
Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Hey ladies anyone else due in May 2007?

How is everyone feeling?

I am suffering from mood swings galore and a small bump is appearing!!
I have felt quite healthy the last couple of days after a few weeks of feeling really nauseous and being unable to eat.

I am worried that we will find something bad out at the scan- like it is all a figment of my imagination!
Morning Ladies,

I feel much the same as fothers,i'm also worried about the scan, i guess it's just a case of not knowing everythings ok until you have one and then seeing the babs makes it all better.But it's not getting me down, i'm still so happy about being pregnant :D
Hiya well i had been feeling fine up until last week when i had a virus started to feel better now im feeling sixk quite alot and also keep feeling hunger pains like last night we had dinner then i was ful about an hour later i started getting the hunger feeling back again,strange feeling.anyone else feel like that ?? im also really nervous and cant wait to get the 1st scan done as i feel like im either not pregnant or somethings happened,not sure why im thinking like this.
im due in may and feeling rough at the moment :puke:. sickness seems to be getting worse although still not been sick, keep running to the toilet thinking i am going to be and nothing comes up :( so tired too! got my dating scan on thus so fingers crossed all ok x
Good luck hope your scan goes well hun.x
feeling tired!
not had any morning sickness :) but been very emotinal latly! 12 week scan week on thurs! cant wait!
Am 3 weeks into morning (all day) sickness but I seem to be fighting off cystitus all the time! One day there's no feeling, the next I'm running to the loo!

I'm in the States and I don't get to see the Obstetrician until 10 weeks so a few weeks to go, I do have a nurses appointment later today though so that should be reassuring!
with everything else thats been happening feeling rather sh!t . like others drading scan just in case but also cant wait,mixed bag of emotions
I have been feeling much better this week, less nauseous but still very tired :sleep: . I am also more emotional (cried a few times over nothing this week). Have my first mw appt on Tuesday so can't wait because I don't feel pregnant as such.
im due may the 8th what are all your due dates, have no bump this is my 3rd pregnancy as well my 2nd my bump came nearly instantly, hmm suppose all pregnancies are different. is anyone having any movements yet????????
I have a little bump coming on now...

worst thing at the mo for me is constantly wanting the loo and then nothing much happening when I get there! :evil:
I'm not feeling too bad, though I still wretch at a few things :puke: Stomach still hurts but I have a proper bump, and feeling lots of kicks. Mark felt her kick last night too :cheer: Other than feeling tired still, I'm okie :)
hi sami how long have you been having movements and kicks as i have had nowt, bit worried im 17 weeks!!!!!!!

I was looking forward to suddenly feeling wonderful after 12 weeks, but it hasn't happened. I thought I might be doing somethig wrong until I read through a few threads and realised how different things were for everyone: what a relief!

I've been feeling queasy since after about week 4, but have been lucky enough never to have actually been sick. Am also still feeling tired a lot of the time, and have still got the spots that came up after a few weeks. Thank goodness for scans. Having seen my little baby moving around in there, it makes it all worth it!

As a rule i feel pretty un-pregnant at the mo(good thing i guess), if it wasn't for my bigger boobies and feeling LO whose now waking me up in the middle of the night moving already i feel bladdy great :dance:

Anyone else 'blooming' ?
hi may mummies well just a little post to say how im getting on as no one has posted for a while,,, well my little man feels like he his about to come out he is soooooooo low, quite sore downstairs as well :think: anyone else like that. my heartburn has come back with avengence in the afternoon usually,it gets that bad im sick,ive tried everything to ease it but nothing works :( apart from this all is well,how is everyone else???????????xxxxxxxxxx

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