*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Anybody having an cravings yet? Although I get waves of nausea I feel better if I eat something small and at the moment I can't get enough of salt and vinegar crisps. And I've gone off tea completely, the thought of drinking it makes me feel ill, also don't have much appetite for chocolate x

Haha you have described me! I used to be a right tea belly that when I found out I was pregnant I bought decaf tea and I've not used it the thought of a cuppa turns my stomach, I never used to like water on its own or fizzy pop but I drink loads of water dandelion and burdock as I find that helps me burp and milk, I've got a thing for salt and vinegar crisps too they seem to settle my nausea especially the sea brook ones (but they are gluten free as I'm coeliac) xx
Anybody having an cravings yet? Although I get waves of nausea I feel better if I eat something small and at the moment I can't get enough of salt and vinegar crisps. And I've gone off tea completely, the thought of drinking it makes me feel ill, also don't have much appetite for chocolate x

I have aversions-for most things.
I used to have such a sweet tooth and now I cant stand seeing sweet stuff. So weird
I am a vegetarian and I want to eat meat :wall2:
Ladies, it makes me smile reading your cravings and food aversions, as I am in the same boat :)

Holli, I am a massive tea fan but have gone off tea completely since getting pregnant. Decaf, green, red bush, I have even tried coconut green tea- and it's not working. I can't believe I have lost any interest for tea! I like salty tomato juice and fizzy drinks. Ahhhh i had a 0.5l bottle of Fanta last night. Couldn't stop drinking it! I have never liked Fanta in my life! I don't even drink fizzy drinks))) I eat cereal with hot milk (I used to have porridge in the mornings before getting pregnant). Oh yes, and soup. Soup is good :) I can't even look at chocolate or anything sweet. I used to like sweets, cakes etc.

Gill85, I am the opposite - I have become a vegetarian after becoming pregnant))) I can't look, smell or eat meat. It's strange, isn't it?!

Ladies, do you think food cravings can hint the sex of the baby?
Ladies, it makes me smile reading your cravings and food aversions, as I am in the same boat :)

Holli, I am a massive tea fan but have gone off tea completely since getting pregnant. Decaf, green, red bush, I have even tried coconut green tea- and it's not working. I can't believe I have lost any interest for tea! I like salty tomato juice and fizzy drinks. Ahhhh i had a 0.5l bottle of Fanta last night. Couldn't stop drinking it! I have never liked Fanta in my life! I don't even drink fizzy drinks))) I eat cereal with hot milk (I used to have porridge in the mornings before getting pregnant). Oh yes, and soup. Soup is good :) I can't even look at chocolate or anything sweet. I used to like sweets, cakes etc.

Gill85, I am the opposite - I have become a vegetarian after becoming pregnant))) I can't look, smell or eat meat. It's strange, isn't it?!

Ladies, do you think food cravings can hint the sex of the baby?

I think most people are like you, hating meat during pregnancy:) I am weird lol
Really not looking forward to work tonight I start back after been off last 2 weeks and I do 12 night shifts (8pm~8am) and I feel so crap, how I'm guna look after residents and get them into bed and up in the morning I have no idea when it's a major chore to get myself washed and dressed let alone wiping shitty arses �� I'm bad with smells too even my dog smells awful to me and oh does and he can just have a shower yet he still smells rank! It's guna be a long night boooo xx
chickne and mushroom curry from the chinese!!! craved one since last week getting one tonight!!! gone right off coffee and chocolate! they were my big love before but OH brought me decaf coffee sat and could have thrown it back in his face!!! cant stand chocolate anymore :( addicted to strawberry squash and decf tea haha
I've gone off everything sweet so let's see if bubba is a boy, it will be interesting as my family is all girls and oh family is all boys! Oh really wants a little girl though bless him.

Hellandglory has been very quiet I really hope she's ok xx

I was thinking the same thing today, hope she's ok too xx
you ladies are just the best. I've been in work a lot and haven't had a chance to post but read up when i'm having a sneaky wee in work haha.

At the minute i'm still having the bleeding, pink cm etc....really no idea what is going on :(
I've got such a nasty pain in my right bum cheek �� I've been to work today I'm a beauty therapist and was leaning over a client at the time doing brows and a facial I think it must be from my posture not being right ouch it hurts! I've got a full body massage to carry out Friday and dreading it now! Does anyone else do any manual work and have been struggling with it also? You panic at every little ache and pain but just I'm just worried!!
Glad your ok hellandglory :)

Well I'm certainly calling in sick tonight (Thursday) I'm only 5 hours in and have another 7 to go and I feel like utter crap can hardly keep my eyes open, the smell of food and urine is making me gag and cos I'm doing more I'm crampy and have back ache luckily I have 2 staff on with me that are doing all moving and handling and one just had to save me as one of residents decided to go off on one and try to hit me --- I think not xx
Finally home told my supervisor I wasn't coming in tonight he was fine he even said I looked like shit, every one said I went really white and I felt mega faint showering residents so I'm off now till Sunday night at least xx
Oh that's good Holli... good to hear you can get some rest that sounded like a nightmare for you earlier! I'm getting cramping and bad back from just Leaning over a bed so goodness knows how you must have felt!
I'm thinking of calling doctor I'm sooo constipated it's unreal I'm at the point I have tummy ache is theres I can feel it but just can't part with it xx
Try rest up until you're feeling a little better holli :)
I didn't think i was having any food symptoms, but i just did an hour round journey to buy a specific sandwich...then when i got there bought two of them haha.
I've gone from bad constipation to chronic runs :-( and I've taken nothing to help me go just went and laid on bed oh I do hope I've not picked up a bug from work- my stomach in bits from it xx
hope you feel better soon Holli. It can be a pretty normal symptom so try not to worry too much. Just rest up as much as you can and lots of fluids.

I'm feeling so nauseous it's unreal. I had to stop taking the anti sickness meds as I think they were making me feel worse.

First appointment with my baby doctor this afternoon! I may have to get hubby to come home and watch our 3 year old as he's off daycare with croup and I don't want to take him where there will be pregnant women.
My stomach keeps doing the same, I can't go for a few days and I get really uncomfortable, then I get the runs. My stomach is always tender and bloated, makes it so hard to get comfortable.

Glad you're ok hellandglory, if the bleeding doesn't get any worse I think you can relax about it, I've read about other women having similar bleeding for weeks in early pregnancy
I have gone off tea too and am craving spicy hightly flavour things and reallly want some chips with loads of salt & vinegar! Im the same holli i started off with the runs quite a lot now im constipated and my tummy is bloaty and cant touch it without being super uncomfy. Nausea is on & off and worse if i dont eat but sometimes i just dont want to! Gutted about the tea - i love tea!! Got my booking appointment too - 4 & a bit weeks away - seems ages!!
Got lovely back ache tonight from back of my ribs to my bum not sure if that's a pregnancy thing or from my runs today it's not comfortable that's for sure feel like an old lady, got no tummy cramps though, nips sore, getting full very quickly can't even eat half a meal before feeling like I've eaten too much, I have my booking in appointment on Tuesday - how did yours go chloenat? Xx
It went well thanks - did the usual, took my pregnancy history down, urine sample, blood pressure, chatted about things and he even had a go at finding babies heartbeat. Obviously way too early but he said you never know! No early scans booked though so got to wait till my 12 week scan on october 16th! Then my 12 week doctors appointment on October 19th

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