a bit more normal again.

Does anyone else really not like to be touched recently? Usually me and my OH are a very affectionate and cuddly couple but at the moment I just really don't want to be touched or kissed, I'm trying not to show it because I don't want him to be hurt but it's really hard.
Oh yes sparrow! My oh keeps asking if I still love him as he's said I'm the same I didnt realise though till he pointed it out xx
Omg ladies this week I am just so tired I could cry. I feel physically exhausted wi h isn't good as my 4 yr old doesn't nap any more so I can't nap when he does!
I got my early bird appointment through the post today, it's for Friday. Has anyone else had this yet?
What's an early bird appointment stargirl? Xx
Hi all, I joined pf way back in 2007 when expecting DD, now 9. We TTC for some years after but no joy only 2 early MC. After resigning ourselves to only one child I unexpectedly fell pg and had a baby boy last October at the age of 41, he is just 11 months. I started feeling sick a couple of weeks ago and to my shock found out i was pregnant again! I had an early scan today and confirmed 8 weeks 2 days pg making my due date May 3rd :)
My cramps are so bad :( I had a 2 hour nap today and pretty sure I'm going to bed pretty soon (it's 7pm here)
is anyone else experiencing severe weakness when waking, my arms feel so weak and shakey, it gets better during the day so i wonder if it is low blood sugar after the night. i can only get myself as far as the sofa when i get up....
Hi all, I joined pf way back in 2007 when expecting DD, now 9. We TTC for some years after but no joy only 2 early MC. After resigning ourselves to only one child I unexpectedly fell pg and had a baby boy last October at the age of 41, he is just 11 months. I started feeling sick a couple of weeks ago and to my shock found out i was pregnant again! I had an early scan today and confirmed 8 weeks 2 days pg making my due date May 3rd :)

Wow congratulations! You must be so excited! I've added your due date to the first post xxx
is anyone else experiencing severe weakness when waking, my arms feel so weak and shakey, it gets better during the day so i wonder if it is low blood sugar after the night. i can only get myself as far as the sofa when i get up....

I feel really drained and achey in the mornings, the aches stop me from being able to sleep in when I feel like I could use a couple more hours sleep. I usually feel better when I've eaten something and I get going, so maybe it is something to do with blood sugar.

This is my first pregnancy and I had no idea it would feel this tiring, I'm afraid of how uncomfortable I'm going to feel later on.
My cramps are so bad :( I had a 2 hour nap today and pretty sure I'm going to bed pretty soon (it's 7pm here)

That sounds awful, what did the doctors say about the cramps? Are they normal or linked to the severe morning sickness?

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