*** May 2018 Mummies Tri 1 thread ***

Hello! I've been reading this thread for a while now but was away in a country that's blocked to join! So back home now and I'm 6 weeks 6 days pregnant! Got my first appointment next Wednesday with the midwife.

I work as a research scientist and currently wondering if I should tell my boss or not ��

Symptom wise I did have really bad cramps but they've seem to subsided. Now just have back pain and tired and totally gone off food! Hope everyone is having a good day so far ����

Due date 9th May!
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I have also gone off food just don't fancy anything at all! I feel for you guys with constipation but I am the other way! I have diarroeh in the mornings or when waking up at night... no stomach cramps with It though so just the affect the hormones are having on my body! 'I feel the bloat hit me at night as well ... I feel pressure there and struggle to find a comfortable
Position to sleep in already! Gahhhh! Looking forward to seeing the scan later sparrow and Kaypee I've never done a digital so don't know much about that but I am sure everything will be ok for you xx
I'm with you on that danni the thought of food turns my stomach, I manage to eat rice crispies and a banana ok but anything else is a force!
I've just had my pregnancy risk assessment at work and they was great they said baby comes first don't do anything I don't feel confident with don't do moving and handling and if I need a break to have one ( I work nights in a care home) so I'm relived about that xx
Thanks ladies. no idea what my blood levels are. I work in a hospital so ive spoken to one of the nurses who will scan me hopefully next week at 6+. Just want time to hurry up so i know xx
Hey all hope all's going well. I have my first appointment with my baby doctor on Thursday - looking forward to that. Hopefully get an earlier scan booked in.

I think I'm managing to keep sickness sort of at bay by eating little and often and also keeping the anti sickness tablets topped up. Still feel yucky though. Still super sleepy and irritated. Told hubby this is the last time I'm doing this lol
I have mine next Tuesday chloenat :)

Does anyone else feel better towards late afternoon early evening? I wake up feeling so crappy and by this time I start feeling a little normal it probably won't last when I go back to work tomorrow night after 2 weeks off! Today my boobs are incrediblely sore which haven't been till now just sat with a vest top on feels like I've got a lead weight vest on xx
Just got back from the scan, was such a lovely and reassuring experience, I could properly make out the heartbeat, the sonographer did have a bit of trouble keeping it in view though as it kept wriggling about. It still feels very surreal though to think that's going on inside me. She said I'm measuring 8weeks 1day, but so won't change my due date until the 12 week scan. What was also interesting is she looked at my ovaries to see which one the egg came from and she said by the looks of it I ovulated from both, so it's only by chance that I'm not carrying twins!


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That's amazing sparrow can see the head :) xx
I think I'm 21st may sorry that was to add to the post at the top
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Oh wow sparrow can really make that out!! How amazing for you! No Holli I find I can't sleep well at night and am wide awake in the mornings and early afternoon but now have just monumentally crashed to the point I stopped what I was doing and had to lie down! Dreading making the dinner now! Lol... but similarily my boobs are extremely sore as well especially when I get up in the morning! Ouch!! Xx
Hello! I've been reading this thread for a while now but was away in a country that's blocked to join! So back home now and I'm 6 weeks 6 days pregnant! Got my first appointment next Wednesday with the midwife.

I work as a research scientist and currently wondering if I should tell my boss or not ��

Symptom wise I did have really bad cramps but they've seem to subsided. Now just have back pain and tired and totally gone off food! Hope everyone is having a good day so far ����

Due date 9th May!

Congratulations Rascal, I've added your due date to the first post.

I told my boss quite early, we work very closely together and I wanted him to be aware if I didn't quite seem myself with the morning sickness, tiredness and sometimes cranky demeanour I've started to get. But that was just my personal choice and I'm sure everyone understands if you don't share your news until late on xxx
Anybody having an cravings yet? Although I get waves of nausea I feel better if I eat something small and at the moment I can't get enough of salt and vinegar crisps. And I've gone off tea completely, the thought of drinking it makes me feel ill, also don't have much appetite for chocolate x
I am craving all things orange! Loving cold clementines at the minute
No cravings really at the moment just some aversions ..gone of crisps and they are my absolute go to all of my life I could have lived on crisps sometimes eat more than a bag a day and now ughhhh no thanks!!also don't want chocolate or sweets just want meals no snacking! Anyone else still feeling hungover I'm in such a fog this evening! Feel absolutely rubbish!
No cravings really at the moment just some aversions ..gone of crisps and they are my absolute go to all of my life I could have lived on crisps sometimes eat more than a bag a day and now ughhhh no thanks!!also don't want chocolate or sweets just want meals no snacking! Anyone else still feeling hungover I'm in such a fog this evening! Feel absolutely rubbish!

I hear you with the fog! I feel like I could just sleep for 100 years and not be bothered by it.
Hungover is a good way to describe it, it feels worse first thing in the morning and after about 8:30 in the evening. I count myself lucky I haven't actually thrown up so far though.
I am craving all things orange! Loving cold clementines at the minute

I read somewhere that if you crave savoury things then that means you're having a boy, and sweet things you're having a girl. I don't really believe in the old wives tales but it's fun to guess.
I've gone off everything sweet so let's see if bubba is a boy, it will be interesting as my family is all girls and oh family is all boys! Oh really wants a little girl though bless him.

Hellandglory has been very quiet I really hope she's ok xx
Aw sparrow that scan is fab - congratulations ��

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