May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

My 7 week scans gave been internal. But not sure if that's area dependant.
I'm going of an adjusted cycle length too. I have on avg a 25 day cycle with a 13 day LP I've done so many due date calculator's and it's anything from 11th (adjusted by cycle length) to 14th (from LMP)
I'm also going off an adjusted cycle length! I have a 24 day cycle, so really I'm ranging from 10th-14th. I'm going with the 10th because I'm pretty sure when I conceived too!
How is everyone feeling this morning? I still have sore boobs and I'm so tired. No nausea or anything yet. Going on holiday next week and you just know it will kick in then xx
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Sore boons. Nausea upped to dry wretching. But I think that will go full blown soon. I need to eat to get rid of sickness. But feel too sick. Catch 22. Might get some rich tea biscuits at work.
I'm sorry to see your update Bellarina, look after yourself big hugs x

I'm also using an adjusted cycle date as I ovulate later than CD14, otherwise they will say I'm behind and I don't need the panic from that!

When I woke up this morning I felt a little odd, not sick but just different. Hope that is a good sign. My ic is nice and dark this morning.
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This constant worrying is getting me down, don't know what to do to make myself feel better, thinking of doing a digi but honestly terrified of not getting the result I am expecting and making myself worse so trying to just sit tight but it's so damn hard! I have nausea - vomited twice and backache, exactly the same as with Harrison, symptoms come and go again exactly the same but I still more terrified every time I feel normal.. Even though I know it was the same with Harrison! I feel like I have no confidence in life and I am standing on the edge of a cliff constantly scared stiff, I feel like I need help, do u think having a doctors appt might help? Or speaking to one of the midwives who came to see me after Harrison? X
Lou, I would definitely speak to your doctor about how you're feeling.

I debated going in to see mine this morning in fact. Not for her to do anything exactly, just for a chat about how I'm feeling.

I thought about doing bloods but then decided not to because if the results were low or not doubling etc then if worry myself even more!

I hate feeling so helpless. I know a couple of the girls in here are on aspirin and high dose folic acid etc but I'm not on anything extra. Just feel like I've got to sit tight and hope for the best.

Lou & Emily, I think that it would be a good idea to talk with either your gp or the midwives, just having someone there to talk to about things should be helpful for you. I don't think there is much you can do to stop worrying. The only thing that is helping me is to try to enjoy this as much as possible (which is blooming hard when you have a constant fear of things going wrong). The other thing I find useful is to allocate a certain period of time each day to worry about things, then the rest of the day carry on as normal. This is hard to do as you have to be disciplined to stick to your time period but it does help if you can do it. It is a bit like having a worry tree, when you walk past it you hang your worries on it's branches rather than carrying them around with you (this can be a physical or mental thing, whatever help you the most).

5+4 for me today. That means it is now less than two weeks to my scan.
If you are struggling with anxiety then definitely speak to someone, even saying things out loud might help or they may suggest CBT/counselling xx
hey girls. 4+5 for me today time is dragging since I got my bfp :( and my anxiety is in full swing about if something is wrong
I was planning on going to see my doctor after I've had my scan in a few weeks. I'll need to see her anyway so I can get referred to the MWs. Don't see the point in it until we know everything is OK though.

I just feel resigned to the fact that what will be will be and I'm powerless to do anything about it. So far my test results have come back normal so there's no point in me taking aspirin etc and my consultant hasn't been in touch, which I would have thought she would have been if there was something urgent results wise as I did leave a message saying I was pregnant.

Just taking things day by day. Next little milestone for me if to do my last digi to try and get my 3+ I was thinking I might do it on Monday when I'll be 5+4? Then it'll be countdown to scan day, then depending on how that is see gp to get referred to mws, then booking in, scan at 10 wks and then dating scan... Hopefully!!

I'm quite excited today, I've actually had flashes where I can believe this will happen. I think it is due to getting further than last time and my husband seems convinced that this is the one. Now to get to the weekend and further than the first time... It is awful trying not to get too excited, it would be so lovely to enjoy this like many other ladies do!

I don't really have any symptoms. My boobs are a bit sore still and I still have increased cm.
Thank you ladies X
Emily I have the same milestones as you xx I am also not sure when the best time to get a 3+ on digi is? Is it 6 weeks?

My hubby bought me some frers and digi's to help reassure me, I felt so desperate I just thought sod it I will keep testing..
Anyway did a frer this pm with dilute urine and it's much darker than control so I already feel better, going to do a digi in the am, when did other people get 2-3 on a digi? I think I am 4w +3 (that's from OTD)

Here is my pic.. X


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Lovely line on the frer Lou. I got 2-3 at 4+6, at 4+3 I still had 1-2, which I was surprised about as it was 6 days since my first 1-2 and I thought it might have gone up by then. I've not decided whether to try for the 3+, I think if I do I will wait until I'm 6 weeks (although then I will panic if it hasn't gone up so maybe I won't do it at all and just stick with a daily cheapie).

I'm horny today. What is everyone else doing in terms of dtd?
I got my 2-3 at 4w+4.

I think you should get a 3+ at 5weeks and over.

Digis are inaccurate though- I once got a 1-2 and a 2-3 in the same day when I should have had a 3+ as I was over five weeks!! I'm not sure why I bother with all this testing really but I just can't help myself!!Lol!!!

That's a lovely dark line hun :-)

Good stuff!

Lovely line on the frer Lou. I got 2-3 at 4+6, at 4+3 I still had 1-2, which I was surprised about as it was 6 days since my first 1-2 and I thought it might have gone up by then. I've not decided whether to try for the 3+, I think if I do I will wait until I'm 6 weeks (although then I will panic if it hasn't gone up so maybe I won't do it at all and just stick with a daily cheapie).

I'm horny today. What is everyone else doing in terms of dtd?

I'm on a self imposed sex ban! I know it's safe and doesn't cause mc but I just know I'd worry and not enjoy it at all. Poor hubby :-(

I've been doing all my tests with fmu but I did one just a minute ago and its come up with the test line darker than the control! That made me smile and is another little goal achieved for me! :-)

my sex drive has completely disappeared since I got my bfp lol normally we dtd every other day but just haven't felt like it! very unlike me lol

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