May 2017 Mummies *NEW*

I'm bloated- feeling very much so after I eat. I'm so tired as well,in fact I was off to bed before 9 last night! Got some cramping and a lot of cm.

Going to break out the digi tomorrow and crossing fingers for a 2-3.

Still feeling very pessimistic, but given the circumstances I think that's understandable!

I'm the same as you Emily! Cramping cm obviously thinking the worst . Keep prodding my bobs to see f they are sore. Waves of sickness do help but they all stop at lunch time. Proper morning sickness with my son I had morning noon and night sickness! Ugh hate tri 1. Please please make it to tri 2 when I can relax!
I'm 5 weeks today. I don't really have any change in symptoms, just the same increased cm, the occasional cramp and sore boobs. My ic today was quite dark, getting towards the control line.
My boobs don't hurt at all yet. I keep prodding them to check!Lol!

Just hope the blimmin things work this time! I had supply issues when I had my son.

I'm so over tri one already! Just want to be in tri two!

Me too.. It's my OTD tomorrow and I am petrified! Last embryo transfer was a chemical so I got a faint line then on OTD it was negative, it's taking me back to that time and so now I am so scared of testing! Even though my tests are much darker than last time and I was vomiting this morning! I just want to test morning noon and night.. I hope I will feel better after tomorrow but really just need To get there now, thank god I am going out for a meal tonight. I hate tri 1 I don't know how I am going to get through this pregnancy... Yet I feel ungrateful for not being able to be excited, uuuggghhhh!! We are all in it together ladies at least we all feel the same anxiety's xx
My boobs have hurt since 1dpo, which is unusual for me. I tend to get sore boobs right before af arrives rather than straight after ov. They aren't consistent though, some days they hurt more than others (I'm sure it is a conspiracy just to make me panic and prod them a bit!).

I'm debating using the remainder of my frers or keeping them for the next time. Am undecided at the moment. I think I will keep one aside to use later this week, it was a frer I did about now the last time that made me realise things weren't going to plan, then at least I was prepared for what was going to happen and took supplies with me when I went out.
I'm going to test again in morning and if live a darker will phone Dr for appt.
Taken hubby and son to zoo/theme park today (had promised before getting bfp) and i feel sooo bloated,getting cramps....and really tired. Hope u r all ok xx
If I stand up for too long I get crampy down there but it goes when I sit. So wish I had a magic ball x
My boobs are like big painful melons already. Also feeling very sickly and dizzy. I got bad just after 6 weeks last time, I dread to think what I will feel like in a week. All worth it though xx
Tri 1 is such a cruel thing to go through. With my son I sailed through it how on earth did i achieve that!!! Lol
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Hubby says my joins have grown and someone commented on them at work but I can't notice it myself! I hope your frer goes well snowberry. I wish cm and blood were more easily distinguishable! I feel like a fool to keep checking
I'm constantly on knicker watch :( has anyone phoned the doctor yet to let them know about bfp? going to phone mine tomorrow not sure what they will do tho. I need to change my blood pressure tablets I had pre eclampsia with both my sons in late pregnancy and had to have them early and have had high blood pressure ever since
I am just going to self refer to hospital after 6 week scan.
Just been sick after eating dinner, so it begins... xxx
I'll phone dr to get referred onto mws after I've had my early scan.

No point in going through all the hassle of booking in if there's no point. Been there, done that... twice! It takes bloody ages to fill out all the notes and I'm not doing any of it till I know there's at least a chance that everything will be ok this time.

oh right! that's good then at least they keep an eye on you :)
I'be told doctor as I needed to get more folic acid anyway. Stupid man gave me 1 months worth. And told me to phone epu to arrange my early scans. (Mines atv5+5?!) I also got told last time to make a midwife appointment as soon as in case I need a consultant. I got told us be put on clexane. But I feel like my new recurrent miscarriage doctor uis erm less than helpful! I've not had chance to do my booking in since my son. So at least that's something different. To the last 4 times.
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not sure what my doctor will do. will see what they say tomorrow. don't think I have my booking in till about 8-10 weeks
Yeah my previous booking in appointments were between 8-10 weeks and the mw phoned through to arrange the date for dating scan then.


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